Chapter 25 - Parents Ruin Every Situation

Start from the beginning

Her black gown graciously fell to the floor. The smokey eyes makeup made her beautiful eyes stand out even more. She looked like a bloody goddess. 

"Sorry, sorry" She apologised. But I just started at her open mouthed. "I know I'm real late, it's just I'm a girl and you probably know how long it takes for us to get re-" I cut her off right there, I didn't ask for an explanation. Plus I had a feeling that she might bring up Aisha and I was in no mood to think about that bitch.

"Let's go?" I asked sliding my hands through hers. She hesitated for a while but then I gave her a reassurance smile and we were off to the restaurant. 

The restaurant was huge — probably bigger than some of the ones you'd find in London — and we got a table for two right in the corner. There was a rose shaped candle burning in the middle of the table and two wine glasses and a bottle of wine waiting for us. I pulled out Ria's chair for her — just like a gentleman — and she sat down. I sat down opposite of her after that. 


The way that Rohan lead me to the restaurant was just beyond adorable. On top of that he looked so bloody hot (not to mention handsome). That white shirt, skinny jeans with a clean shave made him look real manly and like a true gentleman. I don't think that I would have ever thought that I would love this arrogant guy when I first met him in Paris, but look at me now. No explanation needed. 

But now, sitting in this restaurant, it was really quite and neither of us was talking. It was getting beyond awkward and I started fiddling around with my fingers and looking around. Rohan seemed to notice my discomfort.  

"uh, would you like some wine?" He offered to clear the awkwardness.

"No I don't... drink..." I said but instantly realised that maybe I shouldn't have. Rohan's creepy smile grew on his face and I felt my face heat up and blush. 

"Sure you don't" he teased me.

"That was..." I didn't bother having an argument; he'd clearly won this time. He was fully smiling by now. "Fine just pour me a glass, but only one today." He smiled and poured me a glass of wine. 

"So Miss Patel," Rohan began. 

"Oh Rohan, stop with the formalness" I said.

"Ok, Ria. So tell me how are you enjoying this business trip so far?" he asked. Was he being sarcastic? This guy, I tell you, you can never tell if he is sarcastic or not. 

"Uh, yeah, um its only been a couple of hours, so I can't say much." I said taking a sip of my wine.

The waiter came along and handed us both a copy of the menu. We both read it in silence and five minutes later we both agreed on some food and he ordered. While the food came we talked about business and nothing but business. Yeah, it was a bit boring but I guess this wasn't going to be like the last time. We weren't going to get invited to dance again since nobody was dancing. So I guess this was expected.  Once the food arrived we ate in silence. Within fifteen minutes we were finished. 


It was so silent throughout dinner. I want to tell her how I feel about her, but I don't know how to. But I had to. Urgh why is it so hard? It wasn't this hard when I told Aisha. Urgh that witch! Urgh! I had to say something. 

"Uh, Ria" I began wiping me my hands on the napkin.

"Yeah." She said looking up.

"I-I-I need to tell... you, uh something." I hesitated. 

"Yeah go on." She said.

I leaned forward, "ok um-" I began but was cut off by her phone.

"Opps. Sorry, but I really have to attend this. Mums you know?" No, I dint know, my mum never calls me. "I was  supposed to call her once I got here but totally forgot, so I'm just going to... you know." I nodded my head and with that she left. 

I slumped back into my chair. Parents, I swear, are the worst thing that ever happened! They always ruin the moment! Why, auntie Ji? Why? And Ria? She a typical Indian who gets extremely excited whenever her parents call. Urgh! Great! 

It took her ten minutes to tell her parents that she had reached Dubai safely.

"Sorry, um, you were saying something" She said as she came back, but I wasn't in the mood anymore, I'll just wait till tomorrow.

"Uhm, I- I forgot" I lied, "Let's go." With that I stood up and offered my hand. She had a confused look on her face but unlike Aisha, she didn't argue and force me to speak up. Instead, held my hand and got up. 

Silently, we walked up to our lobby and I dropped her off at her room and went on to mine. I suddenly felt really tired and just fell onto my bed without even changing. Well I guess I just had to wait for the 'right time' to tell her and shouldn't rush.


A/N: Hey guys! Here is a quick update so that I can sort of make up for not really updating for a month or two a couple of weeks back. Anyways, Ria and Rohan are finally in Dubai! Too bad Ria's mum called at the worst possible time! Rohan was so close to expressing his feelings! Anyways, to know if he does express them or not you will have to wait for the next update. Till then please, comment, vote and spread the word <3 Chao XOXO Yashriii

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