Chapter Twenty-seven

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Aiden's POV

Ethan comes back to the house 3 hours later then Rosalind and I. Who knows what him and Danny did in that time. But when he does coke back he looks worried.

"Aiden can I talk to you." Rosalind and I both stand up. "Just Aiden." She sits back down.

"What's so important we couldn't talk in front of Rosalind."

"I know you like her but she died, and everything is weird."

"Everything has been weird sense we came to this town. That has nothing to do with Rosalind."

"Wrong. It has everything to do with her. Look at everything that happened tonight and last night."

"What's your point?"

"This is my point." He holds up a set of bloody clothes.

"Wow, my opinion has changed so much from that. It's a set of cloths what does that have to do with anything."

"You know exactly what they are. It's Rosalind's cloths, the ones she was wearing last night. The night she left us in the woods. You can't keep denying it Aiden. I think we need to go talk to Klaus."

"Why Klaus?"

"He knows a lot about this stuff, not to mention he had the witch. Remember when he was telling us about what Rosalind is. He said she would continuously try and kill herself for more power. Now it's been about a week and she hasn't done so yet, probably because she found a way to get power without killing herself. How else would she know so much about what's been going on when no one else ever had a clue. The pieces are there, you just have to put them into place." I do say anything, I just stare at him. "Give it a chance. All you have to do is trust me."

"Fine. You better be right about this."

"I hope so." I hear Ethan say under his breathe. I go in and tell Rosalind that we are leaving but she can't come. The two of us make our way to the Mikaelson house.

When we get there Klaus answers the door and we head right in. "What do you two want." Klaus sounds annoyed but to be fair we bathed into his house with him not knowing any reason.

"We need to talk about Rosalind." Ethan says. Klaus nods and we all sit down. "If she found another way to get power without milking herself would she go for that."

"Or would the compulsion be to strong and she would just kill herself." I add.

"Depends on her will. If she didn't want to kill herself and she knew of an alternative way to get power she would go for it. If she wanted it enough. Why do you ask?" Klaus explains.

"Because we think." I fake cough. "Because I think that she is behind the recent sacrifices but she doesn't know it, like she's doing it subconsciously."

"That's a high possibility." There is this awkward period of silence where no one is talking before Klaus speaks up. "Were the last four people killed and found yet."

"Yes. Last night." I state.

"So Rosalind would be in the clear then. She was with you two all night."

"Not quite." Ethan pauses. "When we went looking for the last four bodies Rosalind went off on her own and we didn't see her until the morning. Then I found a set of her bloody cloths in the trash. The same ones she was wearing that day. That's why we came over here."

"If you two can't control her then we need to find a way to kill, or at least something that will keep her incapacitated."

"Woah, woah. We're not doing that. I'll just talk to her. Everything will be fine and we can let Rosalind live her life." I stand up.

"Aiden." Ethan says calmly. "You know we can't do that, because it's not going to work. She'll never stop. Now that she knows of a way to get more power she will keep preforming these sacrifices."

"Ethan's right. Rosalind has to be stopped."

"But she doesn't know what she's doing! She'll stop if we talk to her." I take a few steps back and both Ethan and Klaus stand up.

"The compulsion for power is too strong. and she's too young to die soon. There's nothing else we can do." Klaus comes closer.

"There's always another option." I run out of the room and out of the house. I get on my bike and start speeding home. "Rosalind we have to leave."

"What do you mean."

"Exactly that. Grab a couple things then we have to go."

"Aiden slow down. What's going on. I'm not doing anything until you explain."

"We don't have time. I'll explain on the way." I grab her things for her and put them in a bag.

"Aiden stop! I said explain." She grabs my arm, throws me to the ground and sits on top of me.

"They're going to coke and take you." I sigh.

"Take me where? And who's they?" She starts to get up.

"Ethan and Klaus. I don't know where. But away and somewhere you will never get out of. So if you want to have your life to yourself we have to leave." Rosalind nods her head and we leave.

"If we're going to do this. We're gonna need a real car."

"Where will we get one?"

"My dad has one. I'll get the keys." She goes deeper into the house and I wait outside.

"She's taking too long. I should go check on her." I make my way up to the house and when I open the door I see her coming.

"Just couldn't wait. Could you?"

"I guess not. Now give me the keys." She doesn't move. "Rosalind we are not playing this game right now. Give me the keys!" She rolls her eyes and hands them over.

A very packed chapter. I hope I didn't rush things too much with this. I tired dropping hints in earlier but I don't know if they came through the way I wanted them to.

Anyway please vote and comment.

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