Listening Stars and Answered Dreams

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Yoon Se-ri kept on wishing until her 'someday' finally came true.


Yoon Se-ri was standing alone on the balcony of their chalet with the fresh cold breeze flowing through and a familiar melody accompanying her thoughts. Ri Jeong-Hyeok's musical composition that saved her before was playing and saving her again from completely being saddened by the harsh reality that he wasn't with her. The harsh reality is that until now, her wish is yet to come true.

Se-ri looked up at the stars and as if feeling her sadness, a shooting star passed by -- giving her the chance to try and make her wish come true.

Se-ri didn't really believe in wishes and dreams before. She only knew numbers, figures, business, money, power, and status. She only knew long hours in the office and work without celebrating holidays -- she only knew Seri's Choice. It was her life.

Don't get Ser-ri wrong, her company is still her life and will always be. It was there with her when nobody else was.

But now, Se-ri has become more appreciative of the other facets of life. She learned that life has a whole lot more to offer -- that it's not just about board meetings, product launches, and never ending deadlines. It's also about forming strong relationships and enjoying life with the people who care for her. It's about keeping love alive inside her heart.

Se-ri learned all of these when she met Jeong-hyeok. Because of him, her whole outlook on life changed for the better. He saved her from completely being lonely for the rest of her life. He taught her that she deserved to be loved and that she too is capable of loving someone instead of keeping her walls up and guarding her heart too much.

So even if Se-ri needs to keep on wishing every time a shooting star appears, she would. Even if wishing on a shooting star seemed silly for others and for a businesswoman like her -- again, she still would. Because she wasn't about to let the love of her life slip through her fingers. She wasn't about to give up on love and just experience it once. She wanted to continue experiencing it with Jeong-hyeok for a very long time -- perhaps for a lifetime if they could. And she firmly believed they would.

The past events of Se-ri's life that led her to meet Jeong-hyeok couldn't compare. It's the best dream ever. Yes, it's a silly and foolish dream for others but it's the best reality she could ever have in her entire existence.

"How many more wishes do I have to make to be with you again, Ri Jeong Hyeok-ssi?" she whispered and let the air hopefully let her words travel for Jeong-hyeok to hear. So that he could hear just how much she longed for him even after all this time.

Se-ri looked up at the stars because she believed that Jeong-hyeok was thinking and wishing for the same thing. And knowing him, he's definitely longing for the same thing as hers. And that is to be with each other for the rest of their lives.


Now, Se-ri was standing on the same balcony of the same chalet and the same fresh cold breeze hitting the delicate features of her face. But this time, there's another music playing -- a happier and more hopeful melody filling the space. This time, she wasn't alone anymore.

A pair of strong muscular arms encircled her waist from behind. Se-ri let out a sigh of relief and contentment at the same time. She leaned back and enjoyed the warmth, comfort, and love the embrace brings her.

Whenever Se-ri's in his embrace, she feels like all is right in the world. It's just the two of them and nothing can hurt them anymore.

"What are you thinking about, Se Ri-ah?" Ri Jeong-hyeok asked.

"Just about how fate and destiny worked for us. Just how much our love grew and fought to get here," Se-ri paused as if she still couldn't imagine what's happening. "You and I are together at last."

Se-ri stopped for a moment as if gathering her thoughts so she could tell Jeong-hyeok more. He was patiently waiting for her to share whatever she wanted to share with him. He'd gladly listen and take whatever he could get to make up for all the time he wasn't there with her.

"I used to stand here alone. I was wishing every night that someday, you and I will finally be together -- peacefully and happily. No more borders to cross and no more complicated politics to separate you from me. It's just us basking in the beauty of our home and looking at the same stars instead of wishing for you to be with me. Now, we can finally look forward to a brighter and happier future ahead of us."

Jeong-hyeok kissed Se-ri's temple and whispered lovingly, "Thank you for sharing your thoughts with me. I love you. And I will never get tired of showing you how much I love you every single day." She smiled at his comforting words.

"I would even bring down the stars for you if I could. You deserve all the light and happiness the world has to offer, Yoon Se-ri. Never forget that and never forget just how much I love you. Always remember that I will continue to fight for our love."

"I love you too, Ri Jeong Hyeok-ssi. So much." For now, these words were enough. Because they know that they have all the time in the world to repeat these words again and again -- whenever they need to hear it from coming from each other's lips.

Se-ri turned around. She was now facing her man. She caressed Jeong-hyeok's face as if seeing him for the first time and was trying to memorize all his features all over again.

The couple shared a hug full of warmth, comfort, and love.

Together under the same stars, they're finally happy and about to really start their loving journey towards their long overdue happy ending.

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