11. Gestures

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"He's still asleep. He must be very tired. He didn't even flinch when you get Jaehyun from him." Jimin giggled while closing the bedroom door. "His mouth was open. He might be tired. But still very handsome."

"Shut up!"

Jimin chuckled seeing Jin widen his eyes at him. "Relax! But you know, we've been friends for 7 years now but you're still secretive about your life before Hyung. You don't trust me?" Jimin asked as he crawled on Jin's bed, sitting in front of Jin who had just taken his shower and was ready to go to bed.

"We don't have a chance to talk and you're not asking," Jin said in a soft voice, putting the blanket over his legs. "And my life is complicated. It will only traumatize you."

Jimin shifted on his seat to sit beside Jin and put his legs under the blanket. "I've been curious. I was so young when you arrive here and I don't understand what was going on. I only thought, he's so handsome, Hyung is so lucky.

Back then, I thought one must be so in love to get married. But growing up, it changed. I witnessed Hyung always lay his hands on you over simple things. I witnessed how he locked Jaehyun here and isn't allowed to go out. I cannot understand why. I used to question myself if that's how love is supposed to be but then, even my father was a bad person, he never lay hands on my mom. I am eager to know how Hyung was as a boyfriend. Because I'm sure you won't marry him if he is that scary."

Jin stared at his hands while listening to Jimin. It's true, he was there for some years now but he never had a chance to talk to Jimin or anyone inside the mansion apart from his former bodyguard. True, he lost in touch with his friends. Inside the corners of the mansion, it was Jimin who was brave enough to comfort him.

"You know, I won't get offended if you don't trust anyone, including me. Your every move is reported to my brother. I promise myself to graduate fast so I can go far away and leave this ugly home. I'm scared for my life too, you know."

Jin stared at Jimin's innocent eyes. There were times when he was thinking if Jimin was suffering from anxieties as he knew witnessing Namjoon's antagonistic attitudes was a traumatic experience. Because that was it for him.

"I'm afraid you will turn your back from me once you hear my story. After all, you're still his brother. But for me, you're the only one I have here. I'm scared to lose one more person whom are willing to spend time with me."

Jimin pouted, his eyes glistening hearing the words from Jin. Shifting again on the bed, he faced Jin and held his hands. "If I could choose for you, I would wish you a different life. Yes, he is my brother but it doesn't mean I am in favor of his doings. Do you think it's okay with me knowing he's committing a crime? To be honest with you, I've been to a police station so many times, wanting to tell them the truth. But I am not brave enough. He could escape the law with his money working for him. He has lots of connections. What if he killed me? Or you? Or Jaehyun? And the police, They would only laugh at me. So many what-ifs, maybe, I am afraid to die too."

Jin gave Jimin a weak smile. Indeed, Jimin was too young to witness everything. There were few instances when Namjoon also laid hands at Jimin. And Jimin always ended up sleeping with him in his bedroom inside the wall. "I was forced to marry your brother."

Jimin's eyes slowly widened. It was the first time he heard it. "R-really?"

Jin nodded weakly, "My father sold me to your brother. He was a greedy man. He would do anything to get his wealth back. Even if it meant turning his back from his only son."

Jimin's face turned sullen after hearing Jin's story. He felt fortunate that at least, his father didn't do that to him. "So you don't really love my brother?"

Jin didn't know what to say to Jimin. He didn't even know how to feel. He didn't know if he should be honest or if he should tell a lie. He was worried Jimin would be disappointed.

"You don't, right?"

"I was forced to marry him. So, yes. You are right."

Jimin sighed, "Well, if I were in your shoes, I would feel the same. How could you love a cruel man like him?" Jimin held Jin's hands tighter as if letting him know that he understood. "I'm sorry. I'm so ashamed. If I could only do something, I would."

"Why are you ashamed? It's not your fault. You being here with me and you calling out your brother are enough for me. Don't feel sorry." Jin smiled a reassuring smile to Jimin. To at least lessen Jimin's feeling of guilt.

"If you were sold to my brother, were you in a relationship with another man?" Jimin curiously whispered, eager to know the backstory.

Jin chuckled, he loved it whenever Jimin turned curious. Whenever Jimin would pout and eyes would turn round when he was engrossed over a thing. "Yes, and your brother was completely aware."

Jimin gasped as he put his hand over his mouth, "Oh my god! So how did you tell the guy that you needed to break up with him?"

Jin's heart started to beat faster once more. The thought always made him feel anxious and abashed. "I wasn't able to tell him. I just left."

"No words?"

Jin shook his head, trying his best not to cry.

"He must have been so hurt. I'm sure he learned what happened and he had forgiven you."

Jin looked at Jimin's hand wrapped around his, "I don't know if he forgave me. How could you forgive someone who told you he loves you but left you without even saying a word? And you'll learn after a few weeks that man is getting married to someone that is not him? My wedding with your brother was big news back then. I guess everyone was aware that I marry Namjoon."

"Do you know where he is right now?"

Jin stared at Jimin's eyes before smiling timidly. Jin nodded slowly. "Yes, and I did my best to conceal his real identity. Your brother didn't know his real name. So I guess it would be better off that way. I still couldn't believe Taehyung wasn't able to trace him but I am also thankful because if Taehyung did, I'm pretty sure he would have been dead by now. I guess keeping who he really it was the least that I can do for him."


Jimin giggled as he glanced at Jungkook who appeared to be in deep sleep on the couch. "I have to go to my room now. Just in case he knocks on your door, let him in and--"

"Shut up! He won't do that and stop saying that! Your brother will surely kill me!" Jin screamed in a whisper as he covered Jimin's mouth.

Jimin nodded, zipping his mouth with his fingers before winking at Jin. "I'm serious. Good night! See you tomorrow."

As soon as Jimin pulled the door closed, Jin placed his finger on the sensor and a beep followed. Indicating that the door was locked. Looking in the direction where Jungkook was sleeping, Jin went inside his bedroom. He opened the cabinet and got a blanket. Walking back to the living room, he placed the blanket over Jungkook.

Jungkook moved, and Jin froze. His eyes were fixed at Jungkook, waiting if Jungkook would open his eyes. After making sure that Jungkook wasn't awake, Jin slowly walked away to his bedroom. Taking another glance at the living area, Jin smiled before entering his room.

As soon as the door closed, Jungkook opened his eyes and smiled. He appreciate the gesture and somehow, it made his heart flutter. Taking a quick look at Jin's bedroom door, Jungkook folded the blanket and neatly placed it on the couch, before walking out of the wall.



I've been busy the past few days. The reason for the delays. Also, I've been exercising for a week now and my whole body is aching. Lol.

Please stay healthy!

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