•Chapter 33•

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{Riley Pov}

It's been a while. It's been 3 years now A lot has happend and I mean a lot.

Let's start with I finished college. I studied business it was pretty easy. Axel made me half-boss of the mafia and his office is now also my office. He told me everything he owns is mine and I told him the same. Jayden and Lexi got a house together while mom and Lexi's dad live together aswell. They became really good friends and decided to just live with each other. Lexi's dad found a lovely woman and they have been dating for a year now. My mom is still single. She said that the only she will ever love is dad. Julia and Lizzy adopted a little girl. Her name is Hazel. Andrew and Amanda are married. There wedding was beautiful. It was on a beach and they had the time of there lives.

Mason got himself a girlfriend they met each other 2 years ago but started dating only 5 months ago. Mason girlfriends name is Hannah and she is really kind. Rex and Chase started dating at first I was shoocked when I heard the news but then I was over the moon of how cute they were together.  Josh is still single but he doesn't mind he is travelling the world and helping around the mafia a lot.

Axel and I have been together for 3 years and 8 month now. We have been doing great. Of course we fought and didn't agree on everything but we sat down at the end off the day and talked it out. Daisy has grown and is now 4. Me and Axel both love her.

Now me and Axel are on a plane. We decided to have a vacation. We were in his private jet flying to paris. Axel surprised me with 2 tickets for disneyland. He knew how badly I wanted to go, he really is speciale. But when we landed you should know that I was super excited. We got our bags and then got into a car that would bring us to our hotel.

We got there and Axel spoke to the people working there in French for our room. I didn't understand a word.

We got to our room and wow it was beautiful.

{Picturs above}

We make our way to the bedroom and place our bags down.

"You ready for Disneyland?" Axel asked.

I nodded we made out way downstairs again before taking everything we needed. We got into a car and made out way to Disneyland.

We get there and I was so so excited!

I grabbed Axel's hand and I ran to the front gates. Axel showed them our tickets and then they let us in. I pulled Axel with me and he chuckled. I was like a child dragging there parent with them to walk faster but I didn't care. I always wanted to go to disneyland and now that we were here, we were not wasting anymore time.

I saw a store and we walked in. We started to look around, it had a lot of things. Then I saw minnie mouse ears and I just had to get them. I walked to the cashier and paid for them before Axel could.

You see Axel wants to spoil me so everytime I want to buy something or have something he buys it for me. I don't want him to use all his money on me but he told me that he wanted to treat me like a Queen. Over these years he still was so sweet and a gentleman.

I put the ears on my head and then walk back to Axel he saw me and chuckled a little.

"They look nice on you Angel" he said smiling.

I smiled back and then we started to walk threw the park. It was amazing we had a great time. We made a lot of pictures, ate all kind of food and we ended it by looking at the fireworks. It was magical and I got to spend it with my amazing boyfriend.


We got back to the hotel and I was tired. We got to our room and then I saw candels and Roses making a path to the balcony. I look behind me but Axel was gone. I walk over to the balcony and there were more candels and Roses outside. There were fairy lights hanging all above me and the stars looked beautiful. I look around and saw a heart shape made out of roses and candels around it.


I smile to myself and turn around to see my man standing there in a suit.

"You like it Angel?"  He asked.

"Love it" I smile and look at the view. It feels the same as the time he asked me to be his girlfriend.

He walked up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"I have to ask you something Angel" he pulled away and turned me around.

"What is it?" I asked confused.

He grabbed my hand and walked over to the heart. We were now standing in the middle and he was looking in my eyes with so much love.

"Angel since day one I tought you were the most beautiful woman on this earth. But over these 3 years you have not only shown me how beautiful you are but how kind and honest you are. How caring and crazy you can be. You were always there for me in my good and bad times. You made me a better man. Thanks to you I found myself again, thanks to you I became the person I am today. You are my light, my everything , my soulmate but most of all the one that was made for me. The one person that holds my heart with her two hands and never let's it fall back into a dark place like it was before I met you." He went down on one knee.

I put my hand before my mouth and the tears were already in my eyes.

"Riley, my love, my Angel I want you forever in my life. I want you there when I wake up and when I go to sleep. I want to have Kids with you and grow old together. I want it to be Just you and me forever. I asked your mom and your brother for you hand and they gave it to me so there is nothing holding me back right now for asking you this question." He pulled out a white box from his pocket and opened it. Inside was a beautiful ring.

"Riley Smith will you marry me?" He said looking into my eyes.

The tears fell and I didn't even have to think about my answer this man is everything I ever dreamed off.

"Yes, yes a million times yes!" I said.

He stood up and picked me up he then started to spin me around. I laughed and cried.

He put me down and put the ring on my finger where also the promise ring still was.

He kept his promise this ring would be replaced for an engagement ring.

"You just made me the happiest man on this earth!" He said and kissed me.

We kissed there under the moonlight.

Holding each other tight. Our love was so strong and wherever this man would go I would follow because without him I would be nothing.

 Our love was so strong and wherever this man would go I would follow because without him I would be nothing

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{The ring}

Guys there is only one chapter left for this book than it will be done and we will have to say bye to Axel and Riley.

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Love you guys<3

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