Braids and Flower Crowns

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Yoon Se-ri braids her twin girls' hairs and Seri's Choice new shampoo line.


"Eomma, can you braid my hair?" Choon-hee went to Se-ri holding out a few hair ties and a hairbrush. "Me too, eomma!" Hwa-young jumped up from where she was playing with her dolls and went to where her mother and twin were. "Of course, my babies!"

Se-ri kissed her daughters' heads and asked them to sit down in front of her so she could easily start braiding their hair. Choon-hee was patiently waiting for her mother to finish. She just sat there, trying her best not to move so her mother could braid her hair quickly because she still had to braid Hwa-young's hair after.

Se-ri did a classic french braid for Choon-hee. She brushed her daughter's hair to remove any tangles and started braiding portion by portion. "There you go, my pretty Choon Hee-ah!" Choon-hee stood up, kissed her cheek, and hugged her. "Thank you, eomma! You're the best!" She just laughed at her daughter. They were really such sweet kids.

"Hwa-youngie, it's your turn now!" Choon-hee told her twin sister. Hwa-young went to sit down in front of Se-ri. Just like Choon-hee, she also tried her best not to move because she didn't want her mother to have a hard time braiding her hair. It was a bit more challenging for her though, compared to her twin because she was more energetic and had a shorter attention span.

"Eoh, hold still, Hwa-youngie, arasso?" Se-ri sweetly told Hwa-young. "Ne, eomma. I want to be pretty like you and Choon Hee-ah too!" The little girl told her eomma, showing off her dimpled smile.

This time, Se-ri did fishtail pigtails for Hwa-young. It's more secure and more ideal for a kid like her who loves running around and playing with all her energy. "All done and pretty, Hwa-youngie!" Hwa-young stood up, kissed her cheek, and hugged her so tight. "Thank you, eomma!"

Together, the twins stood in front of the mirror of their bedroom. They were admiring Se-ri's masterpiece. "We love it, eomma!" They simultaneously let out and continued giggling. Se-ri went to them and crouched down to their level. Her face was squished in between their cute little faces before they kissed each of her cheeks.

That was the view Jeong-hyeok saw when he arrived back from his orchestra duties. He leaned his body on the door frame and just admired his small lovely family. He still couldn't believe that his dreams of having his own family, specifically twin daughters with the love of his life, finally came true.

Jeong-hyeok cleared his throat to make his presence known. "My girls look so pretty!" The moment the girls heard their father, they looked behind and ran toward where he was waiting with his arms wide open. He crouched down to catch both of them.

There in Jeong-hyeok's hands were two flower crowns. He bought them in town on the way back home from the university he was teaching music in. He wanted to buy a small gift for his daughters just because.

"Appa! Are these for us," Hwa-young immediately asked Jeong-hyeok the moment she saw the flower crowns in his hands. "Yes, Hwa-youngie. These are for you and Choon Hee-ah," he put them on top of their heads, careful not to mess up their braided hair. "Do you like them?" Choon-hee kissed his cheek, "Ne, appa!"

"Why don't we show these to eomma?" Jeong-hyeok stood up and put his hands on Choon-hee's and Hwa-young's backs to guide them to where Se-ri was standing, watching them fondly. He was really the best father she could have asked for her daughters.

"Eomma, eomma, look! Do we look pretty like you?" Hwa-young jumped up and down due to her excitement over Jeong-hyeok's gift. "Oh girls, you look even prettier than eomma!"

"But you'll always look beautiful in my eyes, Se Ri-ah," Jeong-hyeok kissed Se-ri's cheek as he slipped his arm around her slim waist.

Choon-hee tugged Jeong-hyeok's pant leg. He looked down at his daughter's little fists that were holding him. "Appa, how about eomma? Do you also have a gift for her," the little girl asked. "Of course. We never forget eomma," Se-ri looked at him, curious as to what he got for her.

Jeong-hyeok brought out a piece of cloth from inside his pants pocket. Se-ri looked at his hands, confused. He turned her around and made her face the mirror. He gathered her long luscious locks into a ponytail and tied it using the cloth. "We wouldn't want you to look crazy now, do we?" He said, teasing her. She laughed out loud after remembering a certain memory.

Captain Ri tied Se-ri's hair into a ponytail despite her protests and firm belief that having her hair down was the trend in the South. He didn't listen and continued to tie her hair because in the North, having your hair down meant you're crazy. They didn't want the village ahjummas to have any more questions than what they already had in their minds.

"You're so mean," Se-ri pouted but her eyes said otherwise. Jeong-hyeok put his arms around her shoulders, hugging her from behind. "I love you, Se Ri-ah." The twins looked at each other and hugged their parents' legs, joining the whole family embrace.

After a few minutes in the embrace, the family let go to go on with their day. "Choon Hee-ah, Hwa-youngie, go play outside while we fix up here and prepare your afternoon snacks. For sure you'll be hungry after you play outside," Se-ri told her daughters. "Eomma, can you make us tteokbokki?" Choon-hee asked her. "Of course, I'll prepare your favourites today. We'll call you when it's time to eat, arraso?" She reminded them. "Ne, eomma."

Then the couple was left inside the twins' bedroom to fix some things that were left on the floor from when they were playing earlier on.

"By the way, Jeong Hyeok-ah, can you go to my office later? I need your help with the scents and the formulation for Seri's Choice new men's shampoo line so I can forward them to Hong Chang-sik already. They need them so they can start the production for the initial batch," Se-ri asked Jeong-hyeok.

Se-ri launched a shampoo line for Se-ri's Choice. She created ones for women's, men's, and even kids'. Throughout the years, her family became an inspiration and a huge part when it came to doing business. As a mother and a wife, she saw a lot of opportunities to help families in their everyday lives -- both needs and wants.

"I've always loved the smell of your hair, Se Ri-ah. Maybe you can make a limited edition candle of the same scent so that the kids and I can light the candle before we go to bed whenever you're back in Seoul and we're missing you here." Jeong-hyeok told Se-ri.

"Jeong Hyeok-ah, maybe you should consider switching careers and be my product manager instead. You always give me interesting and marketable ideas!" Se-ri told Jeong-hyeok.

"Should I?" 

Another Day, Another ShotNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ