•Chapter 18•

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{Axel Pov}

Everything went so fast the one moment we were looking in each other's eyes and the next we were kissing like it was the end of the world.

Our lips fit perfectly together and what she makes me feel is just not in this world. I hate everyone in this world the only one I don't hate is my own family and her she is not even 4 months in my Mafia and now the person I can't stop thinking about. She is the light in my darkness. The sun that lights up my dark sky and the person that truely makes me happy.

When we talk to each other I feel like I can tell her everything. She really is kind and also really funny. She made me want to have her the moment I laid eyes on her at that club. Then when I thought I would never see her again she showed up and I saw her in that chair I just knew I could never kill her like I told her I would.

She is my everything right now and her laying here in my arms now sleeping is the best feeling in the world. I never thought I would say this but I love this girl and one day dhe will be mine.
We arrived back at the base and Riley was still asleep in my arms. I moved her a little and got out of the car then I pick up Riley with one of my arm under her legs and the other on her back. I walk in to the base and walked over to the elevator to get to the top floor where my home was. I walk over to my room and open the door. I walk over to my King size bed and lay her down. I put the blanket over her and just look at her. She looked so peaceful.

I place a kiss on her forhead and then I heard a knock on the door. I look over and see Jayden opening the door.

"Is she okay?" He asked while walking up to his sleeping sister and grabbing her hand.

"Yeah she is okay she just needs rest" I say looking at my Angel.

I look over to Jayden to see him deep in thought.
"You can stay in one of the guest rooms if you want"

He looked at me and gave me a smile
"Thank you boss" he said.

"Yeah yeah go you also need rest" he nodded his head and kissed his sister on the cheek and walked out of the room.

I walk over to my closet and grab a pair of shorts. I got out of my clothes and put on the shorts. I walk over to the bed and lay down. I lay on my back beside Riley and then she roll over and she laid her head on my chest and cuddled up to me. I hold her in my arms and then I close my eyes and welcomed the dark to take me.

{Riley pov}

I woke up but still had my eyes closed. I didn't want to get up I never knew my bed was so soft. I open my eyes and then realise that this was not my room. I sit up and look around. And wow the view I got when I sat up was not normale. I could see the whole city! It was so beautiful.

I got out of the bed and walked over to the window

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I got out of the bed and walked over to the window. I can't get enough of this amazing view but then I realised I was not in my own house. I look at my clothes and see thar they were still the same clothes I had own last night. I walk over to the door and open it and look around. Now I know where I am I'm at the base at the top floor where Axel lives.

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