Chapter Five

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"Hi, I my name is A-L-A-R-I-C S-A-L-T-Z-M-A-N." He spells out on the board, "It's a mouth full. I know. It doesn't exactly roll off the tongue. Saltzman is of German origins. My family immigrated here in 1755 to Texas. I, however, was born and raised in Boston. Now, the name Alaric belongs to a very dead great grandfather I will never be able to thank enough. You'll probably want to pronounce it Ala-ric but it's
A-lar-ic, ok? So you can call me Rick. I'm your history teacher. Now the way I have just introduced myself may seem like I am new here, but I am not. I have been teacher at Beacon Hills high school or just about two years, and I have been a teacher longer than that. History is definitely one of my passions and if it is not for you, that is ok. I have two goal through out this whole year. One for you all to learn and remember at least five of the things I teacher you, and two for you to walk out liking history more than you do right now."

This class will be fun.

After this class I have math then I go and find Rebekah at lunch.

"Hey Bex." I say walking over to her.

"Hi Rose. So how were your first three classes?" She asks.

"So boring. First I had science and I have the most annoying lab partner ever. Then I had history and the teacher started the class by tell us his whole family's origin. Then I had math which was good." I answer.

"For history do you have Mr. Saltzman?"

"I do. Why?" I question.

"I have him to. I would stay away from him, he's a hunter."

"I think I'll be ok, but why would be hanging out with a teacher anyway?"

"I don't know what you do." We both laugh.

Caroline's POV

"Hey guys." Elena, Bonnie, and I walk up to the table with everyone else.

"Do you know who that is? The one with Rebekah." Lydia asks.

"We don't know her name." Bonnie responds.

"That's Rosalind." Liam comes over.

"And how do you know her?" Scott questions.

"We're lab partners. She kinda mean."

"Tell me about it. We went over to talk to her earlier and she just blew us off. But the twins we came with were hot." I roll my eyes.

"She's kinda hot though." Stiles looks at her.

"Stiles!" We all yell.

"I mean he's not wrong." Isaac adds.

"What twins?" Allison looks at me.

"Again, we don't know their names but they looked our age." Elena says.

"Hopefully they are in some of my classes. I got use a distraction with Jackson leaving." Lydia jumps in.

"You never did tell us what happened with him." Bonnie hints.

"It's no big deal, he just went to London after we cured him if being a kanima." Lydia says.

I turn my head, "There. That's them."

Allison and Lydia look in their direction.

"Wow." Lydia says.

"You weren't lying they are hot." Allison states.

We all watch as they walk over to Rosalind and Rebekah. They sit down and start talking.

"Can you hear them?" Bonnie I inquires.

"I don't think we should listen on their private conversation." Scott moralizes.

"Shut up." Isaac smiles and we both listen in.

"What are you doing?" Rosalind snarks.

"We came to eat lunch with you." One of the twins say.

"Well you can leave." Rosalind expresses.

"Sorry but no." The other retorts.

"Go over to the table over there." Rosalind points at us. "The girls seem to have an interest in you." She waves at us.

We stop listening.

"So, what are they talking about?" Allison asks.

"Rosalind doesn't seem to like them." I say.

"She wants them to leave her and Rebekah alone." Isaac adds.

"I don't get this girl at all." Lydia sits back in her chair.

"What's the confusing part?" Elena says confused.

"It's her first day her here and she is already friends with the riches family here. She has two hot guys wanted to hangout and talk to her and she blows them off. I don't care how but pride you have you have you don't turn that down."

"Do you know is she's supernatural?" Stiles asks.

"I have no clue, but if she is hanging out with Rebekah I doubt she's human." I answer.

"What's Rebekah?" Isaac questions.

"She's a vampire." Bonnie responds.

"Fun town we live in. Werewolves, vampires, witches, banchées and whatever else chooses to come." Scott and everyone laughs.

Lydia's POV

Lunch finishes and we all go off to our classes.

Isaac, Scott, Elena and I all go to English. We walk in and head to our seats. When I sit down and turn around I see one of the twins come and sit next to me.

"Hi. I'm Aiden."

"I'm Lydia." I smile.

"Can I have your number."

"Of course, give me your phone." He hands his phone over and I type my number and name into his phone.

I give it back and he texts me.

'Who is this' he texts.

'Very funny' I reply.

'Admit it I'm cute' he types.

'Wow' 'straight to the point' I send it separate lines.

'Why waist time when I know what I want'

'Ok come over after school' I look up at him.

'You'll need to tell me where you live'

'Just follow me' I put my phone down.

Sorry this one was a little but all over the place with the three changing povs. Hope you liked it anyway.

If it wasn't clear '...' that means texting and I will use that in future.

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