•Chapter 25•

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{Riley pov}

I woke up to someone poking me. I open my eyes and saw the driver.

"Miss your home" he said while holding the door open for me.

"Thank you" I grab my bag and got out of the car.

I walk up to the front door and again the doors opened before I was even at the steps.

"Welcome Miss. Smith" the wamon who opened the door this time.

"You can just call me Riley" I gave her a smile and she returned it.

I walk in and made my way to my room. I have to do my homework but I should also go to the base for some practice.

I got to my room and started working on my homework.
After an hour of work I decided to get out of these clothes and into some other. I walked passed my closet that I thought was still empty but when I looked it was full with clothes,shoes and a whole lot more. I walk in and choose a outfit that I liked and could throw some punches in.

 I walk in and choose a outfit that I liked and could throw some punches in

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I put my hair in a bun and then walk out of the closet and out of my room. I went downstairs and got outside where the driver was standing by the car.

"Have you been waiting here?" I ask him.

"Yes Mr. Adems wants me to be your driver for the day so here I am" he gave me a smile and opened the door.

I got in.

"Where to miss" he asked.

"The base please."

He nodded his head and closed the door. He got to the drivers seat and got in. He started driving and I just relaxed.
We arrive at the base. The driver got out of the car and opened the door for me. I got out and said a quick thank you. I make my way inside and when I do the first thing I see are boxes. A whole lot of boxes. I walk over to the stairs and there I see my brother.

"Jayden!" I ran to him.

He turned around and smiled. We hugged and he have me a kiss on my head.

"Sis hey! So how are you?" He asked while we pulled away.

"Good how about you I see your mission was a succes." I look around at all the boxes that now were being brought upstairs.

"Jep we got all the stuff we needed but I have to bring this momey to Axel. But I have to do something else right now sooo sis you mind bringing this to our boss or let's say your little boyfriend" he smirked.

I grabbed the money and walked upstairs. Sometimes he can be so annoying.

"Thanks sis!" He yelled behind me.

I didn't respond and just kept making my way up the stairs to Axel's office.

I got to his office and knocked on the door. I heard a angry 'come in' oh god he is mad great. Jayden I swear I will kill you.

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