In Your Thoughts

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I wrote this to manifest ✨Ye-jin's Hollywood debut + Mina debut✨

and now, I don't care if she debuts in Hollywood, because all I want for her is a healthy pregnancy with kim golf/pilates 💕 everything else can wait ☺️ +++ WE GOT A MINA DEBUT but it's Kitty... 👑 QUEEN KITTY WE LOVE YOU, STAY SLAYING 😌


Closest place to you

If not by your side at least

To be in your thoughts


Being A-list actors, it was not new for Ye-jin and Bin to travel to different countries at different times for work - may they be endorsements, dramas, or movie filming.

Bin has been to Spain and Jordan recently for his show Memories of the Alhambra and for his film Point Men. Now, Ye-jin was filming Cross in the United States for her upcoming and most-awaited Hollywood debut.

However, Bin couldn't be with Ye-jin the whole time no matter how much he wanted to go with her because he has work to finish in South Korea too. He made sure to block off at least a month for him to visit and stay with Ye-jin in the United States after he finished his pending work.

The couple couldn't get more excited and has already started counting down the days the moment Ye-jin left Seoul to fly abroad. For a clingy and in love couple who was almost always attached to the hip, this was a bit of a challenge but nothing they cannot handle. They've conquered the Jordan long-distance relationship for months after all.

For the meantime, Bin made sure to talk to Ye-jin's manager about some of his reminders, most especially about her health. He didn't want a repeat of her fainting incident back when they were still filming Crash Landing on You because it was already bad enough that he couldn't go to the hospital during that time. What more this time around that they were in different countries?

Bin knew that Ye-jin's manager and the rest of her team would take care of her just like how they had been doing for two decades now but he cannot help but worry about her.

That was what couples do, right? They worry for each other's well-being all the time.

Bin was just being a caring and loving boyfriend. But we all know he can be too much sometimes, especially when it comes to Ye-jin.

They know that they will miss each other all the time but they will breeze through these months by spending time in work and with other people - their family and their friends.

They promised each other to have daily video calls and daily texts. Even the simplest how are you's and have you eaten messages were meaningful enough to reassure each other that they were doing alright.

These little mundane acts of love mean a lot especially given the physical distance between them. They are at opposite sides of the world for goodness' sake. Thank goodness there's technology (even if Bin can be a bit of an ahjussi when it comes to this.)


Night time came and Ye-jin was getting ready for bed. She was just putting the finishing touches from her nightly skincare routine. As she was tapping the facial oil on her cheeks, her phone lit up.

*Binnie calling*

It was 8:30 in the evening in the United States which made it 12:30 in the afternoon in Seoul. Ye-jin was getting ready for bed while Bin probably just finished eating his lunch.

Ye-jin finished putting on her moisturiser and walked toward her bed. She fluffed her pillows so she could lie down comfortably. Once she was sitting down comfortably with her back resting on the headboard with a pillow behind her, she answered the video call.

"Hi, Tae-pyung!" Ye-jin excitedly greeted her boyfriend. "Turn on your camera, I want to see your handsome face. Oh! And I absolutely want to see Mina, my baby! Pali! Pali!"

There on the screen was Bin cuddling with Mina on their bed with their cute pouty faces on. Ye-jin laughed so much, her eyes turned into crescent moons and her cheeks went red.

"Awww, do my babies miss me so much," Ye-jin teased her cute little family. "I miss you so much Eon Jin-ah," Bin replied, still sporting his pout.

Arf! Arf! Arf!

Mina barked as if saying that she missed her Eomma Ye-jin as well. Her tail continued wagging with excitement from seeing Ye-jin's face.

Homesick. That feeling of longing for home and family while absent from them. Funnily enough, Ye-jin was the one in a foreign country but Bin and Mina were the ones feeling homesick.

How could they not?

Bin was missing his home so bad and by home, he meant Ye-jin. No matter how cliché it sounded, it was the truth.

Ye-jin was Bin's home.

"Don't worry, Tae-pyung, I miss you so much too!" It was now Ye-jin's turn to pout her kissable lips Bin missed so much.

"With the amount of times you crossed my mind today, I wouldn't be surprised if I dream about you tonight. I might even hallucinate that you're beside me when I wake up tomorrow," Ye-jin confessed, smiling shyly at her own honesty.

"You and me both, baby." Bin replied smugly. "Don't worry. Just a few weeks left and I'm flying out there to see you. Finally!"

"Anyway, how will your day go," Ye-jin asked Bin knowing that he was just about to officially start his work day.

They started conversing about anything they could think of until she started yawning.

"Eon Jin-ah, am I boring you? Have I lost my jam," Bin teased his sleepy girlfriend. "Never! You can never bore me and just so you know, you're so funny," Ye-jin replied and winked. No matter how much she tried to fight the sleepiness and cover it up, a huge yawn followed once again.

"It's okay, baby. I know you're tired. Sleep," Bin said softly. He knew how taxing filming abroad can be given how they were expected to be on top of their game all the time to avoid unnecessary mistakes that might cost them money and waste their time.

"Sing me to sleep," Ye-jin said as she slowly slid down from her sitting position to place her head on the pillow. She put her phone up against the other pillow beside her to make it seem like Bin was actually lying down beside her at that same moment in that same bed.

"As you wish my love," Bin whispered softly, his soothing baritone voice filled the air.

On the other side of the world was a man with a cute little puppy cuddled on top of his chest, singing a soft tune that lulled his beautiful and lovely girlfriend to sleep as she waited for him to come and be with her soon.

"I love you," Bin said while staring at the screen, just mesmerised by the beautiful features of Ye-jin's sleeping face. She was sleeping in peace. No worries, no stress, and no longing.

Bin touched the screen - touching her face.

Bin could only wish to be able to feel Ye-jin's soft skin against his strong hand once again. He could only wish to be able to embrace her petite figure into his arms once again.

He could only wish...

This would do at least for now.

This would do until they were in each other's arms once again.

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