Chapter Ten

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Rosalind's POV

When Rebekah and I leave we decide that we do not have as much time as we hoped and just go back to the school.

I text the twins and they show up in minutes.

"What are you?" Aiden looks at Rebekah.

"I'm a vampire darling, an original vampire."

"What does that mean?" Ethan asks.

"We were the first vampires to ever exist." Rebekah explains.

"But aren't werewolves and vampires supposed to be natural enemies." Aiden says.

"I mean technically, because our bit can kill vampires but because Rebekah and her family are the first it just makes them sick. They get over it in like a day or two, depending on how bad and deep the bite was." I respond.

"We should go before Deucalion realizes we were gone longer then we should have been." Ethan states.

I say ok and walk to their bikes.

"See that wasn't bad. Was it?" I look at them.

"No, actually it wasn't so maybe when you get ungrounded you can do this, but for now don't that again." Ethan says.

I smiles and get on his bike, and we head home.

When we walk in my dad opens his mouth and I cut him off before he can speak. "I know, I know straight up to my room."

"Actually that's not what I was going to say."

"Oh ok. Go on."

"Ethan and Aiden how did it go? Not only the cross country but everything in school.

I stand behind my dad and give them a look telling them to say the right thing.

"She's been doing fine." Aiden pauses. "Doing good."

I smile and my dad turns to me. "That's good. I will take away the mountain ash, but when you leave the house it will be before ten pm and always with one of the twins. Break the rules and I will reinstate the grounding."

I smile nod and leave.

Ethan's POV

Once Rosalind leaves Deucalion turns to us.

"Tomorrow is the full moon, and Rosalind has very little control over herself. You will need to be extra cautious, and watch her even more. Also as I am sure you have noticed she can be snappy and a little rude sometimes, this will be increased. Be care because does acts very impulsively, doesn't have control over her actions and is very strong. Also that she turns into a full wolf, not just partly." Deucalion explains.

Aiden and I nod our heads and leave.

"Tomorrow will be a lot of fun." Aiden comments.

"Please can you try to not provoke her?" I ask.

"I can try but I make no promises, sometimes I annoy her by just breathing."

"True, just try. I." I pause. "We don't need to deal with her 'extra' personality."

"Do you think we will still be able to go on with the plan or should we wait until after the full moon?"

"I mean Rosalind doesn't really care about us, so I don't think it will be a problem. Even if she happens to care then she'll attack them, hopefully without making a scene."

"I guess all we can do it wait."

I am sorry for the very short chapter but I have an idea for the next and I would not be able to fit it in nicely to this one, so I split it up into to. I hope that's ok, and I hope you liked the chapter.

If you ever read these little author notes, then what type of supernatural do you want Rosalind to be.
She can either be a werewolf or change into a hybrid, comment which you want/what you think is best.

Don't forget to vote.

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