5. The Wall

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Jungkook admits that he's in awe of how huge and grandiose Namjoon's mansion is. He can only smile and curse in his head as he thinks that somehow, his parent's money is part of Namjoon's wealth now.

Though Yoongi's house is not far in terms of design and beauty, and it is located in one of the luxury apartments in the city, Yoongi is much simpler and humble compared to how Namjoon acted earlier. Indeed, Namjoon is full of himself.

As they arrived at the basement parking, Jungkook already noticed the numbers of men standing almost in every place in the mansion. All has gun tucked on their waistband.

"These are the cars Seokjin always use. He always uses the blue one and the van on the right. But his favorite is the blue one. Everything else, boss uses."

Jungkook scans the cars Taehyung pointed. Memorizing the color, model, and plate numbers. "New bodyguard. Boss refers to me as a new bodyguard. What happened to the previous one?"

Taehyung glanced to one of Namjoon's men guarding the lot before paying attention to Jungkook's question, "He resigned. He is Seokjin's favorite that's why he's acting like that earlier. They've been working with each other from the time he got married to Boss. So he doesn't want anyone except for Mr. Hwang."

Jungkook assents his head. "I thought I'm going to lose my job on the first day. Mr. Kim seems picky."

Taehyung chuckles, understanding what Jungkook meant. "Seokjin is always reserve. He rarely talks and when he does, it's either he's annoyed, or he's requesting for something. Like what you witnessed earlier, he's annoyed.

Honestly, he's easy to work with. Just a bit hard-headed. But he doesn't complain too much. He will either go shopping or go to a meeting Boss asked him to attend. Just don't bring him anywhere that Boss didn't know. If what he asked for permission is he will go shopping, or to the grocery, then that's it. If he wants to go somewhere else, Boss should know."

"I understand."

As they walk out to the driveway, they walk past the lawn. The front gate is too far from where they are. But what catches his eyes is the mansion's beautiful garden. He failed to inspect earlier as he was anticipating his first meeting with Namjoon.

The garden is like an oasis filled with different colors of flowers, and bushes, and there are small trees of the same height. The air smells like freshly cut grass that covers the ground. How ironic, Jungkook thought. The beauty that is visible in his eyes masks the dirt the owner has.

"The garden is beautiful. Boss must have hired someone to maintain this?" Jungkook inquired causing Taehyung to smile. "Well, this used to be just a huge lawn with grass. But Seokjin loves flowers, and he insisted that he loves seeing them when he looks from the porch of their bedroom."

"Oh, I see him there when I arrived earlier." Jungkook and Taehyung glance at the porch on the second floor where Seokjin always spends his mornings.

As they walk more while Taehyung discusses what Jungkook needs to know and understand, Jungkook noticed a tall wall. The wall is connected to the mansion's sidewall and as if dividing that part of the house from the rest. The wall seems to border a secret room or door as it looks so confined from what Jungkook has observed. "Is it a different house?"

Taehyung gazes in the direction and stares at it for a while, "Well, yes and no. It is part of the mansion but, though it may sound odd to you, Boss treated it as a separate one. That's why there's a wall partition. By the way, I guess you'll spend more time going back and forth in that particular part of the mansion."

Jungkook narrows his eyes, eager to know what Taehyung meant. "You'll know soon. Let's go, I'll show you your room."


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