•The end of the story•

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Heyy everyone,

I want to thank you all for reading

Just you and me...

I am so grateful for all of you. I hope you enjoyed this book because I really enjoyed making it.

Axel and Riley have a speciale place in my heart and I'm going to miss writing about them but there story is done and we will have to move on.

This was my first book and It isn't perfect but that makes this book special.
For me it is perfect, for me they were real and writing something like this isn't easy but I tried.

Also none of the pictures I have put in this books are mine. I got them all from Google and they are 100% from the people who made them.

Also please don't copy my book. I put so much time in this and it's not yours so please don't copy.

But that is all for today. Again thank you .

Thank you for being here and thank you for following the story of Riley and Axel.

This may be the end of there story but not from me. I will be making more stories when I come up with a good idea.

For now guys love you all so much.

I hope to see you all in the next story.

Take care <3


Just You And Me...Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora