•Chapter 2•

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{Riley pov}

It's Saturday and I just woke up a hour ago it's now 10pm. I was just chilling on my bed watching a movie on my laptop when I got a message on my phone

Hey riley just wanted to ask If you would join join us at the café in the mall?

                                      Sure would love to

Okay see ya at the café at 11pm

                                               Okay see ya

I got out of my bed and closed my laptop. I walked to my closet because I was in some sweatpants and a shirt.
I got some black jeans and a cute white crop top with a leather jacket. I put my clothes on and got my purse with my phone and some money.

I walk to my brother's room because I really don't want to walk to the mall from my house It's like 25 minutes.
I open his door and walk in his room.

"Hey Jayden quick Question can you please bring me to the mall?" I asked him with my puppy eyes.
"You Lucky sis I was just about to go there C'mon" he said.

We walk downstairs and our mom and dad were in the living room.

"Mom, Dad I'm going to the mall to see my friends and Jayden is bringing me." I said to them.
"Okay honey have fun!" My dad said.

Me and Jayden walk out of the house and got into his car. He started the car and we were of to the mall.
We arrive at the mall and me and jayden said bye. I walk to the little café I have been here to many times now. They have great coffee here and I love coffee so It's great.

I walk in the café and see Mason and Andrew sitting at a table. I walk up to them but they didn't see me they wore to busy doing stuff on there phone so I decided to scare Mason because he had his back turned to me. I walk up behind him and boo.

"AH! RILEY!!"he yelled.
I started to laugh so hard that I almost fell over.
"It's not funny" Mason said.
"It kinda is" I said while trying to stop laughing.

I take the seat next to Andrew because  Mason was a little mad but then Andrew put his phone in my face.

"Look there's this mafia gang on the news. There called the Snakes and the news said that they killed over 50 man yesterday night." Andrew explained to me.
"That are a lot of man but why?" I asked kind of scared that there is a dangerous gang out there.
"That's the point nobody knows and they can't find anything. It's like it never happend but yet it did." Andrew said while he looked at his phone.
"Yeah they say here the police arrested 2 people but they didn't say anything and they have been let out because there was no proof they had anything to do with it." Mason said after a while it looked like he wasn't even surprise like he knew this would happen. Weird...

"Guys C'mon put your phones away let's just enjoy each others company and forget about gangs and that stuff okay" I said.
"Sure" Mason said while he put his phone in his front packet.
"Yeah okay" Andrew said and did the same as Mason.

After a few minutes Amanda and Julia walked into the café.
"Guys there's Police everywhere looking for that one gang." Julia said while taking a seat next to Amanda who took the seat next to Mason.
"We know but let's not talk about that now and let's order some coffee we need it" after I said that a waiter came and we ordered our drinks and some food.

After a minute or two the waiter came back with our Coffee and we start talking about all different stuff and when Amanda told us a joke we would laugh even If her jokes were not that funny she makes them funny.
We decided to go shopping so Amanda was now in a store and Julia was talking to Andrew.
I was just looking around when Mason came up to me.
"Hey so which store we going to next?" Mason asked.
"I don't know guess just walk around and look at different stores till we see something we like." I said.
"Sounds like a plan"

And that's what we did look around and stop at a store if we saw something we liked. Until I got a call.

I look who is calling me and it's Jayden.
"Hey Jayden What's up?" I asked
"Well sis just have to tell you that one of your friends has to bring you home my boss just called me and needs me." Jayden said.
"Okay bro will do"
"Okay bye sis"

I hang up the phone and put it back in my back pocket.
"Hey Andrew can you drop me off home when we are done here my brother needs to get to work" I ask him.
"Sure" he said while giving me a smile.
"Thank you" I say giving him a smile back.
2 hours later we were all done with shopping I had 2 bags with some stuff. We walked out the mall and we said bye. I walked with Andrew to his car. We got in and I put the bags on the ground in between my legs.
Andrew started the car and we were on our way to my house.
We arrived at my house I thank him again for dropping me of home. I grab my bags and get out the car and walk up to my door. I turn around and wave at Andrew and then open the front door. I walk inside and see my mom in the kitchen cooking some food.

"Hey mom I'm going to bring these bags upstairs and then I'll come and help you" I told her.
"Okay sweetie thank you" she gave me a smile.

I ran upstairs and put the bags on my bed I ran back downstairs and go to the kitchen to help my mom.

"Honey can you cut these for me" she asked me while giving me some vegetables.
"Sure thing mom" I said while cutting the vegetables.
It was now dinner and it was only me and my mom because my dad needed to work till late and I don't know what my brother is up to.

The dinner was simple but good. After we finished eating we cleaned up the table and did the dishes. After that was done I went to my room and grabbed my bag and got out my homework.

Really don't want to do this but I don't have a choose. Ugh here we go.
A hour and 30 minutes later I'm done with my homework and I just leave it on my desk and go to my closet. I get myself some cute pyjama's

When I was changed I saw my laptop on my bed and decided that I was going to finish the movie that I was watching with Julia and Amanda

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When I was changed I saw my laptop on my bed and decided that I was going to finish the movie that I was watching with Julia and Amanda.
I get in my bed and put the movie on.
I watch the movie until I get tired and my eyes close and sleep took over me.

This was Chapter 2 hope you enjoyed!
Please let me know what you think about my book so far:)

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