•Chapter 26•

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{Riley Pov}

Axel had to leave becauee he had a meeting with Sem about Kurt.
I told him that I would go home and rest and that I was hungry. I make my way to the fighting room and say bye to the guys. I gave my brother a big hug and asked him to tell mom I love her and that I would come home soon.

Me,Jayden and mom had a talk about everything and so we told her that we were a part of a mafia. When Axel found out that we told her he said that it was fine. So she knows that I am being followed and that it's not save for me to be home with her because that could bring her into danger. At first she didn't care and wanted her baby save and sound at home but then she told me that living with someone that had had really good bodyguard and that stuff was maybe safer so she let me go and live with Axel.

I walk outside and see the car already waiting for me. The driver opened the door for me and I told him to go home. He nodded and closed the door and drove off too Axel's house.
We got to the house and the driver opened the door for me and I got out walked to the front door that opened before I was even there. A men stood there and nodded his head at me to welcome me. I gave him nod back and made my way to the kitchen. Well I had to asked someone to bring me there. I still don't know this house but I'm working on it.

I got to the kitchen and there I'm greeted by one of the chefs.

"Hello miss would you like anything?" He asked me.

"Um yes what do you have?" I ask him.

"We can make you anything you want" he smiled at me.

"Oh okay um well if it's not to much work can I get a Coffee and a sandwich. You can decide what you want to put on the sandwich surprise me" I gave him a smile.

He nodded his head and started on making my food. I made my way to the dinner room and sat down at the table. I didn't feel like eating much I just wanted to eat something then take a nice bath and fall asleep in my warm bed.

They placed my food and my coffee infront of me and I thanked them. I started eating and it was really good.

"You like it miss"

I turn my head and see the man that made my food.

"It's amazing thank you so much" I smiled at him.

He nodded his head, smiled back at me and made his way back to the kitchen. I turned back to my food and just enjoyed it.

After finishing dinner I grabbed my plate and empty coffee cop and walked to the kitchen. I gave them to one of the chefs and I thanked the man who made my food again.

I then made my way up to my room and decided to take a nice bath. I grabbed my underwear and some pjs.

I got to my bathroom and walked over to the bath. I let the warm water fill up the bath while I was getting undressed. I then grabbed my phone and put music on. I got into the bath and just relax. I was in the bath for a good hour. I did wash and shave myself of course. I got out and put a towel over myself. I dry myself off and put on my clothes. I then went to blow dry my hair and brushed it. I put it into a braid and then brushed my teeth. I grabbed my phone and my other clothes. I stopped the music and put my dirty clothes in the laundry basket.

I then make my way to my bed and just lay down. I placed my phone on the charger and turn on the tv to watch a movie. I decided to watch the movie 'A week Away'.
The movie ended and it was really good. I turn of the tv and then not long after I fell asleep.

*4 Am in the morning *

I woke up to people talking to each other.

"Where could she be boss?" I hear someone say.

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