Baking Cookies

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PROMPT: Binjin baking cookies together.


In past interviews, Ye-jin has always mentioned how she was better in baking than in cooking.

So it was no surprise that Ye-jin was in her kitchen, baking several batches of cookies to be given as a token of appreciation to her staff in the agency. She always sees to it that whenever she has the chance to thank them, she would.

No matter how small their help was, they deserve to be recognised for their hard work and dedication because without them, Ye-jin wouldn't be where she was now.

No matter how far Ye-jin has come, an A-list actress with multiple awards and titles, she never forgot to stay on the ground and look back to where she came from.

It shows Ye-jin's generosity and humbleness. She is a really soft hearted and good person indeed.

Ye-jin was busy in the kitchen. Flour was scattered on the countertop, baking utensils were clanking, and the oven was being preheated.

Ye-jin was almost halfway through her task when Bin went to the kitchen. She was too busy to even acknowledge his presence.

Bin went and hugged her from behind. He put his arms around her waist, leaned in closer to her cheek, and swayed their bodies together - slowly, side to side.

Bin has always enjoyed the feel of Ye-jin in his arms. No matter where they are, being in her presence always feels like home.

Ye-jin is and will always be her home.

Bin kissed Ye-jin on her cheek, "What are you baking? It smells so delicious that I had to go out to see what you were up to."

Ye-jin leaned her head back onto Bin's shoulder. "I'm baking cookies to give to the people in the agency. It's the least I could do for them. Can you help me so I can finish them faster," she sweetly asked him, making sure to add her eye smile to convince him more easily.

Ye-jin really knew how to use her charms to her advantage. It was Bin's weakness after all.

"Sure, jagiya," Bin kissed Ye-jin's forehead one last time. He went to the cabinet to get an apron. Before he even asked, Ye-jin was already behind him, tying the straps into a bow to secure the apron.

These little things show how in sync they are. It was as if they were meant to be - and a lot believe that they are. They know what the other was thinking, feeling, wanting, or needing, without even having to be vocal about it.

The two walked back toward the kitchen island. "Here, mix these ingredients. Remember, always put the dry ingredients before adding the wet ones. Always follow the measurements as accurately as possible too." Ye-jin gave Bin the mixing bowl, the whisk, and the spatula, before she went to check the oven for the earlier batch of cookies.

Ye-jin got the trays out and put them on top of the island beside Bin's working space. She let the cookies rest for a few minutes, making sure they cool down properly to get the best results.

Once the cookies have cooled down, Ye-jin got one. "Tae-pyung, here, try one. Let me know what it tastes like," Bin opened his mouth so Ye-jin could feed him the cookie. His hands were busy mixing the batter anyway.

Once the flavour of the cookies melted in Bin's mouth, he closed his eyes and let out a satisfied hum. "It tastes really delicious, Eon-jin. It isn't too sweet and the softness is just right as well."

A beautiful smile graced Ye-jin's face, satisfied with the result. "I can't wait for them to taste these. I hope they'll like them."

With a routine already established - Bin will do the mixing and Ye-jin will do the checking and packing - they set to work.

Bin however, slowly became hungry. It didn't help that he was surrounded by all of these cookies which are absolutely delicious, making his mouth water and his stomach rumble.

While Ye-jin was busy tying ribbons and writing cards, Bin quietly sneaked and got a cookie. He ate it as fast as he could and went back to his task, acting as if nothing happened.

Next thing you know, Bin finished a whole tray and he didn't even notice. It was as if his hands and mouth had a mind of their own and just kept on grabbing and munching on those cookies. It was that indulging. "Omo ---" he quickly looked at where Ye-jin was and he began to panic.

Bin even dropped a few chocolate chips and flour on the floor. He let go of the whisk and some batter splattered on the table. Ye-jin heard these and asked if Bin was alright which he replied, "Yes, Eon-jin. Just dropped a few things. Continue working, I'm almost done."

As if sensing Bin's panic, Mina went inside the kitchen where her dog parents were. Wagging its tail and sniffing around, she finally sat down beside Bin's feet.

Suddenly, Mina's ears perked and walked a few steps ahead. There, she saw a few pieces of chocolate chips.

Next thing you know, there was a commotion.

Ye-jin didn't believe Bin when he said that everything was alright. So she stood up from her workplace and went toward where Bin was.

In a flash, Ye-jin scooped Mina as she was about to eat the chocolate chips that were on the floor. With the dog in her arms, she scolded the adorable yet cheeky dog. "You cannot eat chocolate, Mina. It's bad for you! Aish," She tapped its head and took a peek at what Bin was doing.

Ye-jin looked at the supposedly resting cookies on a tray beside Bin's workplace. However, she saw no cookies.

Ye-jin looked at Bin and then at the tray, back at Bin and back at the tray again. It was as if she cannot believe what she was (not) seeing.

Bin gulped. He immediately knew that Ye-jin was about to snap at him for eating the cookies. He instantly opened his mouth and blurted out even before she could scold him. "Mianhae, jagiya! I didn't mean to finish all of the cookies! I was really hungry because of all the mixing I've been doing. Next thing I know, they're all in my tummy already... mianhae, jagiya," he walked toward her with cute puppy eyes for additional sentiment.

Ye-jin closed her eyes for a few seconds.

Inhale. Exhale.

When Ye-jin opened them, she smiled at Bin, making him confused and nervous at the same time. He didn't know what's running in her head.

Will Bin sleep on the couch tonight?

Ye-jin stepped closer to Bin. He closed his eyes and she lightly smacked his forehead. "That's for making a mess." She hit his arms after, "That's for putting Mina in danger." She hit his chest, "That's for eating a tray of cookies."

Lastly, Ye-jin kissed Bin on the lips. He was flabbergasted. 'What just happened,' he thought. "That was for helping me anyway. Were you scared I'd get mad," she asked him while laughing at the same time. He released the breath he didn't know he was holding for a while.

Bin enveloped his two girls, Ye-jin and Mina, in a comfortable and warm embrace. "I love you, Eon-jin," he adorably said. He kissed her forehead and fluffed Mina's ears after.

Ye-jin leaned back and looked at Bin intently. "But you're not getting away that easily, Bin-ssi," he furrowed his brows at her statement. "You have to buy me some ice cream since I'm craving it the whole day already. We should have some cookie a la mode for dessert later," she said, like a giddy little child.

Bin nodded his head, "Whatever my girl wants, my girl gets." He kissed her cheek.

"Oh, and if my manager doesn't get cookies. I'll tell him it's your fault," Ye-jin and made a silly face, with her tongue out like a little kid mocking a playmate.

Ye-jin walked back to what she was doing with Mina still in her arms.

Bin just shook his head from side to side.

'What am I going to do with you, Eon Jin?'

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