Late Night Selfies

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my early morning thoughts lead me to this and because of Belle, my love!!! I miss you and I love you sm 💕

PROMPT: Ye-jin used Bin's phone to take selfies because she was bored from playing Candy Crush and Bin was already asleep.


Bin was just coming out of the bathroom after taking a much needed shower. He was drying his hair with a small towel. He was also wearing his usual plain white shirt and a pair of pajamas, clearly ready for bed. He placed the towel back on the rack and turned off the lights.

Mina was waiting by the bathroom door. She clearly missed her other dog parent because he was gone longer than usual due to filming his new upcoming movie. As she heard Bin's steps, she followed him to their bed, all the while her tail wagging mercilessly due to excitement.

Bin fluffed his pillow, pulled the corner of the blanket from his side, and got under the covers. Instantly, he gravitated toward Ye-jin. He missed her that much. He settled beside her and kissed her left shoulder.

Ye-jin turned her head to look at him. She gave him her eye smile - the best view to end his day no matter what kind of day it was. It instantly removed all the tiredness from his body. Coming home to her was one of his favourite things in their life together. Their eyes met and he gave her his dimpled smile. He hugged her left arm and closed his eyes for a moment.

Silence. They didn't need words. Just the presence of each other has and will always be enough. It was a silence filled with trust, care, affection, and most all, it was filled with love.


Ye-jin was busy playing Candy Crush. Years after the game was released, she was still addicted to it. It can be considered as her comfort game. It was relaxing but not relaxing at the same time. It keeps her competitive spirit up. She should always be in the lead against Bin in terms of how far into the levels they were.

Bin was already fast asleep, lying on his stomach with both of his hands under his pillow. While playing, Ye-jin's left hand was running through Bin's soft and silky hair. It started with one interview with her mentioning his hair and carried over to one of his more recent interviews. It was such a big giveaway that they were together which was why it became one of their fondest memories.

It was a simple thing yet it showed Ye-jin's affection and care for Bin. It was not unknown to her that he loved her hands on his hair. It relaxes him whenever she does it. Not even an hour into it and he was already out like a light. Deep and steady breathing, a clear sign that he was already off sleeping and in dreamland.

Mina was also already settled between Ye-jin and Bin. Just like him, she was out in a matter of minutes. What do you expect from a cheeky dog? She liked their bed more than her own dog bed.

Ye-jin continued playing as the night drew deeper.


It was known to everyone that Ye-jin loved playing games because of her competitive nature. She can get carried away, just like tonight. She stopped at a particularly hard level and checked the time. It was already midnight.

Ye-jin looked at Bin. He hasn't moved an inch. He was that tired. She kissed his forehead, caressed his cheek, and whispered, "Good night. Rest well. I love you."

Ye-jin exited her game and turned her phone off. However, she stayed sitting down, back against the headboard, and went back to running her hands through Bin's hair. 'I'm not yet sleepy,' she thought to herself. She sighed. 'What should I do?'

Ye-jin looked around their dimly lit room with the moonlight the only thing illuminating the space. It was quiet with just the occasional rustling of leaves from the trees and plants outside her garden.

Ye-jin's eyes eventually landed on Bin's side table where his phone was placed. Because her energy and boredom were taking over, she took his phone and opened his camera.

Next thing you knew, Bin's phone was filled with tons of selcas. From solo selcas of Ye-jin doing tons of crazy faces, selcas with a sleeping Mina, with a sleeping Bin, with the two sleeping, and tons of other variations, she got them all. Thank goodness his phone has a huge storage.

Once Ye-jin was satisfied with her little activity and started feeling sleepy, she turned off Bin's phone and put it back to his bedside table. With the sleepiness creeping in, she lied down and scooted closer beside Bin. She has always loved the warmth and comfort brought by his mere presence.

Bin hugged Ye-jin, almost like an instinct. In just a matter of a few minutes, she was out like a light as well.


Bin woke up with his beautiful girlfriend clinging to him as usual. He has no complaints though. Who in their right mind would have?

Ye-jin's hair was sprawled out on her pillow while her head was nestled between his head and his right shoulder. Her right arm was placed on top of his chest, right where his heart was. His steady heartbeat was enough to comfort her.

Bin knew that Ye-jin slept late so he tried his best not to wake her up so she could get more rest. It was still too early for either of them to be up anyway.

Bin slowly moved to grab his phone to check the exact time. He just needed to check his calendar to see what his schedule was like for the day.

When Bin opened his phone, he was surprised. He couldn't contain the smile that crept on his face.

There on Bin's phone screen was a picture of Ye-jin smiling so brightly while Mina and him were fast asleep, probably dreaming of long walks by the river.

"Ye Jin-ah, what should I do with you," Bin muttered to himself, the smile never leaving his handsome face. He looked at her, caressed her cheek, and lied back down facing her.

Bin was wide awake but he'd rather stay awake and bask in her presence before setting off for the day rather than go back to sleep. He hugged her.

"Did you like my surprise?" Ye-jin asked Bin softly. She was just half-awake based on the softness of her voice.

"Of course," Bin gave Ye-jin his dimpled smile and kissed her on the lips. "You cheeky woman, I'd get back at you for this."

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