•Chapter 19•

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{Riley Pov}

I was walking back to the fighting room still with the thought in my head why I winked at Axel. I walk into the room and walk back over to the guys. Mason,Chase, Jayden and Rex were doing push-ups while Josh was doing sit-ups.

"Hey guys" I sit down next to Rex and Mason who were still doing push-ups.

"Hey Riley" Josh said still doing sit-ups.

"Where were you" Jayden said while sitting down.

"In the shotting room"

"And???" Rex asked.

"8 bullets in the middle and 2 a little above" I said proud of myself.

"That's my sister" Jayden hugged me.

I giggled and hugged him back.

"Nice job Riley" Mason said.

"Thanks" I smiled at him and he gave me a smile back.

There was a loud bang and then we saw Axel and Sem walking in. Everyone got up and we were all silent ready for anything.

"Men and Woman we did it we finished the Ghost Roses ones and for all. With the help of the Demon bullets"

We all clapped and some people even yelled like 'yeah' and 'they are now burning in hell'

"Sem would like to say something" Axel said and everyone went silents again.

"Everyone we the Demon bullets would like to invite you all to a dance at the Demon bullets base. Some of you may have been to these dances before but some of you haven't and we would like to get to know you all. We may be two different mafia's but when we work together were a family. So next Sunday please join us at the dance take a date or come alone just know you will be welcomed with open arms." Sem said

I look over to Jayden and He's look was already on me knowing that I wanted to go. He nodded his head and I almost started jumping. I was really happy I don't know why like I was going to go to another Mafia base and that could be pretty dangerous but I didn't care I wanted to go to this dance and I wanted to get to know some of the Demon bullets. It may be dangerous but  what I'm doing now here at this base is just as dangerous maybe even more.

"We Sem would love to came to your dance wouldn't we" Axel said.

Everyone started cheering yesses and clapped.

I felt my phone in my pocket moving. I took it out of my pocket and looked at what it was.

Our date will be Saterday night I will pick you up at your house. And no Questions about our date it's a secret.

I put his name in my phone and then reply back.

          can't wait but how should I dress?

Just be you and dress how you like

That made me blush and smile a little.


I look at Axel and see him smirking at his phone he then looked at me. I had a smile on my face and he still had his smirk that drives me crazy.

I look away because I heard someone call my name.

"Come on sis we have to go home" Jayden said.

I nodded and we walked out of the room, down the stairs and walked out of the front door. We made our way to Jaydens car and we got in.

Until I got another text. I took out my phone again and looked at the text.

Hey Riley are you coming for the sleepover Saterday?

Oh no what do I say?!

         Sorry Julia but I can't I have a date.


I giggled she always got excited when ever someone had a date normally it was Amanda but still she always wanted to help getting us ready and get every detail of the 'Lucky guy'

     You can't you have a sleepover but    
     I will tell you all about the date after

Your right but tell me everything after!

                                             I will promise!

I put my phone back in my pocket and looked over to Jayden who was looking at me. He looked angry.

"You have a date?" He said.

Oh god here we go again.

"Yes so what's the probleem?" I said getting a little angry myself.

"With who!"

"That is none of your business" I turn to look out of the window.

"Riley I am your brother this is my BUSINESS  now who is it!" He was really mad now.

"It's Axel happy!" I turn my head around to look at him.

He looked at me with shook and then with anger again.

"I told you to stay away from him Riley he is dangerous! You should not be going out with our boss a MAFIA boss may I add." He tried to calm himself down.

"This is my life Jayden you can't tell me what I can and can't do. If I get hurt that is my problem! I know you want to protect me but I am not a little girl anymore that needs protection. I have to learn to live my life the way I want. I want to make mistakes. I want to learn to love someone and if it doesn't work I want to know the heart Break. Please let me live and I will promise you I will be careful." I look him straight in his eyes and he was speechless.

He was thinking about everything I just said and then he sighed.

"Your right your not a little girl anymore you have to learn to live. I'm sorry sis I just don't want you to get hurt but if you want to go on this date and maybe even more in the future I won't stop you. Just promise you will call me if things go wrong" he looked at me with worry in his eyes.

I pull him into a hug.

"I promise" We pull away and he started the car and we were on our way home.
We arrive home and we got out the car and get inside. Mom was on the couch with some ice cream and watching a movie.

Mom still misses dad a lot but she is doing better she just needs a little more time. She lost the only man she ever loved. They were high school sweet hearts. They did everything together and now he was not here with us. We all miss him but we will give it a place.

He would want us to be happy and to smile and make memories but right now I was thinking about the memories we had with him. They made me smile, they made me happy but they also made me miss him more.

I walk over to mom and sit next to her and just give her a hug. I knew she needed one because she was watching a sad movie.

"It's okay mom he is in a better place now" and I heard her sniff she was crying and then I felt another pair of arms around me and mom, it was Jayden. We were holding each other tight.

We were not compleet without dad. Our family would never be compleet again and that hurt me the most knowing that the next memories will be made without him. We held each other with one person missing but we knew he was hugging us now. He was here now with us we may not see him but we knew that he would never leave us maybe his body but never his soul.

His soul will always be with us. Protecting us, loving us and fighting for us. he will always be apart of us.


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