•Chapter 9•

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{Riley Pov}

It's Saturday now. I had to tell Andrew that I had some family drama and that I coudn't make it to his game. I know he was hurt but he understond. Now I'm in the shotting room. There is no one here but me so I just used all the targets to practice my shotting.

I pointed my gun to the target and pulled the trigger. The bullet went flying right in the middle.

"You really are getting better"

I turn around to find Axel standing in the doorway.

"I had lots of practice" I said turning back to the target.

I pointed the gun to the target but before I shot I heard another gun going off.

It was Axel shotting. I guess he is practicing to.

We shot some bullets until I decided to go to the fighting room.

"I'm going to the fighting room" I put the gun back and start walking to the door.

"I'll come to I have to practice aswell" he walked up behind me and walked with me.

We make it to the room and I walk over to one of the lockers. I pull off my hoodie that I was wearing and put it in my locker. I had a crop top under it so I was good to go.

I walk over to one of the weights and grabbed some. I sat down on one of the chairs and started lifting them up and down.

I look over to Axel to see him without a shirt doing push ups. He had Tattoos like a lot. He had a Tattoo from his shoulder to his wrist. He also had a few on his other arm. I looked to his chest and saw just a little part off a tattoo. I coudn't keep my eyes away from him. His muscles and his abs were just wow. they made the tattoo look much better.

He looked my way and I pretanded to be focusing on lifting my weights.
I look back over to him to see him still looking at me. He was now in a plank and he smiled. Wow his smile it's just like a god.

"Angel if you keep looking at me like that I will have to help you with practice" he smirked at me.

Oh he wants to play that game well sure I'll play along.

"What if I want you to help me practice" I gave him a smirk back. I stand up and put the weights back. I walk over to a punching bag while putting my hair up into a ponytail. I started punching the bag.

Axel stund next to me. He held the punching bag still.

"Throw your punches harder Angel I told you before." He looked me right into my eyes which made me blush.

I throw a good punch. He said to be angry but how can I be mad with him here. Ugh what is happening to me?!?

"Harder" he said.

I throw a harder punch and then again and again.

"That's it come on another one" I throw another punch.

We kept practicing together he helped me with my punches and when he started doing push ups again I laid down on his back.

We laughed and had a good time. I never thought that he could be so funny . He looks like a dangerous guy which he can be but if he gets along with you he is a great person.

After a few minutes some people started coming in so we started acting professional again.

I was doing sit ups when I saw my brother and the guys walking in.

"Hey Riley how long have you been here" Chase asked will he sat down beside me.

"A few hours" I kept doing sit ups.

My brother sat on my other side and went into a plank.

Josh and Rex sat infront of me. I stopped doing sit ups and we started talking.

I look over to the door to see Mason walking in. He walked over to Axel and they talked. I turn back to the guys and started talking again.
We were packing our things and got ready for the attack.

We were all packed and ready so we got to the cars. It's now 1am in the morning we found out that there are stairs that go down to the basement from outside.

We got in and started driving to the Ghost Roses base.

Watch your back Ghost Roses because we are coming for you.
We were now at the base and I was in a tree. I went to a open window and got in. I jumped into the room there was no one in the room so I walk over to the door and opened it just a little bit to look if there was anyone in the hallway.

I look to my left and see no one I then look to my right to see a woman and a man making out. I opened the door a little bit more and walk into the hallway to jump right behind some boxes. When I dropped behind the boxes I look back at the people I look to my left again to see one of our gang members walking around the corner but when he did he made a sound. He jumped back behind the wall.

"Did you hear that" the woman asked.

"Yeah stay behind me" the man said walking to the corner.

I walk up behind the girl and grab her by her mouth and put my gun to her head.

He turn around and he was mad
"Let go of her you bitch!" He went and tried to grab his gun but he coudn't because the guy from behind the corner put his gun to his head.

He gave me a nod. "Good night" I say and then we both shot them dead. They both fell to the ground blood coming out of there now dead bodies.

"Thanks you saved me" he said.

"No probleem let's go" he nodded and we both walked downstairs.

There were bullets flying everywhere and we started shotting to.
I got behind a wall and started shotting people. The guy who was with me had my back if someone wanted to shot me.

After a few minutes the bullets slowed down I look behind me and see dead bodies,blood and broken things everywhere. We were about to walk in the room when suddenly the guy next to me fell to the ground and I made a move to the right. I then got shot in my left arm. I grab my arm tight to slow down the bleeding but this hurts like a bitch!

I turn around but then fall to the ground. A man pointed his gun at my head but then he got shot from behind. He fell forwards and behind him was Axel.

He ran over to me and picked me up. He got me outside into a car with band-aids, aidkits and some other stuff.

He put me in the back of the car and a woman started helping me. "Im getting your brother" he said and ran back inside. The bullet was still in my arm so she needed to get it out. She started trying to get the bullet out while I cried and screamed in pain.

My brother came running to the car and held my hand. The woman got the bullet out and started doing some other stuff until my arm was put in some bandages. I coudn't move it and it hurted so bad!

I kept crying while my brother hugged me.

"It's okay sis your okay I'm sorry I wasn't there when it happend I will never leave your side again!" He hugged me tighter when he said that.

Everyone who survived came back outside and we all got into cars again and got to the base. We were in the car and I was still in pain.

"Hey you okay?" Chase asked.

"I could be better" I said laying my head on my brother's shoulder.

"You have to go to the hospital" Josh said.

"Yeah we will" Jayden said.

We got to the base and I just wanted to go home but I coudn't. I needed to go to the hospital to let the doctors look at my wound. It hurts so bad!

My brother got me in the car and he started driving. Well he was driving I started to see black spots. I heard my brother said something but coudn't put them into words because right after that everything went black.

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