Don't Miss the Flight to Swiss

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AHHH this one's based from my actual meet cute DREAMS 👋🏼 hello ✨ universe, make it happen for me po. hope y'all had a great weekend 💕💖 


Ri Jeong Hyeok was at the airport on the way to fly to Switzerland.


Ri Jeong-hyeok just finished checking in his luggage for his flight to Switzerland. He's on his way there for a performance. He wasn't that famous for normal people, but within the Korean music industry, his name was known because he was a truly great musician and performer.

Jeong-hyeok plays the piano beautifully. He has a pair of skilled hands and a soulful heart. His emotional playing always touches the hearts of those who listen to his masterpiece. The moment the last note hits, you would wish for the piece to continue on or better yet, have another piece to play after.

Jeong-hyeok finally got in after going through several security checks. He was looking for a café to chill in while waiting for his flight's boarding call, which was at least an hour and a half away. He saw Paris Baguette Café, his go-to airport café, and went in. Given he's a frequent flyer for both domestic and international flights, he really needed a familiar and trusted place and it was this one.

This particular café offered various fresh pastries, crafted coffee, and signature cakes among other things. Jeong-hyeok ordered a grilled chicken caesar salad and iced vanilla. He also planned on getting smoked sausage bread from the self-service area located in the middle of the store where customers can just grab a tray and put their food to-go.

Just when Jeong-hyeok was about to get the last smoked sausage bread, another person got to it first. He looked at the other person and before he could get annoyed, he stopped because he was awestruck by her.

'She is beautiful,' Jeong-hyeok thought to himself.

"Oh, sorry!" The beautiful woman started, immediately letting go of the bread they were both craving. "You can get it. I'll get something else since you were first," she added.

"No! It's okay!" Jeong-hyeok immediately reassured her that it was alright. "Are you sure?" She asked. "Yeah!"

"Thank you!" The woman asked. When Jeong-hyeok thought she was already beautiful earlier, she became even more beautiful in his eyes the moment she thanked him and showed her eye smile. "Maybe let me buy you coffee instead?" The woman tried. "No worries," he reassured her again that it was alright.

They went separate ways to different tables. The woman ordered a vanilla latte and blueberry yogurt cake on top of the smoked sausage bread she got earlier.

While eating, she was also reading a book. By the looks of it, she's already finished with the book. She was so engrossed that every emotion could be seen passing through her face as she flipped page by page.

Jeong-hyeok couldn't help but observe her, stealing glances every after a few bites of his food. She caught him and he blushed. She just smiled and continued eating and reading.

After finishing her food, she went out of the café. Jeong-hyeok thought she just went to the restroom because she left her book on the table. He thought she was still going back, but after a few more minutes, she didn't. So after he paid for his food, he went over to her table and got the book in hopes of bumping into her again and returning it. He put it into his carry-on bag and walked toward the waiting area before he boarded the plane.

Jeong-hyeok was just in time. He was greeted by a flight attendant at the main entrance door of the plane, "Welcome and thank you for choosing to fly with us!" He found his assigned seat and arranged his things into place before getting comfortable. Thank goodness he got the window seat. He didn't have to get annoyed with constant passing by and bumpings of other passengers on their way to the lavatory.

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