Chapter Sixteen

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After class is over I have a free period. I go to steal the motorcycle keys from Aiden, but as soon as I go to leave he grabs my wrist.

"What are you doing?" He asks.

"I have to go do something."

"Which is?"

"Doesn't concern you." I reply.

"That's not happening unless you tell me." He says still gripping my wrist.

"I found out more information and I need to see how it fits in. Now let go of me, or I'm gonna scream."

He lets go. "I'm coming with you."

"You're not going anywhere."

"You can't drive."

"I'll figure it out."

"And when you do, my bike will be all busted up. Give me the keys."

I look at him, turn and run.

I can tell he's chasing my and I run as fast as I can. He catches up to me and tackled me onto the grass. The few people that are around are looking at us weird. Aiden and I get up and walk somewhere without people. I try to run again but he grabs my arms and digs his claws in.

"Let go of me."

"If I do, promise not to run."


"You need to stay it."

"I won't run."

"Not that part."

"Ugh. I promise." I say with my fingers crossed behind my back.

"Good, now give me the keys."

"And if I don't."

"Then I call up your dad and tell him everything but in a way that doesn't get in any trouble."

"He'll know your lying and you had something to do with it, and he'll get mad you didn't tell him sooner. You would end up dead and all I would be is grounded for a little while. You wouldn't." I conclude.

Ethan comes and walks right up to Aiden and me. "What's going on here?" Ethan and Aiden look at each other and I take that as my sign to run. Ethan starts to come after me but Aiden stops him.

Aiden's POV

"Why did you just let her go?" Ethan asks.

"She knows what she walked herself into."

"Care to share that information to me?"

"We are going to tell Deucalion everything."

"That's a good plan." He pauses "Until we end up dead, for being involved."

"We won't, because we won't tell him part. All we have to do it call him, he can't hear our heartbeats over the phone."

"I am not participating in this."

"You should."


"Because if this goes well for me, then he will love me and wonder why you didn't tell me, or why we didn't tell him together."

"What about Rosalind?"

"Doesn't matter. We are loyal to Deucalion, Rosalind is just our assignment. Like Lydia or Danny." I say.

Rosalind's POV

Maybe he will follow through on his threat. I think for a minute and decide that's just stupid. I take Aiden's bike and I crash a couple time but I make it home eventually. I sneak into my room pull out the board. I should probably come up some sort of name for this thing instead of a board. Sacrifice board, that's the best thing I can come up with. I put up the possibility of virgins and the names off all the alpha's ex emissaries who may not be dead. I go online and do research on Druid rituals and put all the promising one into the board.  I look at the time and see that I need to make it back to school. I get on the bike and crash some more before I end up back the school.  I see Aiden and I throw him back the keys, not paying much attention to him at all. 

Ethan's POV

I watch as Rosalind walks past me. I debate wether I should tell her about Aiden and what he plans to do, but I know he's right. If I don't participate in this discussion I will end up dead, but I promised that Rosalind could trust me. Aiden and I promised that we wouldn't tell Deucalion, but here we are telling him everything. I'm not sure how Aiden is going to tell him everything and not mention that one, we let it happen, and two, that sometimes we were apart of it. Right before Rosalind is out of my line of sight I grab her by the arm and pull her into a closet.

"What the fuck!" She yells, which is a fair reaction.

"Calm down, let me explain." I let go of her arm.

"Fine. You have 15 seconds." Rosalind crosses her arms.

"Aiden is going to tell your dad everything." She uncrosses your arms.

"Really?" She asks concerned.

"Yeah, and I need to tell him with Aiden, otherwise I'm dead."

"Then why are you telling?"

"Because one of the first nights I promised you that you could trust me, and I'm here for you not only loyal to Deucalion. Just be prepared, I have no idea how this is going to work."

"Thanks for telling me I guess." She walks out of the closet.

During lunch I wake up to Aiden hoping that he has changed his mind.

"You ready?" I guess we're still doing this. Aiden pulls out his phone and calls Deucalion.

"Ethan, Aiden what is this about?"

"We have something's we think you should know." I pause. "About Rosalind."

"Go ahead."

"She's been sneaking out, and has run away from us going out on her own."

"How often has this happened."

"It happened once like a couple days to a week ago and we told her if it happens again then we were going to tell you. We caught her doing it again so here we are telling you." Aiden says again.

"Thank you for that, we'll talk to her after school. Get her to come back right away and I need you two listening to her heart beat again." Deucalion hangs up the phone.

"Aiden are you sure that was a good idea? Rosalind's gonna hate us now." I say.

"Of course it was, why would I care if she hates me." 

"Because you like her, I saw it the moment you saw her. I also know that she's likes you, or at least she did before this."

"I don't like her, and she doesn't like me, she doesn't like anyone."

"I have seen the way the two of you have been acting with each other lately. She kinda trusted you, in her own way. You took that way. Good luck getting that back." I walk away.

At the end of the day I wait by our bikes and see Aiden's all messed up. I hope that Rosalind comes first so the two of use can just leave and miss Aiden's original melt down. That doesn't happen, I see Aiden first. Rosalind not too far behind him. 

"Where is she!"

"Aiden, calm down. You've already done enough to get her in trouble, she doesn't need anymore."

"This is my bike! It's broken!"

"Let it go." I try and say calmly.

Rosalind comes right up behind Aiden and he turns around.

"What did you do!"

"I didn't quite understand how to drive it, so I crashed a couple times. Now it looks like that." She shrugs.

"We should be getting home."

"I don't see the rush." They both look at each other not taking their eyes off of the other.

"Ok." I say trying to break the tension between the two. "Let's just go." Rosalind's attention switches to me. She stares at me, and I know why.

She gets on behind me and we ride home.

Like I promised next week, here is the next part. I will try and post chapter seventeen as soon as I can, but I make no promises that it will be next week.  It will be posted before the end of the month.

Please vote and comment, and sorry for any mistakes.

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