Chapter Fifteen

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"Hey Rosalind, are you awake?" Aiden whispers in my ear.

"I am now." I told my eyes. "What do you want?"

"I want to talk about last night, and the board of information that you have hidden."

"I just wanna go back to sleep."  Aiden doesn't move. "Leave! We can talk tomorrow, I don't care when. Just not in the middle of the night!" 

"Fine.Just remember we have school in the morning, and be careful."

"Why? I have no one to be scared of." I ask.

"I'm not so sure." He leaves.

Try to go back to sleep, but I can't, his words just running around in my head. What if something else happens? What if I'm not safe? I always thought I would be, with everything in my life. Maybe I do need someone to protect. Maybe I need the twins.

I wake up in the morning, knowing that I must have fallen asleep eventually. I get ready and go downstairs for breakfast.

"How was last night Rosalind? Did anything happen?" My dad asks.

"No. Everything was normal, right Aiden?" I give him a look telling him to agree with me.

"Yup. Just normal woods." He says and I look at him with a slight confused look on my face.

"Are you sure?" My dad asks again.

"Positive." The twins and I leave and go to school.

"What actually happened in the woods?" Ethan looks at Aiden.

"Nothing. Why do you ask?" I answer before Aiden can.

"Because, and I quote "Just normal woods" no one says that."

"We found-"

I cut Aiden off before he can say anything more. "Nothing. Doesn't involve you."

Ethan drops the subject. Once we get to school I see Rebekah waiting for me, but I walk right passed her.

Rebekah's POV

"What happened between the two do you?" Ethan asks.

"She trusted me. Then she got hurt. Although it really didn't have anything to do with me, it hit her hard. There's a lot about her past that you don't know. That really only I ever knew. That's why it hurt her so much. She's working it out right now, in her own way."

"What are you going to do in the meantime?" Aiden inquires.

"Nothing. I am going to leave her alone. Once she has figured it out she'll come to me, and we'll figure the rest out together. That or she'll never talk to me again. Could go either way." I reply.

"She can be pretty moody." Ethan states.

"Don't say that about my best friend!" I walk away.

"Some weird friends they are." Aiden says.

"I heard that!" I yell back at them, and walk into school.

Rosalind's POV

When I get into the main hallway I see the police, and Stiles. I walk up to Stiles and sit next to him. 

"Hi, I'm Stiles." He says.

"I know." I reply.

"You do? I'm older than you, meaning we have on classes together. How do you know me?"

"I don't talk to many people during school, and the ones I do talk to aren't in any of my classes. So I have nothing to except watch people. I pay attention, and you caught my eye." I lead him on, so that when I ask him about the police he wants to tell me, or so it's awkward enough for him to have to tell me.

"And what in particular were you looking for?"

"Anyone interesting, that could need something else in their life. Or someone who feels left out. I mean if I'm wrong then I'm sorry, but can I ask you something?" I flirt a little more.


"Why are the police here, and why do you look like you're right in the middle of it?"

"I kinda am. I went to a party last night with this girl and now she's dead. I was the last one to see her alive."

"Like I said interesting. What did she look like?"

"She had blonde hair-"

I cut him off slightly as I say under my breathe "So now three."

"What was that?"

"Nothing." If there is already three people dead, that means either the sacrifices are complete and something's going to happen or they have just completed one section. Meaning whatever these three people have in common doesn't matter as much anymore because the next three people will have something totally different in common. But I still want to know what they do have in common. "Was there anything special about her?"

"What do you mean special?"

"I mean something that only a small group of people in county that are our age share? I don't mean a disability but something else."

"I mean she was a virgin, but I'm not sure if that what your looking for. What are you looking for?"

"Not quite sure yet, but I think that helps." I walk away. Virgins would make sense, they are used in a lot of sacrificial ceremonies. I have no way to know for sure without knowing if the first two were virgins. If they were then that's a lot of progress. I over to my science class and sit down. I pull out my phone and look up different Druid rituals to see what fits with what I have to far.

"What are you doing?" Liam whispers.

"None of your business." I whisper back.

"What what are you two whispering about?" Mr. Harris comes over.

"For him to stop talking to me." I look up and turn my phone upside down.

"How about neither of you talk, and pay attention to what I'm teaching. Also Rosalind you stay off of your phone, this class not a free period. Next time detention." He turns around and I roll my eyes.

I got this part confused with another one, the long chapter is coming later. I am sorry for not posting in a while, I started writing and then I forgot about it. Then I didn't know where to go with it next and when I came up with an idea I got a concussion and couldn't do anything for a while.  So after the long wait here you go chapter Fifteen. I will try my best to be as active as I can for the rest of the book.

Please vote and comment, it really makes me feel good about writing it.

Sorry for any mistakes, the next chapter will be up next weekend I promise.

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