22. The Start

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An awkward silence filled the living room. No one wanted to initiate the talking about the topic. It was Jin who was the most anxious out of the three and he felt he needed to explain the situation to Jimin. But before he could even speak, Jimin volunteered to do so.

"I fell asleep in your bedroom after putting Jaehyun to sleep. I was waiting for you. I'm so concerned about what Mr. Fuck whore told me. Jaehyun is a sweet little boy. It saddened me that he isn't my real nephew but nothing changed. I love him and please know that I will not judge you. I'm even thankful that at least, you don't have a connection with my brother. It must be horrible to be his child. It's horrible to be his brother. Now I understand why my brother isolates him. It has been a mystery to me. I'm just worried about you. Are you okay? Oh, of course, you are okay." Jimin said then glanced at Jungkook.

Jin fiddled with his fingers, embarrassed to look Jimin in the eye. "I'm okay. Thank you for looking after Jaehyun. And I'm sorry if I didn't tell you. And I'm about what you saw earlier-"

"It's okay," Jimin smiled, "The secret is safe with me. It's funny to me because I was teasing you the last time when he fell asleep on your couch. I know he has eyes for you and I can feel you have a thing for him too. Since when? I mean, it's okay if you don't want to tell me."

Jin looked at Jungkook for permission. But he knew Jimin more and lived with him since Jimin was young, it was only him who knew he could trust. "Since we were in college."

Jimin's reaction was more confused than earlier. As he pondered on what Jin just said, slowly, his eyes widened as he realized what Jin meant. Jimin's eyes darted from Jin to Jungkook as he whispered, "You're Jaehyun's father?"

Jungkook did not answer, instead, he looked at Jin who nodded at Jimin. Jimin gasped, covering his mouth. What he just saw earlier did not shock him that much. But this one did.

"So, you're here to save Jin and Jaehyun? You're aware that my brother fathered your son?"

Jungkook shook his head. "It's a long story. I just learned it here."

Jimin sighed. Leaning back on the couch, he could not help but smile. "It made me believe that if you're meant to be, love will find a way. Look at both of you. Are you planning to escape?"

Surprised, Jin questioned, "Escape?"

"When I learned that Jaehyun is not my brother's son, knowing that the secret is now out in the open, I got scared about his and your safety. So I asked Taehyung if we can save you. I mean, help you and your son escape. But he said it's not possible."

Jin beamed. Thankful for Jimin's concern. Out of all the people in the mansion, it was Jimin who was always there for him. "I appreciate what you did but why did you ask Taehyung? Taehyung is your brother's right hand. What if he tells your brother what you're planning to do?"

"He won't," Jimin disagreed confidently. "I know Taehyung likes me too. He's just shy to admit it."

Jungkook suddenly burst out laughing but stopped when Jimin glared at him.

"Don't laugh! I'm telling the truth," Jimin crossed his arms with a pout, "I always bug him about my brother. But he never once betrayed me. He always tells me to study hard and I did. You," Jimin then faced Jungkook, "I saw you talking to Taehyung in the backyard once. You're close to him. Aren't you?"

Jungkook sat up straight as he avoided Jin's eyes. "We are your brother's men. Of course, we will talk. But it doesn't mean we're close."

Jimin looked a bit disappointed. "That's sad. I thought you could help me. I want him to date me. But he said my brother won't approve. It's always my brother. Anyway, if both of you want to escape this mansion, please let me come with you. I don't want to stay here. I'd rather come with you, Jinnie."

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