17. Jackpot

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"Sorry, I'm late." Jin apologized as soon as he arrived at the park. He and Jungkook's favorite place to relax and eat. Jin settled on the vacant space on the picnic mat. Jungkook was on the phone, and while waiting, Jin took out the food he had brought for their snack.

"Sorry about that, my brother called. He would be arriving in Seoul in two weeks." Jungkook's eyes feast on the food spread Jin brought.

They had been a regular of Seoul Park. Almost there two to three times a week. They decided to do their homework there, together, while eating the foods they cooked. Sometimes, they were there with their friends, but most of the time, just the two of them.

"Really? I thought he'll be staying there until next year?" Jin inquired while giving Jungkook a plate of chapchae.

"Oh. Not my Hyung. My younger brother."

Jin furrowed his brows. He hadn't heard of Jungkook's younger brother or that Jungkook had one.

"You are aware that I am adopted. I have a younger brother, and a wealthy businessman adopted him. He studied abroad. We only see each other via video call, though."

Jin nodded and smiled, "I'm glad to know you still have communication with him. I know you don't want to talk about what happened in the past, but I'm happy that you shared even a part with me. I want you to know that I have already accepted you. I never once asked you because I wanted you to tell me at your own pace and time. So once you're ready, you can always share it with me. But even if you don't, nothing will ever change."

Jungkook looked down with a subtle smile on his face. It's not that he's not ready to share or wasn't willing, but the trauma his past caused him was the one preventing him from sharing it with Jin. And he didn't want the anger to consume him once more.

"Thank you for that," Jungkook held Jin's hand, staring straight at him. "I don't believe that someone perfect exists. But I guess I found someone who is."

Jin's face turned red after hearing the compliment coming from Jungkook. Sure, he had admired his handsomeness so many times, but hearing that he was perfect was too much. "And who is that?"

Jungkook chuckled at Jin's reaction. He was perfectly aware that Jin knew he was talking about him. And it amused him how he always made the man shy. "Who else is perfect here? Only you, Seokjin."

Jin smiled shyly; his neck joined his face and turned even redder. "I'm not even close to one. Don't say that."

"Just years ago, I always came here whenever I felt sad, alone, or angry. Coming here for a different reason hits different. I am always happy whenever we're together. Your voice, your smile, they have the power to soothe me. You calm me. Something I had been craving for a long time. Sometimes, you're not aware, but you're helping someone get through their difficulties. And you're exactly like that to me, Seokjin.

I've never been excited to wake up and go to school because I know I'll see you there. I am looking forward to our cooking battles. The food that you will bring. The surprises you always prepare. The happiness and optimism in every story you share. I always ask myself, what if he finds someone as perfect as him? What would happen to me?

Seokjin, I know I would never be the perfect man for you, or perhaps, the right one. But I want to try to be the better person for you. You are a fantastic person. Whenever I see someone eyeing you, I feel like dying. Because I know I don't have the right to get angry or defensive or jealous. But that's how I think. I like you, Seokjin, and --"

Jungkook's words were silenced when Seokjin suddenly kissed him. Jungkook was taken aback by the quick kiss. He needed more.


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