Chapter Twelve

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Rosalind's POV

Finally the weekend, this first week has been a lot. I'm just glad it's over.

I look at phone and see a text from Rebekah.
'Hey. Since it's the weekend I was thinking we could hang out. Do you want to come over?'

'I'd love to.' I reply and get ready.

"Bye dad. I'm going out." I try and get out the door before he says anything but I'm too late.

"Where are you going?"

"Just out with Rebekah. Can I leave now?"

"Just wait for the twins. They need to come with you. Ethan, Aiden." He yells, and they come running. "Rosalind is going out and you two are going with her."

The three of us to leave the house and I wait until my dad can't hear to start talking. "So, I think you drive me to where I am going and then you leave."

"I'm pretty sure that's not what he meant." Ethan says.

"We are supposed to be with you." Aiden adds.

"I don't really care."

"You seemed to care yesterday." Aiden smiles.

"Now I would like to hang out with Rebekah alone. Turn left."

"But we haven't even got to meet her yet." Ethan says.

"She's cute."

"Ew, Aiden no. Never."

"Looks like somebody wants me all to herself." He looks back.

"No. You could die for all I care. Right."

"You'd be sad. Admit it, you love me."

"Keep telling yourself that. It's the big house at the end."

"Your friend lives there?" Ethan asks.

"Yeah. Is that a problem?"

"No, she's just really rich."

"Ok? I don't see how that applies. You both can leave now. I'll text you when we're done."

"Nope, we're coming in." Aiden says.

"I'm good. Just stay here. They aren't a big fan of wolves."

"You're going in." Ethan states.

"They'll put up with me because it's just one, and Rebekah's my best friend and I'm hers. So leave because they won't hesitate to kill you."

"Fine, but if something happens," Aiden starts.

I cut him off, "Now who's the one that cares."

"I dork care for you. I care about your dad killing me."

I get off, open the door and walk in. As soon as I walk in someone pins me to the wall, holding me by my throat. It's the vampire that I bit last night. I can see the bite making him sick. Making him weak. I grab his arm. twist it off of my throat and push him towards the ground.

"I bit you. Meaning your weak and I'm stronger."

He takes out a seringue and japs it into my neck. I feel weak and read to pass out. Right before I do I hear him say, "I thought you would say that."

When I wake up I am tied to a chair.

"What did you inject me with." I say weakly.

"Yellow wolfsbane. I did a little research and found out that the purple one doesn't work, and the yellow should. So I took my chances, and I'm glad I did." He explains.

"Why would you do that?" I ask.

"Because you bit me!"

"Well your not going to die so I don't see a problem."

"But I will get sick, and you can't think that you can get away with anything."

"Fine, do what want. But Rebekah will be back, and she won't be happy."

"Don't worry about her. I made sure that she's gone. But that's a good point."

He takes my phone and holds it up to my face, and it unlock it.

"What's your password."

"Why. Your already in my phone."

"What's your password." He looks into my eyes.

"I'm not an idiot. A vampire is my best friend. I keep vervain on me and in me."

"Then I guess we will do this the hard way."

TW. Torture

He takes our a knife and slits my wrists. They heal and he leaves. I let out a sigh of relief,  but then he comes back in with what I believe to be bear traps.

He unclips them and puts them on my wrist.

"Ahhhhh!" I scream in pain.

"That's a good start for bleeding you out."  Along with the bear traps he continuously keeps stabbing me in my legs and lower abdomen.

The pools of blood get bigger and bigger slowly filling up with my blood.

After what feels like forever I get a text but Kol still has my phone.

"Who's Aiden?"

"I don't know." I shrug

He comes closer to me. I take this as a chance to plan an escape.

"Ok. Ok." I pause. "He's my boyfriend. I told him that we would hang out with him after I hang out with Rebekah. I told him it should only be two to three hours. How long has it been, he must be worried."

"Not really. He's just curious. We'll have to think of something to say. He says, 'Hey Rosalind are you two almost done?'"

"Tell him that he needs to come and save me because a crazy guy has me."

He brakes four of my ribs. "A real answer, and I will leave you alone for an hour."

"Fine. Say 'Rebekah and I are going to hang out for a little longer. I don't know how long but I may not see you until tomorrow. Bye I love you.' Does that work?"

"It's perfect." He smiles, and brakes two more ribs.

"I thought you said you'd let me be?"

"I changed my mind. I'm having a quite bit of fun."

"Glad someone is." I roll my eyes.

"So where were we? Right I was about to go looking for that vervain on you."

He rips off all my jewelry, only that's not where the vervain is.

"Let's try now. All the vervain is out of your system and you have no more jewelry on you. Tell me what's your password?"

"One, why do you need it. You can obviously sent texts. And Two, it's  f u c k  y o u."

"Where is it!"

"I don't know, you find it."

He digs his hands into my abdomen and rips out my stomach.


"This is what you deserve."

Hey guys, I know that the end may not be what people like and I'm sorry but it's what I wrote so please don't hate. And I do put warnings and when I do they will go all the way to the end. So if you are uncomfortable then just skip to the next chapter. This goes for pain or sexual warnings.

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Sorry for any mistakes.

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