Chapter Twenty-One

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Rosalind's POV

I try and sneak out through the window but before I can get all the way through I hear something. I push the rest of my body out the window and start falling. Before I hit the ground someone catches me.

"And where do you think your going luv?" The voice says.

"Your Klaus right." I ask.

"That I am. So where are you going?"

"I just want to walk around in the forest, get some time alone."

"I don't think that's a good idea." He puts me down.

"I don't care what you think." I'm about to start running Klaus grabs my arm.

"Let me rephrase that, you are not going to leave."

"You can't just keep me in this house, it's not even mine."

"I can do what I want luv."

"Why do you even want me here?" I say as he drags me back into the house.

"Because I want to know what you are."

"I'm a werewolf. Done, now I can leave."

"Your more than that. You died and came back to life, and your still alive."

"I don't know about that. You don't know, I don't know, mutual confusion."

"Rosalind, you are not going to talk your away out of this."

"I could cry kidnapper. I could call the police telling them I got kidnapped." Klaus locks the door behind us.

"Then I would compel the police officer that you lied."

"Ugh." I roll my eyes. "Find out fast, I don't want to be here any longer, and I definitely don't want to run into Kol again."

"That last part I can help you with."

"How, because if he even comes close to me again I will run for the hills."

"I have ways to control my family."

"You better." I walk back to my room. With the window already open I start to climb out, and jump. I land on my feet and start running, but before I know it, I'm getting wolfsbane injected into me. Not enough for me to pass out but enough to where I can't run. "I was so close."

"No, you really weren't. Now back to the house." Klaus sweeps me off my feet and carries me wedding style back to the house. Once we're inside he lays me down on the couch. "As you seen running doesn't do you any good. I don't want to hurt you, but I don't want you leaving more. If you continue to try and leave this will only get worse, do you understand?" I nod my head and Klaus goes into the other room. Despite agreeing with Klaus I start thinking of another way out.

Slowly I start feeling better and get up to see if they have a back door. Before I make a way up Klaus puts his hand on shoulder slightly pushing me back down. "You're going to stay in my sight until I know you won't run." I throw my head back and roll my eyes. Klaus takes his hand off of my shoulder.

After what feels like forever just staring at the ceiling I hear a knock at the door. Klaus gets up to answer it and I try to make an escape. I am just about it make it out of the room when it feels like I hit a wall. "What the fuck!"

"Rosalind this is Freya, she's going to tell us what you are. Do as she says and I won't need to get involved." Klaus sounds like he's threatening me but the words don't.

"Hi, Rosalind. What I need from you is some of your blood and for you to sit here as still as you can." She points to the floor. I don't move and look at Klaus, and he gives me a look telling me to do. I sit on the floor, hold out my wrist, and look away. She cuts my wrist and I can feel all the blood flowing out, then it heals. "I'm sorry Rosalind but that's not enough." She cuts again, it heals, and she cuts for the last time.  She closes her eyes and mutters something in a language I don't know. This goes on for about ten minutes she stops. She looks at Klaus and the two of them go into a different room. I look at this time as an opportunity and go for the front door, but that one has a wall too. I walk up to the stairs but as I go to step on the first one there's another wall. "Why are there so many invisible walls." I say to my myself.

"Thank you Freya." Klaus says as she goes to leave.

"So want to tell me what I am so I can leave?" I walk up to him.

"Your something called a forever wolf. They're very rare."

"Meaning?" I ask.

"You can't die by unnatural causes. Meaning you can only die from sickness and old age. Also can also create alpha's, and shapeshift into any animal."

"But? There's always a catch in this sort of thing."

"There is. You can't control any of this and you will constantly want to kill yourself for more power."

"Great. I don't want to kill my self now though."

"Maybe it takes some time to kick in."

"So I can leave now?"

"No. I just told you that you will want to look yourself, you're not leaving until the twins come and get you."

"You're not gonna let me out of the house are you?"

"Or out of my sight. I will not be responsible for the death of Rebekah's best friend. At least you aren't dangerous towards us."

"How does that help me?"

"Because now I will let you hang out with Rebekah."

"You would be an awful person to date." I walk back to the couch.

I hope you liked this chapter. I don't really have anything else to say so please vote and comment.

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