Chapter Nine

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Aiden's POV
We run towards the end of the trail, and I see Lydia waiting and run passed Ethan and Rosalind.

"Hey, Lydia. Waiting for me I see." I smile at her. She looks away from my eyes and towards her friends.

"Actually, I didn't even know you were apart of this. We're waiting Scott, Stiles, Liam, Isaac,  Stefan, Tyler and Matt."

"We passed them a while ago, they might be some time." I say trying to regain her attention.


"Yeah, my brother," I pause and I think whether I should mention Rosalind or not. "Rosalind and I." I mention her because I don't need her to catch me in a lie. Rosalind and I have a weird relationship, I don't want Lydia to think that something's going on.

A few seconds later they come out. Ethan seeing that I'm with Lydia grabs Rosalind and leads her away.

"Rosalind." I can tell she doesn't like her, but I can't do anything about it. They don't have to interact so it's fine. "Why are you two with her. She's a bit of a bitch."

She's not wrong, but I don't have a choice. "She's like family." I mean I'm not lying.

"Oh. We should be getting back to waiting for the boys." Her friends look at me, and I can tell it's time for me to go. Not to mention I can hear them coming.

I walk away and catch up to Ethan and Rosalind.

"So you and Lydia." Rosalind says.

"She's a lot nicer then you." I reply.

"And I was beginning to think you liked me. Maybe I still think that. Who knows." She walks faster.



"You know you're not going anywhere, right." Ethan adds.

"That's not true." She starts running.

"And she says she doesn't run." Ethan and I run after her.

When we catch up and tackle her to the ground.

"Why do you alway run," Ethan starts. "You know you'll never get away." I finish.

"That's not what I think." Rosalind says.

Her friend Rebekah comes and pushes us off, picks her up and they both just disappear.

"This won't be good." Ethan stands up.

"Obviously. We need to fine her." I stand up.

"Do you think she'll pick up if we call her?"

"Hopefully. You should do it, she definitely won't if I do it."

Ethan takes out his phone and calls Rosalind. She picks up.


"Rosalind get back here right now!" I yell.

"I don't think so." She responds calmly.

"Your dad won't like this." Ethan adds.

"He won't like that you lost me more." I can hear the delight in her voice.

"What's your point?" I ask.

"You let me have fun for two hours, then I will come back willingly. In return neither of us tell my dad. Deal?"

"One hour." I negotiate.

"Deal." She hangs up.

"I just got played didn't I?" Ethan nods his head. "What do we do now?"

"I don't know, but I'm kinda hungry."

"I'm down, let's go."

Rosalind's POV

"Thanks Bex."

"Anytime, so where to?"

"Your brother was kinda cute."

"Really Rosalind, no. It doesn't matter which one, no. Any of them would break your heart."

"See when people tell my I can't have something it only makes me want it more."

"They are all monsters, even Elijah. He may not look it but none of them are capable of love. Time has just broke it out of them."

"I'll be cautious." I smile.

"Let's go to the mall."

"That wouldn't work. If we go to the mall I would need to buy something. It's just not possible not to." We both laugh. "Then I would come home with shopping bags, and my dad would get mad."

"Makes sense. We can go to the grill and just hang out."

"We could go back to your house." I smile.

"Very funny I'm not falling for that."


She drives us to the grill.

Damon's POV

I see Rebekah come in with some girl that I have never seen before.

"Elena, who's that girl with Rebekah?" I lean to her.

"Her name is Rosalind." Jeremy answers.

"I wasn't asking you. Do we know anything about her?"

"Only that she's a bitch." Elena says.

"I don't know she's kinda hot."

"Damon!" Stefan, Elena and Jeremy yell.

"What. I don't see anything wrong with her, other than her choice in friends."

"She's just all around mean. She doesn't take the time to care about anything but herself." Jeremy answers.

"She sounds smart. The only person you can really trust is yourself."

"Leave it alone Damon. It's not worth it." Stefan pulls him back.

"I want to talk to her." I get up.

"Damon, this is stupid stay away." Stefan demands.

"You can't tell me what to do, now let go before I hurt you." She let's go and I walk over to them.

Before I get there I see Elena trying to stop me, but I hear Stefan say "Just let him do it, we have to let him learn his lesson on his own."

I roll my eyes.

"Hey girls." I smile and sit down.

"Who are you, and why are you talking to us?" Rosalind asks.

"My names Damon."

"He's annoying, and friends with them." Rebekah points her head Stefan, Elena, and Jeremy.

"Ugh. We don't need more vampire parasites." She rolls her eyes. "Let's go Bex. We only have about thirty minutes before we have to go."

"Where are you to going on this time crunch." I drag on the conversation.

"That's none of your business." They both get up.

"They're right, you are a bitch." I look up at Rosalind.

"So many people calling me that today. I would hurt you but-" She stops talking and slots my throat with her claws.

"Where'd those come from." I grab napkins and start to wipe up the blood.

"I'm a werewolf, so watch it." Rosalind and Rebekah leave.

I hear back over.

"See what I mean." Elena looks at me.

"Shut up."

Again sorry for the skipping around with people, but it's easier to do to get certain parts of the story. I will be doing this in the future, they will be like this or one switch or no switch. It'll very depending on the chapter.

I hope you liked it.

Please like and comment with any suggestions.

Sorry for any mistakes.

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