•Chapter 4•

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{Riley Pov}

After I told him my answer he turned to my brother and walked to him. Saying something into his ear and my brother nodded. Then the man walked out of the room.

After that my brother came running up to me.
"Sis I'm so sorry I should of never told you anything about this."

"It's okay brother but please untie these ropes." I tell him trying to get free myself.
"Of course" and with that he untied them.
"What now?" I ask him while standing up.

"You have to meet the boss in his office he wants to talk to you about some stuff" He told me while walking to the door.
"Will you be in there with me" I ask him a little scared.
"Sorry sis we are only allowed in there if we are called" and with that being said my brother opened the door and started walking I follow after him still shaking a little but I then tell myself that I'm not going to let them scare me.

We walk around this big hall until we take a left and go up the stairs. After walking a little more my brother stops. he looks at me and tells me to go in.

I knock on the door and hear a come in.  I open the door and saw the man sitting in his big boss chair looking me right into my eyes. I walk in the room and close the door behind me.

"Take a seat we have a lot to talk about."

I do what he told me to do and take a seat infront of him.

"So Riley was the name right" he asked me.
"That's right sir" I said trying not to be scared. Like being in the same room as a Mafia boss isn't something I would chose. But I won't let him scare me.

"Well Riley you know about the gang now and we can't have any other people know who we are or what we do. Now that you joined you have to swear on your life that you will not say a single word. If I find out you did I will not go easy on you and will put a bullet in your brain did I make myself clear!" He said the last bit a little louder than the other part.

"Yes sir I will keep my mouth shut I will swear to not say a single word about this gang." I tell him kind of more scared now.

"Good Jayden will help you with stuff you need to know and learn. Like fighting, shotting, drug dealing and other stuff. Again Riley I went easy on you the first time I won't be the next time." He said looking really serious.

"I understand sir" I say.
"Okay well then you may leave your brother will take it from here" and with that he looked back to his paperwork.

I got up and almost ran out of that room where I find my brother leaning agenst the wall.

"Sis I'm sorry" Jayden said to me.
"Jayden just forget it you have to teach me everything and I don't want 'our' boss getting mad at me for not learning it. So let's just go." I tell him while walking to the stairs.

"Yeah sure we are going to the fighting room if we are going to start we have to make sure you know how to fight." He told me while he lead the way.
"I know how to fight" I tell him a little annoyed because he thinks I don't know anything.

"You may know how to but you don't have the guts to do it" he told me while taking a right.

Okay so maybe he was right I know how to fight but I never did it before. I just could never do it ugh this is going to be hard.

We arrive at the fighting room and when my brother opened the door I saw more then 20 man and woman in there fighting. Some were fighting each other while some were hitting punching bags. Other were doing push-ups or sit-ups.

Out of no where 3 guys came walking up to us.
"Hey man who's the chick" one of the  guys said he had blond hair and hazel eyes he looked like 6,3 and he only had some shorts on.

"Guys this is my sister Riley she joined today." He said to the man. "Riley this is Chase" he said while pointing to a boy with brown hair and brown eyes. He also only had shorts on.
"And this is Rex" he pointed to the boy with blond hair.
"And this Josh" he pointed to a boy who had blown hair but blue eyes he also only had shorts on just like the other two.

"It's nice to meet you Riley" Josh said giving me a smile.
"Yeah It's nice to meet you all to" I tell the 3 off them giving them a small smile.
"Anyways we need to get her some practice because she doesn't know how to fight" my brother told them.
"Well c'mon then we will help you It's easy you'll get the hang of it." Rex said.
"If you say so" I told him.

We walk to a corner where there were not many people and Jayden told me to try and hit Chase.
I'm a little scared because I'm maybe 5,5 and he is 6,2 so there was good few inchs differents.

I look Chase right into his eyes and then I try and hit him. Of course that didn't happen because he stopped my hand before I even came close to hitting him.

"You got to be faster and your punch is weak. We have to work on that but I do say your not scared to trow a punch so that I can give you" he said while he let go of my hand.

"I know but I'm trying" I told him.
"I know you are but you got to try harder to beat me." He said giving me a smirk.
We were there for like a hour I was trying to be faster with throwing punches and I even hit Josh one time it didn't hurt him but I did hit him.

"Okay that's enough for today you did good Riley maybe in a couple of weeks you will be just as good as us." Chase told me giving me a smirk.
"Maybe I'll even be beter" I tell him.
"We'll see Riley" he said.

"C'mon Riley let's get home you must be tired and to be honest so am I" Jayden said.
"Yeah let's go see ya guys" I kind of yelled waving at the guys while walking away.
"See ya around Riley!" Rex yelled back.

We get to my brother's car and we get in. Today has been interesting I joint a gang, I met te boss and I learn how to fight with my new friends.
I still can't believe that I danced with a Mafia at the club that night. But what's his name I don't know anything of him yet I have a feeling he knows everything of me.

"Hey bro what's our boss name" I ask my brother.

"He doesn't really like people who know his name but because I have told you a lot already I'll just tell you his name is Axel Adams" my brother tells me
"Why you want to know"

"Oh just because he is my boss now to and I know nothing about him but I have a feeling he knows everything about me."
I tell him honestly.

"Well sis you got that right. Ones you become a part of his gang he will find everything he can about you. It's like his way to make sure he can know how to hurt you best. But don't worry as long as you do what he wants you to do your save."

Well at least I know something about him to now but one thing is for sure.

I am not breaking my promise cause if I do he will make my life a living hell....

Hope you liked this chapter!:)

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