Proposals ~ Minishaw, Behzksi, Vobi

Start from the beginning

What he says isn't one hundred percent clear, but some viewers are sure they catch Simon's name falling from Vik's lips, whilst other's swear by hearing, "We propose to a member of the opposite team, remember?"

Whilst what Vik says is up to debate between Sidemen fans, what Harry teases rings loud and clear through speakers of all types. All different devices.

"You best hope Tobi gets put on the other team, then, mustn't ya?" It takes Harry a moment to connect what it was he said to the short series of events leading up to that moment. He verbalises his realisation without thought, muttering, "Ah, shit," as if he just knows that some fans won't hesitate to make fun of him for his mistake.

Vik merely shakes his head and laughs at the - now - embarrassed man.

Meanwhile, Josh is gearing up to reveal which team JJ will be on, and which one Ethan will be on. Finally, he tells the two, "Ethan, join Simon and Tobi. JJ, join Vik and Harry."

As the two men join their respective teams, Josh tells the viewers a few last minute details, including each team's budget. (The budget for the team is the amount each member on that team gets to spend. So, they technically all have their own budgets - they're just the same as their teammates.)

The budget for Harry, JJ, and Vik's team is significantly higher than the budget for Simon, Ethan and Tobi's team.

Josh then sends the boys away, cheerily, telling the cameras that the boys are being given two weeks to plan. (It is later revealed on Twitch that Josh didn't want to give them too much time to plan their proposals, but also wanted to give them enough time that they could prepare well. In the end, he settled with two weeks. That could be plenty of time if used correctly - if not, then it would make the video all the more interesting to their fan base.)


The video cuts, then. The image that pops up, instantly, is one of Harry, Vik, and JJ, all three of them sat around a wooden table. They're out, it seems, judging by the drinks on the table at their sides. There isn't really much background noise, so the place they're in must not be too crowded; there is, however, a lulled murmur doing its rounds, back and forth across the room repeatedly, informing the viewers of the other occupants.

"So," Harry is the first to talk on camera, and it also seems like he's the first to start talking about the video, because the tone of the table changes instantly at that one little word. "About the video..."

"We need to decide who's proposing to who, though, for starters." Vik says, the voice of reason at a time where no voice of reason is necessary, yet his words aren't unwelcomed by any means.

"Don't put me with Simon, I beg," JJ pleads, his eyebrows furrowed minutely and his dark eyes nothing but earnest. When the other two boys nod, but gesture for him to continue, as if asking who he would rather be paired with, then, he says, "Put me with like, I dunno... Ethan! Or something."

Vik has both his laptop in front of him and a small A5 notebook placed on the table beside it, squeezed in between the device and his glass of ice water. As he nods, he scribbles briefly on the open page of the notebook. The camera briefly pans to where he's written, JJ - ETHAN, in small capital letters with a squiggly line beneath the two names.

Harry isn't talking, but he is staring unblinkingly at Vik's hand, the one holding the pen, poised as if ready to write more. The viewers aren't mind readers, so unaware of what he is thinking, some of them believe he has simply zoned out.

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