•Chapter 15•

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{Riley's Pov}

Today was my first day back to school. After the funarel I stayed home for another week but I now have to go back or else I will be behind in all my classes.
So now I was in the car with Jayden on my way to school.

"Hey sis" I turned my head to Jayden.

"What's up" I asked.

"You do remember we have to go to the base after school right." He said.

Oh yeah Axel wants to tell us something. Like something about a plan to destroy the Ghost Roses and I am all in to hear this plan. But I also would like to see Axel again...

"Yeah I remember" I told Jayden and then we were at my school.

I gave my brother a hug and got out of the car. I walked over to the spot me and my friends always are and there I saw them. All 4 of them.

"Guys!" I ran up to them to give them a hug.

"Riley" Amanda and Julia yelled and ran to me.

We hugged and kept saying how much we missed each other. We let go of each other and then the boys gave me a hug.

"Riley hey how are you?" Andrew asked.

"I could be better but I will be okay" I told them and it was true. I will be okay it will just take time.

"Just tell us if you need anything okay" Julia said.

"Okay but come on we have class" I said and we all walked to our classes.

Me and Julia had History so we made our way to history.

We got to our class and took a seat.

"Hey you know what we should do" Julia asked me while getting books out.

"What?" I asked.

"We should hang out you know like have a sleepover at someone's house. I heard Andrew parents are not home so maybe we could have a sleepover there" she said.

I really didn't feel like leaving my mom alone at home. She really misses dad and it breaks my heart to see my own mother like this but I also really wanted to spend some time with my friends.

"I will have to talk to my mom you know I don't really want to leave her alone right now"

"I get that just let me now I just texted Andrew and he said that we could have a sleepover and that Mason and Amanda would come to." She gave me a smile.

"I will let you know" I gave her a smile back and then the lesson begon.

Me and Mason are walking to the front of the school. We just finished Math class and now me, him and our other 3 amazing friends were going to get some food at the coffee shop close to our school.

"Hey Riley you do remember we have to go to the base after school right?" Mason asked me.

"Yeah I remember let's see what Axel has to say" we walked throw the open front doors of the school and saw our friends already waiting by Andrew's car.

"Finally get in I need coffee or else I will fall asleep while taking my English test" Amanda said while getting in to the back seat.

I rolled my eyes at her and got in to the back myself sitting behind the drivers seat.

Andrew started the car and started driving to out favorite coffee shop.

And Amanda was right I also need coffee.
Andrew parked the car and we all got out. He locked the car and we made our way inside. I took on step into the shop and I could already smell the coffee.

We walk up to a table with 4 chair and Mason got another chair and we all took our seat.

Not even a moment later a woman came.

"Hello welcome to Latte Love. My name is Ashley and I will be serving you today so what would you guys like." Ashley said smiling at us.

"Hello can I please get a Cappuccino and a normaal donut." Julia asked.

"Can I get a Latte and also a donut but strawberry please" Amanda said.

"Can I just get a black coffee" Mason asked.

"I would like a Caramel macchiato and a muffin" I asked.

"And I would also like a black coffee" Andrew asked.

"Okay I will  be right back with your order" she smiled and walked away.

We started talking about Amanda's test and what she should know. Then our order came and we started drinking our Coffee until we hear Andrew laugh.

"What is it" Julia asked.

"Someone likes me" he said while holding a piece of paper in his hand with a phone number on it.

"You got yourself a girl" Mason said while giving him like one of those bro-hand shakes.

"Oh..." Amanda said while looking down a little.

I looked at her worried and she looked up and looked at me and Julia and then mouth 'bathroom'

"Sorry guys but we girls have to check if we still look like bad bitches so we will be going to the restroom" Julia said while we walked to the bathroom.

"What's wrong?" I asked her worried.

"I don't like that Andrew got some girls number" Amanda said while looking down.

"Why?" Julia asked.

And then it hit me. How did I not see it before.

"It's because she likes him" I said while i look over to Amanda seeing her put her head in to her hands.

"Omg you do?" Julia asked.

Amanda just looked up and nodded her head telling us that we were right. She liked Andrew and I couldn't be more happy for her.

"Girl you have to tell him!" I said.

"NO, no please he can't know I can't lose him as my friend" she said.

I get what she means but still maybe he feels the same way but I do understand and I won't say anything if she does not want me to and it's also not for me to tell she has to tell him not me or Julia.

"Okay we won't say anything but come on we have to go back" I said and we walked out the bathroom back to the guys.

We could hear them talking about the phone number and we just sat down and just started listening.

"So when will the date happen?" Mason asked while trying to look on Andrew's phone because he must be talking to the girl right now.

I look over to Amanda and saw that she was hurt but tried not to show it.

"It's not going to happen" Andrew said while putting his phone away.

"WHAT WHY?" Mason asked kind of yelling.

"Because I already like someone" Andrew said.

And I swear I could see him looking at Amanda.

And then I knew those two liked each other and I can't wait for them to start dating.

We finished our Coffee and then paid and got back to school.
*after school*

I said bye to my friends I missed them and they helped me a lot. I love them.

I walked out to the parking lot seeing my brother in his car waiting for me.
I got in,put my bag between my legs and put my seatbelt on.

"You ready?" Jayden asked while he started driving.

"Yeah let's go"

And we were on our way to the base. I wonder what Axel's plan is. It can be anything.

I guess we just have to be ready.

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