•Chapter 11•

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{Riley Pov}

Wait who's here?

"I'm coming" Axel said giving me one last look and he walked out of the room.

My brother look at me serious

Oh god...

"Listen bro nothing happend we were just talking nothing more" I say while we walk out of Axels office.

"Riley that didn't look like nothing! You were going to kiss him" he kind of yelled.

"Okay first shut up not everyone has to hear about our conversation and second even if I was that is none of your business!" I yelled back.

"It is my business! I'm your brother and I need to keep you save from people like him"

"But were you not the one who wanted me to go with him in the first place" we stop walking and I turn to him.

"I said that as a joke I didn't think you would really like our boss!" He looked really pissed but so was I.

"Can we stop talking about this! I don't want to talk about it anymore. Nothing happend and that's that." I start walking again.

"Fine but whatever you do don't even think about getting with our boss. He is dangerous and I don't want to see you hurt"

I say nothing else and just keep walking to the fighting room. It's only 7:30pm so we just went over there.
We walk in and I saw the guys.

"Hi guys" I say.

"Hey Riley how's your arm" Josh asked.

"Could be better but it will heal" I gave him a smile to show him I was okay.

"Okay anyways have you all heard" my brother said.

"About what" Josh asked.

"Sem is here" Jayden answered.

Wait who is Sem?

"Umm who is this Sem guy?" I asked.

"He is the boss of another Mafia gang. Our boss helped him one time and then Sem told him that he will always help our boss if he needed anything. So now his gang and our gang kind of work together when one of us needs help." Rex said.

"So your telling me that there is another Mafia boss under this roof?" I ask.



"But whats Sem's gang called" I really want to know more about this.

"There name is Demon bullets" Josh said.

"Okay well will we ever meet these Demon bullets?"

"We already met them but yeah you will meet them to" Chase said

After that we just kept talking about there gang until the guys were sick of me asking all these Questions and just ignored me.


The guys kept training while I was on my phone with my earphones in. I was listening to some music and playing a game.

After some time me and Jayden where our of the fighting room and heading to his car. We got in and he started it while I was still listening to music.

After 20 minutes we were home. We got out the car and when to the front door. We walk in and saw mom and dad sitting in the living room watching some tv.

"Hey mom, hey dad what you watching?" I ask.

"Just the news" Mom said.

I turn my head to the tv and saw a picture of our gangs logo on it.

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