Chapter Twenty-five

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Ethan's POV

"Wanna explain now?" I ask.

"Deaton has gone missing. We need to find him and figure out if he's the next sacrifice or if this is all his fault." Rosalind explains as we are stopped at a red light.

"So where are we going, because just looking around randomly is pointless."

"You're right, we're somewhere that's going to help. " The light turns green and Aiden and Rosalind ride off. I don't know what Rosalind meant or where we're going but she seems confident. If we're being honest she also seems confident so this could go anyway.

5 minutes later we arrive at the clinic and Rosalind goes in while Aiden and I wait outside. It doesn't take her long to get in and out with something in her hand. "What is that." I point to her hand.

"Something that belonged to Deaton." She explains.

"Why do we need that."

"Just follow along. You'll understand eventually." Aiden says and they ride off again. 15 more minutes pass until we arrive at the Mikaelson house. I don't how they are going to help. From what I know werewolves have the better smell tracker. I figure it's best not to question it though, I just have to trust that Rosalind has a plan.

"Hey Rose what are you doing here." Rebekah opens the door and guides us in.

"We need your help, more specifically a witches help."

Rebekah looks down at Rosalind's hand. "A locator spell?"

"Yes. This guy has gone missing and we need to know where. I can explain if you help us." Rosalind bargains.

"I'll talk to Nik." Rebekah walks up the stairs and into a room.

"What's a locator spell?" I ask.

"Pick apart the words. It's right there." Rosalind answers.

"So that's what that's for." I point at what's in her hand. "What even is that."

"I ripped off a piece off his doctors coat. I didn't want to take the whole thing so I ripped off a piece."

Klaus comes out of the room. "There will be a witch here in a couple of hours." He says over the banister, then comes down the stairs. "Now you explain, or I'll telling the witch not to come."

"No need for the threat. I was gonna tell you anyway." Rosalind pauses. "So this guy Deaton is an emissary and maybe a Darach but we don't know yet. All we know is that he's a 'suspect' and he's missing. I want to find him before the pack does because they only see him as innocent and I don't agree. Any questions."

"One. What's going on?" Klaus asks.

"Oh right, you don't know the beginning. So basically there are sacrifices that are going around in sets of three to give someone a certain upgrade in that field. Someone wants that power for a specific reason. I want to know why and who. Does all that make sense."


"Good because I wasn't going to explain again. What are we gonna do for like the next 30 minutes?"

"I have an idea." Aiden winks at Rosalind.

"We're not doing that." She pauses. "Yet."

Stiles's POV

"We need to go after them." I say.

"We've been over this. We can't just leave school." Bonnie steps in front of me.

"But who knows what they are doing, or planning to do. We can't let them get to Deaton before we do."

"I agree with Stiles. We have to go now." Scott says.

"In the end I can't stop you, but I can't tell you that it's a bad idea." Bonnie says.

"Then we're leaving. Whoever wants to come can come and the rest of you can find us later." Scott, Elena, Issac and I leave. While Bonnie, Stefan, Caroline, and Lydia stay.

"Where do we go first?" Elena asks.

"Probably to where he was taken."

"The clinic." Scott finishes for me.

When we get there, there isn't much. Everything is mostly in place except for a couple things. There's a couple moths on the floor and there's a piece of Deaton's doctors coat ripped off. Maybe Rosalind has already been here and she took it, or he was struggling when we got taken. That makes more sense, I mean no one told Rosalind where he was taken from.  "There's nothing here."

"So what do we do next." Isaac asks.

"I have no clue." Scott answers.

Rebekah's POV
"Freya's here!" I yell and everyone comes downstairs.

"What is it you need." Freya says.

"A locator spell. And sorry for being you back here so soon."

"I was wasn't back to New Orleans yet so it's not a bid deal." Rose hands Freya the piece of fabric. "Now all I need is quite. Leave or stay I will tell you have I have what you need."

All of us go upstairs and wait for Freya to tell us she's done. Freya finds the location after a couple minutes and we all go back downstairs. Rose reaches for the map when Freya grabs her hand.

"Before I give this to you I want to know what it's for."

Rose rolls her eyes and explain the whole thing again. Freya hands over the map and her Ethan and Aiden go to leave. "I want to come with you." I vamp speed in front of them.

"You don't need to do this." Rose says.

"But you do, so I'm coming. I'm not letting you go ever again. Deal with it." We both laugh.


The twins leave their bikes at my house and we all get in my car. Rose continues to give directions until we arrive at an old bank. We split up and search the place until Ethan yells. In front of him is who I'm guessing is Deaton being hung my his wrists. Rose goes and gets him down.

"How did you do that." Ethan asks.

"What?" Ethan points at this circle of black salt.

"I don't know."

"New power." Aiden smiles. "Mountain ash is no longer a problem."

"Do you think he did it?" I ask.

"No. He wouldn't put himself in a circle of mountain ash when the people he knows to save him are supernatural. Plus a few more minutes and he would have been death, but I don't think he was the target."

"What do you mean?"

"Until now we've only found the dead bodies, and never have we known I'm advice. I think this was all a distraction."

"But from what?" Aiden asks.

"That's the question."

Wow, the ending.

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