Green Dress, Blind Dates

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A woman in a green dress off to her blind date.


Dr. Yoon Se-ri was a pediatric surgeon in Seoul National University Hospital while Dr. Ri Jeong-hyeok was a neurosurgeon. They knew of each other but they didn't know each other. They're both top surgeons in their respective fields. From operating on impossible tumours to getting published in journals after successful clinical trials, name them and they've done it. However, since they work in such a huge hospital, it wasn't common for them to run into each other. They run their own respective departments but today, they just scrubbed in on their first ever surgery together.

They were scrubbing out after a five-hour surgery they performed on a little girl with a brain bleed. Dr. Ri removed the bleed while Dr. Yoon assisted him in the procedure given that she was the main surgeon on the little girl's case. "You were great back there, Dr. Yoon" Jeong-hyeok looked at Se-ri while they were washing their hands on the scrub sink. Her eye smile immediately greeted him. He couldn't help but smile back.

'She's beautiful,' Jeong-hyeok thought to himself. He wasn't immune to Se-ri's charms after all. Nobody was.

"I hope she recovers right away so she can go back to swimming. Did you know that she's a great swimmer? She showed me her medals," Se-ri told Jeong-hyeok with a bright smile plastered on her face. She loved forming relationships with her patients. It helps her treat them better because they trust her enough to let her fix them. And she just loved these tiny humans so much. She even wished to have children on her own someday.

"I know she will. She has the greatest pediatric surgeon on her case after all," Jeong-hyeok praised Se-ri. That compliment made her blush. She was flushed. She was used to getting compliments but for some reason, his compliment meant something more to her. It made her feel things. "Thank you, Dr. Ri," she replied, a tad bit shy compared to earlier.

Se-ri was a badass pediatric surgeon inside the operating room. She was always on her A-game. She was calm, collected, and prepared for anything that might happen during her surgeries. She trusted her fellow surgeons and taught other doctors well. They learn from her the same way she learns from them.

But once she scrubbed out and went outside the hospital, Se-ri was a warm, easy-going, and kind-hearted person.

"No.. I should be thanking you, Dr. Ri. If not for you, I would have had a hard time with this case. It's an easy yet complicated one, if that makes sense? I trust your skills more than anyone else's," Se-ri praised Jeong-hyeok back. This time, it was his turn to blush from the compliment she just gave him.

"It was really nice scrubbing in with you and talking to you. But I'm sorry that I have to cut this little chat short because I for one still have a blind date to go to," Se-ri let out a sigh as she told Jeong-hyeok. "See you on our next surgery!" She told him, her eye smile showing. He smiled back.

"Good luck, Dr. Yoon! I hope he's a great guy," Jeong-hyeok said and Se-ri went out of the scrub room.


Se-ri went to her office to change out of her scrubs in preparation for her upcoming blind date. She looked at the green dress that was hanging on a rack. "I hope this will be the last time I'll have to go on a blind date," she smiled bitterly as she smoothed down her dress.

Don't get Se-ri wrong. She loved her best friend for setting these up for her because she didn't have the luxury of time to plan her own anyway. But she also gets tired from time to time. She just wished that she met the person meant for her at the right place and at the right time. She didn't want to force something if there weren't any real feelings involved anyway. That would be unfair for both parties.

Se-ri changed into the green dress. She looked at herself in front of the mirror propped by the corner of her office. She applied some more lipstick and pinched her cheeks to add some natural blush. Honestly, she didn't need that much makeup because she was already beautiful without it. Her skin was clear and bright and her features were beautiful. But there's also nothing wrong in wanting to look better from time to time.

Se-ri grabbed her purse from the couch and went out to head to the elevators.

Before the elevators closed after Se-ri got in, a hand wedged in-between and she immediately pressed the open button to prevent the person from potentially being hurt. "Omo, Dr. Ri! You should be careful! Are you okay?" She asked Jeong-hyeok, worry flashed in her eyes. "You're a surgeon, remember? We wouldn't want anything to happen to those magical hands of yours, would we? They're the ones bringing in 2 million Won for the hospital after all." Jeong-hyeok laughed at Se-ri.

'She wasn't just beautiful, huh? She was also funny,' Jeong-hyeok thought.

"I'm sorry for startling you. I was just rushing because I don't want to be late for my plans this evening," Jeong-hyeok told her sheepishly, rubbing the back of his messing his hair a little bit. "What are your plans, if you don't mind me asking?" Se-ri asked.

"Oh, I just have another blind date that was set up by my best friend. People are eager to have me settle down. They said that I've been holed up in this hospital longer than I should have," Jeong-hyeok told Se-ri about his blind date plans.

"Oh tell me about it. My best friend also kept on setting me up on blind dates. This time though, she told me that my date is handsome and a gentleman," Se-ri said. "I hope this time, he really is a nice date. I don't want to waste any more of my time just listening to endless chatters about sports cars and what not. I want to keep my ears, you know?" Jeong-hyeok laughed out loud at her sentiment.

"Not all men are like that, you know? Maybe you'll get lucky tonight," Jeong-hyeok tried to assure her. "Hmmm. Maybe," Se-ri muttered.

A few seconds of silence passed as the elevator continued to descend. Se-ri looked at Jeong-hyeok again. She noticed a bit of hair sticking out after Jeong-hyeok messed his hair earlier. "Do you mind," she asked him, her hands already up in the air, ready to fix his hair. He just shrugged, unsure about what she was asking specifically.

Se-ri ran her hands through Jeong-hyeok's hair. Putting some pieces back into their right place. "There," she got her hand back. 'He really has smooth silky hair,' she thought after. "Thank you," he replied. 'Her hand felt so good running through my hair,' he thought while his eyes were closed, still relaxed after what she did.

"Well this is me. Good luck on your blind date, Dr. Ri," Se-ri smiled at Jeong-hyeok. "You too, Dr. Yoon."

Jeong-hyeok shouted in a rush before the elevator door closed. "You look beautiful in that green dress by the way. Any man would be lucky to have you as their date tonight," Se-ri blushed at his compliment. "Any woman would be lucky to have you as their date as well, Dr. Ri. They get to stare at your dimples the whole night," he laughed which ultimately showed the dimples she was talking about.

Little did they know, it wasn't the last they've seen of each other that night.

That day was indeed full of surprises. From surgeries to elevator rides, who would've thought that there was going to be a dinner date to add to the events of the day? Maybe fate and destiny had plans for these two talented and good-hearted surgeons.


Se-ri arrived at the restaurant. She entered the venue and asked where her table was. "I have a reservation under the name Seo Dan, I think? But I have another person with me," she told the receptionist. "This way," the man held out his hand to point and guide her to the table.

The moment Se-ri looked at their reserved table, her eyes landed on the same dimpled man that was with her earlier.

"Dr. Ri? Fancy meeting you here," Se-ri told him, still bewildered with the situation she found herself in.

Jeong-hyeok stood up and got the chair out for Se-ri to comfortably sit down.

"Guess we're both lucky tonight, huh," the two surgeons looked at each other and exchanged laughter.

And indeed they were. They were lucky to be with each other because it wasn't their last date after all. 

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