Chapter Eleven

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Aiden's POV

Once I wake up I prepare myself for today. Not knowing the exact results but knowing that it won't be good.

I head downstairs and Ethan and I wait for Rosalind.

Rosalind comes down and I can see she's annoyed. I don't know how the day just started.

Rosalind doesn't say anything we just leave.

She rides with me and as soon as we start driving she digs her claws into my stomach.

"What was hell that for!" I say when we stop at a red light.

"Pretty much everything. I have wanted to do that ever sense I saw you." She responds.

"Then why do it now? You refrained yourself until now."

"You just annoy me more today, I don't know why. So I decided it would make me feel better and it did. I think I should do it more often."

"No! You shouldn't!"

"That's what you say." She pauses. "The lights green, go."

We arrive at school and she gets off and heads to Rebekah.

"How much longer do we have to put up with this. It's driving me crazy."

"Already, the day just started." Ethan says, with a hint of sarcastic in his voice.

"Yes! She dug her claws into my stomach on the way here!"

"Then I guess we don't have to worry about her getting in the way of the plan."

"Really Ethan that is what's going through your mind right now!"

"What, your healed. She didn't hurt you that bad. Your ego could use the hit."

I scoff. "Thanks."

We walk into the school and wait for the middle of first period to start.

I text Ethan, and leave the classroom to see him waiting for me in the hallway.

We stand there waiting for one of the pack to come out, then Isaac comes out.

Ethan and I look at each other and I hit him across the face throwing him into the lockers.

I keep hitting him and then right before everyone is about to come out I walk away.

When everyone comes out Danny goes right over to check if Ethan's ok. I am standing right next to Rosalind and I look at her, she looks slightly concerned, like she cares.

"Really Mr. Lahey, this will result in coming to my lunch time detention." Mr Harris speaks out.

Everyone walks away.

Caroline's POV

"This is so stupid. I didn't even do it." Issac says.

"We believe you, the twins may not be as perfect as they look." Allison says.

"We can help you get them back if you want." I smile.

"I don't,"

Issac cuts Scott off, "That'd be great."

Allison, Issac and I all go outside and to their bikes.

"How long is this going take?" Issac asks

"Okay. Pull back with your left hand. Kick down to put in gear. Front brake. Throttle. Back brake for stopping. Try not to crash. Here Caroline take these and show them to the twins." Allison gives me a bunch of part.

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