•Chapter 14•

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{Riley Pov}

It's been a week now. A week since my dad got shot and died. I have not gone to school yet. My friends told me that they missed me and are here for me and for that I am really grateful.

Right now I'm getting ready to go to my dad's funeral. I was wearing all black. I was wearing a black dress with some black heals. Also I had a black purse with my phone, my letter that I was going to read for my dad and some other stuff.

I wasn't ready. I don't want to say goodbye. My dad ment everything to me. He was my rock and my biggest supporter. He told me I could do anything as long as I put all my hard work into it. To always be kind to everyone around me. He always said: Riley life is a wild ride. Good and bad things will happen but you still have to keep going. Never stop even when you can't do it. Try. Always try that way you will always find a way to succes.

I have always followed those words and now I will do it again. My dad was my rock and I am going to miss him so much but he is not coming back and I will have to learn to accept that.

I looked at myself one more time in the mirror and then I opened the door of my bedroom and walked downstairs. I walked in to the living room to find my mother and brother already waiting. My mom looked tired like she didn't sleep for days. She had her head on my brother's shoulder and he was rubbing his hand on her back.

We haven't had the talk yet about everything that happend with the ghost Roses. We have just been in pain. All of us even Jayden. He doesn't want to show it because he wants to be strong for us but I heard him cry yesterday night. I walked that night to his room and just hugged him and that was what he needed. A shoulder to cry on.

I sit down next to my brother and he looked at me and gave me a small smile.

"Hey sis" he said.

"Hey" I said while giving him a small smile back.

"We should go It's almost time" Jayden said while standing up and taking mom with him to stand.

"Yeah..." I stood up also and we walked out of the house and into Jaydens car.

He started the car and then were on our way to the funarel.
*20 minutes later*

We were standing outside the building where it was going to happen. We already saw some people going in but we didn't move one bit.

𝑏𝑒 𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑜𝑛𝑔

those two words were all I needed. I took both my brother's and my mom's hand and we walked inside. We got to the hall where my dad's coffin would be brought. I looked around and saw all the beautiful flowers. We took our seat and then it started.

The doors behind us opened and in walked some of my dad's good friends with the coffin that had my dad in it.

I was holding back my tears. They placed the coffin on the table that was all the way in the front and we all sat down. Then a woman walked up to the big wooden stand next to where the coffin was placed. I looked back at the coffin and saw now a picture of my father on top of it and that broke me.

The woman spoke:" hello everyone thank you for coming to this not so happy day. Today we will be saying our goodbyes to Liam James Smith. I would like to give the word to Miss Smith so she can say goodbye to her husband."

My mom let go of our hands that I didn't even know she was holding and walked up to the stand.

"Hello everyone" she said already trying to hold back tears. "Thank you all for coming. Liam was not only my husband he was also the love of my life and the father of my two beautfiul children. The day before he died he told me that he was happy. Happy with the life we had he said that everything he dreamed of came true. He liked his job and how all his friends would make him laugh all the time. How he loved being with me" and there she broke the tears started falling but she continued. " he loved how he married the woman that he loved. And he loved how his two Kids became the most important thing to him. He said that he wanted them to have an amazing future. That they can go to collage and become what they wanted to be. I know all of us are going to miss him very very much but I hope you remember what he said. 'When the sun is shining don't cry about something sad think about the things you want to do and do them'."

My mom turned to the coffin.
"Liam I am going to miss you so much and I will always love you. Right now I can't see how I am going to live without you but I know that you are watching over us now and that you will for the rest of our life. Rest in peace Liam.
I Love You" and with that she walked back to her seat crying. We hugged her and the woman before stood behind the stand again.

"Beautiful words Miss Smith. Also your son and daughter would like to say something. Let's start with your son."

Jayden stood up and had his letter already in his hand.

"Hello everyone um I don't really know how to start this but I will just say. I loved my dad we did everything together like watching soccor games on the tv and getting mad at some players. Or we would fix our cars together. My dad even bought me an old car so we could fix it and now it's mine. I have amazing memories with my father and I am going to miss making them but I will hold on to them. My dad told me one time that when he is not home I was the man home. That I had to look after my mom and my sister. Now dad I will be the man you want me to be for the two woman most important in your life and mine. I love you dad rest in peace."

Jayden walked back with watery eyes but he hold back and I gave him a hug and then the woman asked me if I would say my words.

I get the letter that was in my purse and walk up to the stand. I breath in and out and then started reading my letter that I wrote for my dad.

"Hi I'm Riley Liam's daughter. My father ment a lot to me. When I was younger I did gymnastics and he would always bring me and pick me back up and when I would have a contest he would always sit in the front so he could see my every move. So he woudn't miss anything. He was always there for me, always supported everything I did or wanted to do and when ever I believed that I coudn't do something he told me I could and you know what he was right I could. He has showed me that nothing is impossible. I'm going to miss my father so so much or to even let him go but dad I will make you proud. You will always be the person I look up to and I still do. I love you dad forever.
Rest in peace."

I had tears in my eyes but I was pushing them back. I will be strong for my dad. I walked back to my seat and was hugged by my mom and brother.

I took my seat and then the woman continued the funarel.
*1 hour later*
We were standing outside the coffin was in the ground and his grave stone was placed.

'Liam James Smith'
Born: 7/06/1971
Death: 8/05/2022
Not only an amazing friend but also a wonderful husband and father. Will be missed

I look over to my left to see my brother holding our mom again and she was crying and it broke my heart. My brother opened his other arm for me to join the hug. I walked up to him and hugged them both.

"He is gone" my mom wispered while crying a bit louder.

And then I couldn't do it anymore. I pulled myself out of Jayden hold and gave him a weak smile. I walked over to dad's grave and sat down. Then I let it out. All the tears that I was holding back were free. I felt a hand on my shoulder and saw my brother. I looked over to mom to see her being hugged by some of dad friends that were also her friends.

I look back to my brother to see a tear fall from his eye. I hugged him and he hugged me back.

"I miss him Jayden" I said while crying.

"I do too sis" Jayden said.

We looked over to our dads grave again and then mom came and hugged us both from behind.

"I love you guys" she said.

"We love you too mom" me and Jayden told her.

We all looked at dad's grave and we just sat there.

This was our goodbye....


Hey guys
Sorry for long no update. I didn't really know how to write this chapter.
I cried while making this.

Well see you guys in the next chapter.

Just You And Me...Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin