Morning Coffee, Morning Kisses

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PROMPTA look at a domestic morning with Yoon Jin-ah and Yoo Jin-woo.


Yoon Jin-ah was preparing some coffee for her and Yoo Jin-woo, as they were about to go to work. She was in a light blue matching blazer and trouser set. Professional.

It was a beautiful morning. The sunlight peeked through their floor to ceiling window, casting a bright golden glow inside their apartment. Outside was a beautiful garden filled with newly bloomed flowers. Her favourite flowers.

Jin-ah loved spending her mornings there, especially during weekends where time slowed down. No pervert bosses, no angry customers, and no paperwork to be finished. It's just her enjoying her coffee, surrounded by flowers.

That day, Jin-ah wasn't late. Now, that's something a bit new. But ever since she and Jin-woo got back together, it's like everything's in place.

Jin-ah's life's back on track. Her mother wasn't breathing down her neck, and setting her up with every eligible bachelor out there. Because she's with Jin-woo.

Thank goodness Jin-ah's parents, most especially her mother, approved of Jin-woo. He's rich and handsome after all. Not that it mattered to her. The only thing that mattered was they were back together.

Yes, the both of them moved past their rough patch. Moved past the hurt they caused each other. But there were still times when Jin-ah couldn't believe that they're back together. That Jin-woo loved her enough to take her back after she broke his already fragile heart.

For what? To find herself? Bullshit. Jin-ah was scared. She was scared of how much Jin-woo meant to her. She was scared that in just a snap of a finger, he'd be gone. And she'd be left to piece herself back together. So she thought that breaking his heart first was better than hers breaking first.

~ Flashback ~

Three years ago, Jin-woo went to Jin-ah's apartment, all smiles and ready to ask her the biggest question.

But the moment Jin-ah opened the door, Jin-woo knew something's wrong, and it's not gonna be in his favour.

"What's wrong?" Jin-woo asked, worriedly.

Jin-ah closed the door behind her. She didn't even invite Jin-woo in.

"Let's take a walk?" Jin-ah tried to smile, but it didn't help soothe Jin-woo's nerves. He thought it was something superficial. But he was wrong on all levels.

It was the last thing Jin-woo expected to happen. For Jin-ah to break up with him.

"I think we need a break," Jin-ah told Jin-woo.

"Why?" Jin-woo asked, trying to process what Jin-ah said.

"I just need time for myself. I feel lost. I don't know what to do with my life," Jin-ah started. "I don't deserve you. I'm a mess. I'm an adult, and yet I'm lost."

"We're all lost. But at least we can be lost together. Then, I can help you like you help me," Jin-woo tried to convince Jin-ah. Or himself. Or both.

"No. I need to do this for myself," Jin-ah said firmly. 'For you. For us,' she continued without saying it out loud.

Jin-woo didn't understand. Not at that moment. But he tried. He loved Jin-ah too much, enough to understand.


To say Jin-ah was surprised was an understatement. It was just another thing to remind her that Jin-woo was too good for her.

"I'll wait for you," Jin-woo added.

"Don't," Jin-ah replied adamantly.

"I will. I love you," Jin-woo handed Jin-ah a small jewellery box. He kissed her forehead, and walked away. He didn't want to see her cry because if he did, he wouldn't have the strength to walk away like she asked him to.

When Jin-woo was almost out of sight, Jin-ah opened the small box. Inside was a dainty necklace. It was beautiful. There was a note attached.

To the love of my life,

Can't wait to spend the rest of my days with you.

Love, Yoo Jin-woo

Jin-ah cried after seeing what was inside the gift box. She stayed there, stood for what seemed like forever. She convinced herself that what they did was the right thing to do and she just hoped that they'd find their way back to each other. Because if they don't, she's done for.

~ Present ~

Jin-ah held the same necklace on her neck, the one Jin-woo gave her that night. There were times she needed a reminder of their love. She kept it as a source of motivation to continuously strive to be a better version of herself. For him. For them.

Jin-woo came out of their bedroom and immediately went to where Jin-ah was standing in their kitchen. He hugged her from behind. He knew she was lost in thought for a moment. "Your coffee will get cold. What were you thinking?"

Jin-woo kissed the crown of Jin-ah's head, and snuggled his face closer to her neck. His arms wrapped around her as he held her to him. His hands were holding hers on top of her stomach. His thumb was brushing over the ring on her finger. Her engagement ring.

"I was just thinking about how much we've been through to get to this moment. Finally together. And to top that, we're ready to spend forever with each other," Jin-ah answered. She felt Jin-woo smile.

Everything's fine, especially with the darkness of their separation already behind them. Jin-ah wouldn't let the mistakes she made in the past weigh her down, and cause more pain and hurt to Jin-woo and their relationship.

Jin-woo turned Jin-ah around to face him. He held her face and gave her a sweet, lingering morning kiss. "What's that for?" She asked him, her beautiful smile gracing her face.

"Thank you for coming back to me, even if I thought you wouldn't," Jin-woo said.

"Thank you for waiting for me, even if I said you shouldn't," Jin-ah replied.

"We're really quite a pair, huh?" They laughed at their silliness.

"You're stuck with me forever," Jin-ah added.

"Wouldn't have it any other way," Jin-woo said before pulling Jin-ah for another hug.

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