•Chapter 20•

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{Riley Pov}

Its Saturday. It's almost time to go on my date with Axel. I still have no idea where or what we are doing I just knew that I was nervouse. I texted the others telling them that I couldn't make it to the sleepover because I had a date and Amanda was so happy like Julia was when I told her. Andrew was proud that I finally got a guy to go on a date with me and Mason already knew because he said he helped Axel with the date. Which made me even more nervouse but he told me that I should wear something classy but comfy. And he also tol me that I was going to love it.

That helped me pick my outfit so I went with a black dress with a split that would show one of my legs and some cute heals.

That helped me pick my outfit so I went with a black dress with a split that would show one of my legs and some cute heals

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I also got a black purse where I put my phone, some money and some lipstick in.
I curled my hair and just let it hang lose I also put a little make up on.

I got my phone and just started scrolling throw Tiktok when the doorbell rang downstairs telling me he was here.

I smiled at myself and checked that I had everything I needed and walked to the stairs.

There he was standing looking like a god. He had a suit on. It was a dark Grey one that fit perfectly with his Grey eyes. It looked like he didn't do anything with his hair but still it looked amazing. He also had some red roses in his hand and my heart skipped a beat he was so romantic already.

I walk down the stairs and I saw his eyes on me and his mouth was a little open. My brother who opened the door gave me a little smirk and I just rolled my eyes at him.

"You look beautiful Angel" he said making me blush. "And these roses are for you"

He handed me the roses and when they were in my hands I put then agenst my nose and they smelled lovely.

"Okay boss please bring my sister home before midnight" Jayden said.

"Of course" he said while looking at me with a smile and I mean it I went to heaven.

I gave him a smile back and handed my brother the roses.
"Please put these in some water"

Axel held his hand out for me and I took it. Jayden gave us a nod and we walked out of the front door. We walk to his car and he opened the door of the passenger seat for me.

"Thank you" I got in.

"Your welcome Angel" he gave me a smirk and closed the door and made his way to the drivers seat. He got in and I put my seatbelt on. He started the car and started driving.

"So can I know where we are going now?" I asked hoping he would tell me.

"No you can't you will see when we get there." He said and moved his hand and placed it ontop of mine.

I turned my hand around and intwisted our fingers together. I smiled at our hands that fit perfectly together. I looked at him seeing him smile aswell while he was focused on the road.
Axel parked the car outside of a expansive looking restaurant. He got out the car and made his way to my door and opened it. I got out giving him a smile. He grabbed my hand again and then we walked in.

As soon as we walked in some man came running to us.

"Mr. Adems your table is ready please follow me" the man said.

Axel only nodded with now a blank look on his face. I look around and people looked scared I mean I understand he is a Mafia boss but was he really that dangerous.

The man walked us over to a balcony and we walked outside and I couldn't believe what I saw. There was a table with candles and infront of the table was a path of red Roses with some more candles finishing the path of roses.

I was speechless like I really didn't know what to say. So I turned to Axel and saw him smirking.

"You like it?" He asked.

"Like it? I Love it! Thank you!" I walked up to him and pulled him into a hug. He hugged me back and I felt so safe like nothing could ever hurt me. We pulled away, he held my hand and then we made our way to the table. He pulled my chair back for me and then I sat down. He pushed the chair forward again. He walked over to his side and sat down.

Then the man from before came and asked us if we wanted something to drink. Axel got some rum while I got some cola. I still don't drink alcohol.

The man walked away leaving me and Axel out here. I looked at the view and saw that it was very lovely I didn't notice it before but wow he really went all out.

I turn back to look at him and he was already looking at me.

"Thank you for going on a date with me" he said.

"Thank you for asking me" I said blushing.

He chuckled a little "your welcome"

The man came back with our drinks and some menu cards. I thank the man while Axel again just nodded.

He was really cold to other people like everyone could come on his nerves if they did one thing wrong. Everyone except me because with me he was so kind and gentle. That made me feel important, important to him.

We looked throw the menu and I decided that I was going to get the pasta while he got a steak.

Axel raised his hand and the man came running. Axel ordered our food and than the man nodded and ran to the door to get our order to the kitchen I think.

I look back over to the view.

"The view is really beautiful" I said smiling.

"Yeah it is" I turn my head to look at him and he was looking at me.

He was talking about me. I blushed again and I heard him chuckle.

We started talking and then the food came and we eat in silents but in a comfortable one.

When we finished our food the man came back and Axel said something to the man that I didn't hear. The man nodded and then took our plates and walked away.

"What did you say?" I asked Axel.

He just smirked and didn't say anything.

A couple minutes later I heard a big bang. I looked over to the view and saw fireworks. It was beautiful all the colors and just wow.

Axel got up and walked over to my side and got a hold of my hand. I stood up and we walked to the middle of the rose path and we look up at the fireworks.

He turn me to look at him and I saw the kindness in his eyes.
"Riley I know we have only known each other for a few month but I fell like I have known you for years . When we talk I can tell you my problems and you will try to help. When I have a bad day I just have to think of you and my day becomes better. What I'm trying to say is. I like you Riley and I would love from you to be my girlfriend. So please be my girlfriend?"

I had tears in my eyes. This guy has changed me but in a good way he makes me feel safe and just makes me really really happy.

"Of course l'll be your girlfriend" I pulled him close and kissed him right then and there. He was mine and I was his and I couldn't be happier about it.

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