Morning Walks Under the Sun

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PROMPT: Sunlight

Yoon Se-ri and her puppy on their morning walk at the park.


Yoon Se-ri was in the kitchen preparing her daily morning fruit smoothie consisting of bananas, strawberries, and mangoes -- her favourite fruits. They were the right balance of sweet and sour, just the way she liked it to keep her refreshed throughout her morning activities. She took a sip and licked her lips. "Mmm... so good, so refreshing." Her day was off to a good start!

Se-ri's things were already on the kitchen counter. She tied her hair into a high ponytail and checked her whole outfit in front of the full-body mirror on the corner of the living room. She called out her companion after she was satisfied with her look -- ready to go out and officially start her day.

"Are you ready?" Se-ri shouted. Her voice heard across the room. "Come on! We need to get back here before my morning meeting. I have an important call with a huge potential investor. It's a big day!"

A few seconds after Se-ri called out, pitter patter of feet -- or should we say paws -- were heard and a little white maltese came running toward where she was standing. Kitty bumped its small furry head smack straight into her leg. "Aigoo, Kitty-ah! You're always naughty." She grabbed her small bag with her things, her smoothie, and strapped Kitty to her leash.

Se-ri closed the door of her house and was immediately met by the morning sunlight streaming down and hitting her face. "It's going to be a good day," she said out loud with a huge smile on her face. Off they went to the nearby park.

It's really going to be a good day.


Just when they arrived at the park, Se-ri sat down on a bench to tie her shoelaces that got undone while they were walking. She checked the time and if there were any notifications on her smartwatch. The moment she looked beside her, her dog was nowhere in sight.

Kitty was missing.

Se-ri looked around, rushing and feeling the panic, but Kitty couldn't be seen anywhere. She jogged around the area because Kitty couldn't be that far away. "Aigoo! I literally looked away for a minute and you went off?" she let out a frustrated sigh. "You'll get an earful from me when I find you."

Se-ri was absolutely worried. She loved that dog to bits! They've been through a lot of things together.

Kitty was her baby.

Se-ri asked the people around the park and those she came across if they ever saw a white maltese dog with a green ribbon, dog collar, and was on a leash. She was just met with tons of no's and shakes of heads. No one saw her puppy.

But Se-ri wasn't about to give up. She's determined to see her dog again. "I'll find you Kitty-ah," she muttered to herself, willing herself to go on. She bent over, hands on her knees, with tiny beads of sweat on her forehead.

Just as Se-ri was about to call her secretary and team manager, Mr. Hong, Kitty came barking and running toward her. She immediately picked her up and hugged her so tight without crushing her tiny body. She hugged her like her life depended on it. "YAAAH, KITTY-AH! WHERE DID YOU GO? I WAS WORRIED SICK!" Just like she promised earlier, Kitty would get an earful of scolding from her.

"My dog found her barking her little lungs out at some of the other dogs in the area," a deep baritone voice interrupted Se-ri with her one on one with Kitty. "I think she was scared that's why she went on defensive mode."

The man's big dog, a labradoodle, barked as if telling them that what his owner was saying was the truth. "My boy here, Apollo, barked at the other dogs and scared them away. Kitty then tagged along until she saw you. And here we are!"

The moment Se-ri looked up to find out who was Kitty's saviour that day, she couldn't help but be taken aback. The man was GORGEOUS. His hair seemed so silky and soft, you'd wish you could run your hands through them. He also wore a blue jacket over his gray hoodie, some shorts over leggings, and a pair of comfortable rubber shoes. All in Under Armour.

'I need to convert him into using Seri's Choice,' Se-ri thought. 'Or not? He definitely looks hot and handsome in this brand anyway.'

Meanwhile, Se-ri looked like a mess. Her hair was disheveled and her cheeks were rosy, while he looked like he didn't even sweat one drop.

"Thank you!" Se-ri finally let out. "You're welcome," the man said with a smile and shrugged. "No worries. I'm happy to help."

The man noticed that their dogs were still playing so he asked Se-ri. "Do you want to sit over there for a while? Let them have their fun," he added, gesturing to their dogs who were running around. She blushed, "Sure!" They sat at the nearby bench under the shade from a huge tree.

"I haven't seen you around here? Are you new here?" Se-ri asked him. "Oh where are my manners? I'm Yoon Se-ri by the way," she reached out her hand for him to shake.

He laughed. "Actually, I am new here. I'm Ri Jeong-hyeok, pleasure to meet you," he answered her question and shook her hand. Both of them felt a jolt of electricity and sparks flowed throughout their bodies. Her delicate and slim hand fits right in his warm, firm, and big hand. But both also composed themselves, trying their best not to make anything noticeable. "How about you?"

"I've been here for a while now," Se-ri answered. "I own a fashion company back in Seoul and I'm launching my first international store here. That's why I've been staying here for about six months already, getting everything ready you know? How about you, Ri Jeong Hyeok-ssi?"

"Want to guess?" Jeong-hyeok asked Se-ri, a hint of a smile appeared on his face. "Tech entrepreneur, perhaps?" she asked him, unsure of her wild guess. "I get that a lot actually. But no," he laughed this time.

"What do you do then?" Se-ri prodded. "I'm actually a pianist."

Se-ri's eyes went wide open. "Jinjja?! Daebak!" Jeong-hyeok laughed at how animated and comical Se-ri was. "Why is that so surprising though?" She blushed at the question. "I didn't mean to offend you but I don't know a lot of artists because I'm stuck within the business world...." she trailed off.

"Wow! That really made me sound like a total snob! Don't get me wrong. I would love to appreciate more art and learn more about different cultures, but my work is just really taking up so much of my time," Se-ri rambled on. "Don't worry. No offence taken!" Jeong-hyeok assured her.

Jeong-hyeok actually found Se-ri's rambling quite cute.

"Would you like to go to one of my concerts perhaps? Maybe you could start with that learning process now," Jeong-hyeok teased Se-ri. But he was genuine with his invitation. She laughed with him. "It wouldn't hurt to see a familiar face and ease the nerves, you know?"

Right after Jeong-hyeok asked Se-ri, she immediately answered. Not wanting him to get the wrong idea that she didn't want to attend his concert. "I would love to!" She accepted his invitation, showing her charming eye smile. He found her beautiful as a few sun rays that peeked through the leaves of the tree touched and cast shadows upon her flawless face.

They were comfortable around each other. Jeong-hyeok was usually shy and music was the only thing that could make him come out of his shell. But Se-ri made him comfortable. She's like a ray of sunshine -- bright, warm, and comforting.

They looked at their dogs who were still playing. Jeong-hyeok called out to his dog, "Apollo!" He waved some treats for the dogs to come back to them. He even shared some treats with Kitty. Se-ri just laughed at how her dog was acting.

After Apollo and Kitty were done sharing their dog treats with each other, Jeong-hyeok and Se-ri finally stood up from where they were sitting. They shook each other's hands once again, a bit longer this time. Shy smiles painted their faces.

"Maybe we should set up a playdate for these two?" Jeong-hyeok suggested, even if it was just an excuse to Se-ri again. "Kitty would love that," she answered. 'I would love that,' she thought to herself.

They exchanged numbers and business cards (to be sure) before they went their separate ways. They looked back at each other one more time with bright smiles on their faces and waved goodbye.

It was indeed a great day.

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