•Chapter 22•

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{Riley pov}

I'm looking infront of me where the door is where my boyfriend is now laying. I'm so worried and I look like a mess. There is blood on my dress and because of the few tears that had fallen down my make-up doesn't look good either. Sem is also here he looks more relaxed then I am and he tried to help me to relax too but I just can't I am way to worried. I hope he is okay I know he didn't lose a lot of blood but still he got shot!

Finally the door opens and I stand up. The nurse that I saw before walked out.

"He is alright we got the bullet out and we stopped the bleeding. He just needs rest for a few days but other than that he got Lucky."

I feel the relieve come over me. Thank god he is okay i don't know what I would do if he was not.

"Can we see him?" I asked more like wispered.

"Of course" she stepped away from the door and I walk in.

There he is laying in the bed looking at me with worry on his face. I walk over to him and take the seat that is next to his bed. We look at each other and then his hand came over mine and he gave me a little smile showing me that he was okay.

Sem walked into the room and he smirks at me and Axel holding hands. I feel my cheeks getting red but I try to focus. I turn back to Axel.

"How do you feel?" I ask.

"Good but better with you here Angel" he gave me a wink and I just roll my eyes even when he is in pain he still makes me smile.

"Okay love birds we have some other thinks to talk about. You can do your little lovie dovie stuff when you are home but right now we need to talk about business." Sem said with a serieus tone I never heard him so serieus it's kind of scary.

"Right well I guess we have a new enemy. Kurt." Axel voice got cold when he said his name.

"Yeah we need to think of a plan because he also said that he wanted Riley but why?" Sem turn to me.

That's right Kurt said that he was going to come for me. I look at both of them.

"Because she is important to me and they want my Mafia so they are trying to get her so that they can use her to get to my Mafia" Axel said looking into my eyes.

He looked angry when he said that they wanted to get me but when he looked into my eyes his anger turned into love and worry. I look into those beautiful grey eyes I don't want to be anywhere else but here with him.

"That makes sense but we can't let that happen" Sem said.

"It won't she will be living with me for protection and she can take care of me" Axel gave me a smirk.

Live with him?!

"That is a good idea until we have a plan what do you think Riley?" They both are looking at me now.

"Why can't I just stay home my brother can protect me" I say.

I mean I don't mind living with Axel but it's a bit soon.

"Because your brother won't be home that much because he has a lot of stuff to do for me and I don't think you want your mother getting in trouble." Axel said.

He is right I don't want to bring my mom in danger. She has been throw enough.

"Okay I guess I will live with you" I say looking into Axel's eyes and gave him a little smile.

"Okay you will live with Axel until we have a plan" Sem said.

"Sounds like a plan to me" Axel gave Sem a grin and Sem chuckled.

"Okay can he leave?" Sem turned around to the nurse

"Yes he can" Sem nodded and the next think I knew Axel was out of bed walking with his hand still in mine and we were walking to the door. He was shirtless and had bandaged over his chest and shoulder. I didn't notice it before guess I was to focused of him being okay then looking at anything else. He grabbed a shirt and tried to put it on but I could see that it hurt.

I grab the shirt and help him put it on. I could feel him looking at me but I was to focused on getting the shirt on that I didn't even care. When the shirt was on I look into his eyes and I saw again the love.

He leaned down and he gave me a peck on the lips. He grabbed my hand again and then we walk out of the room.

We walk throw the halls until we met Jayden.

"Boss are you okay?" Jayden asked.

"I'm fine Jayden did you find something?" Axel asked with his cold tone.

"We found 3 men. We put them in one of the rooms here at the base and Chase,Josh and Mason are in the room. I came to find you"

"Okay well I will come soon but I do have to talk to you now" Axel let go of my hand and he and my brother walked around a corner to talk.

Maybe Axel is talking about that I am going to live with him for protection.

After a few minutes they came back and Jayden looked at me. Jep I was right.

"You are going to live with our boss?" He asked me.

"Yes" was all I said.

"Okay well boss decided it so I can't change his mind just be careful" jayden hugged me and then walked away.

"You go get changed out of those clothes. Sem said to go to the second floor and the first door on the left is a changing room. After that come to that room" he pointed at a room on the right side. "I will be there soon. Wait outside do NOT come in."

"Okay" with that he kissed my head and walked into the room.

I walk to the stairs to get to the second floor and go to the room Axel told me to go. And yes he was correct the room is a huge closet with all kind of men and woman clothes. I walk over to the woman clothes and pick something out.

 I walk over to the woman clothes and pick something out

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{Without the bag}

I got dressed and then put my hair in a ponytail. I look in the mirror and I look fine so I grab my clothes and went outside. Just when I open the door someone stands infront of it. It was a woman.

"You can give me your clothes" she said.

I gave her my clothes except my purse and said "thank you"

She nodded her head and walked away with my clothes.

I walk over to the stairs and went downstairs. I made my way to the room where Axel should be. I see him standing outside with blood on his shirt.

"You okay?" I ask

"Yeah let's go" Axel grabbed my hand and started walking.

"Where are we going?" I ask trying to keep up with how fast he is walking.

"My house" Axel said while walking outside to a Black car.

"So were going to the base?" I ask.

"No" Axel opened my door and I got in.

Not to the base but where then?

Axel got in the drivers seat.

He started the car and we were off too somewhere I don't even know.

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