I turn around with a smirk expecting to see Mr. Smith, but when I turn around I see a man I have never seen before.

He looks to be in his twenties maybe and I can already tell from his breath and tipsiness that he is drunk.

"Hey, can I buy you a drink?" He asks with a smirk.

"No thanks, I have a boyfriend," I say with a fake smile.

"What are you doing in a bar then?" He asks, looking me up and down.

I roll my eyes. I just want to get this mission over with already and it hasn't even started.

"Drinking," I say, bluntly.

Before he can say anything else he is stopped by no other than my target, Colin Smith.

"Leave the woman alone," Colin says to the man.

"Or what? Do you want her for yourself?" The man asks.

"Back off man," Colin says.

The man eventually walks away leaving me and Colin alone. "Hey, I'm sorry that happened." He says sitting down next to me.

I didn't realize this guy was actually going to be a nice guy. I also didn't expect any of this to happen.

"I'm used to it. Thank you for doing that for me." I say with a smile.

"Of course." He smiles. "Can I get you a drink? I swear I am not trying to seduce you or anything," he laughs.

I laugh, "How about we go back to my place instead."

He smirks, "I mean if you insist." We pick up our coats and walk out of the bar. Nope red flag he has a wife and a kid.

I hate men.

He starts walking in the direction of where I am guessing his car is. "Let's take my car instead," I say.

"Are you sure?" He asks, confused.

"Yeah, I prefer driving."

I can now proudly say that I have gotten pretty good at driving. I don't have my license of course but it's safe enough to where I am not going to get in an accident.

We walk down the sidewalk to my car, Colin keeps making jokes and I laugh along. It's still light out but the sun is starting to set. I see we are getting closer to my car, and I look around and realize that no one is around. I hook my arm with him and as we approach my car I pull my gun and hold it to his side.

"What the-" He says, stopping in his tracks and looking at the gun.

"Keep it moving and don't make a sound," I say pushing him forward a bit.

Kaz comes out and opens the door for our guest. I shove him in and tie up his arms and legs before Kaz slams the door.

"Besides being a cheater he's actually pretty nice," I say getting into the car.

"Anala do you know why we are even taking him in?" Kaz looks at me like I'm dumb as fuck.

"To kill him."

"I mean yes but we are killing him because he has literally killed 23 women who have ties to our allies and us," Kaz says starting the car. He is in some kind of disgusting business if he is killing women while he has a wife.

Did I mention I hate men?

"Meaning that while you were after him, he was after you." I nod along, understanding what Kaz is saying.

"Let's get this bastard to the warehouse," I say as we start driving.

During the drive, he asked a shit ton of questions which followed with no answers from Kaz and me except for me turning up the radio more every time he spoke.

To Heal the EnemyWhere stories live. Discover now