37. Grocery store/5 months pregnant

Start from the beginning

I went and got all their drinks. When I returned to the table I saw Conner walk in carrying Violet who was still wrapped around him.

I walked up to them and put my hand on her little arm that was around his neck.

"Are you better now?" I whispered to her and she shook her head then basically jumped into my arms.

I wasn't ready so I almost fell over but Conner quickly wrapped his arm around my waist keeping me steady.

"Whoa baby you have to be really careful. Mommy is carrying you sister so be very careful when jumping in her arms" Conner explained and Violets eyes tested up from being slightly scolded.

The day after I got out of the hospital we had announced we were having a baby girl to May,Lousie,Sasha and the kids and everyone was super excited except Bradley who was a little disappointed he wasn't getting a brother.

I smacked Conner on the arm and gave him a glare.

"She's having a rough morning so why the hell would you scold her?" I said angrily.

"I'm sorry I just thought it was important" my eyes softened when I saw the look of guilt on his face.

"It's fine just remember for next time." he quickly nodded.

"Oh by the way did you let May know you were staying home today?" I asked while sitting down so I could start eating.

After I quit, I suggested that Conner hire May as his secretary so she could get out of her prostitution job and also because she wasn't needed as a baby sitter anymore and he quickly agreed. Luckily May agreed and she started working for him a week later.

"Yeah she still went in because she had paper work to do" I nodded and went back to eating while slowly rocking Violet in my arms.
"Dad you need to start eating healthier" I scolded at my dad since I had just walked in on him eating a plate of bacon.

"I thought you would come later" he said shyly.

"Dad do you see why I wanted you to live with me for a few weeks?" I groaned while running my hands through my hair.

He jumped up from my chair and game over to me placing his hand on my tummy.

"Baby girl, stop stressing I don't want anything to happen to this little one." I gave him a glare.

"Look I know you're concerned about my health but baby I've lived a full happy life and I just want to live unhealthy for a little bit your mom would have been fine with it"he told me while kissing my forehead.

"Fine but not to much please" I pleaded and he nodded.

"I got to go Conner and the kids are waiting outside because we're going grocery shopping" I told him while walking up and giving him a hug.

"Have fun baby girl" he said while pushing me out the door.
"Okay here's the shopping list" I said as I handed it to Conner.

I grabbed a cart and started to walk with the kids next to me and Conner.

"First on the list is cereal" Conner announced so we walked to the cereal aisle.

I grabbed honey nut Cheerios,fruit loops,homey bunches of oats,and Special K strawberry cereal. I threw them into the cart and kept going.

"Next is fruit and vegetables" Conner said and we walked to that aisle.

I grabbed snap peas, apples, oranges, grapes, star fruit, tomatoes, celery, broccoli, cauliflower, and carrots.

"Next is milk and cheese" Conner told me before picking up Taylor who was wrapping herself around his legs.

We went over to the milk where I grabbed milk and then blocks of Colby cheese.

"Next juice"

We went over to the juice aisle where I got apple juice and orange juice.

"Mommy I want this" I looked over to see Bradley holding a bottle of grape juice.

"No baby you don't even like grapes" I told him and he curled his little lip at me.

"I want it" he told me again.

"Bradley no" I told him again and he made a growl like noise.

"But I want it!" He yelled and I started getting looks from other customers.

I went over to him and grabbed the juice from his hands and put it back on the shelf. He started cry/screaming and I rushed to pick him up.

In my arms he started to struggle and kicking his legs and flailing his arms around.

I rushed to set him in the cart before he hurt me when he was in the cart I gave him his bubba which I had slipped into my purse before coming in but he didn't care and he threw it in the cart before screaming more. He wasn't even crying he was just screaming.

"Bradley Carter Lander stop this tantrum right now" I slowly told him and he gave me a challenging look before opening his mouth looking like he was about to scream but didn't and just kept his mouth open.

"Okay what's next?" I asked looking over to Conner to see his shocked expression.

"What?" I said really confused.

"You are amazing" he told me while breaking into a giant smile I just gave him a small smile back.

"So what's next?" I asked again and he finally snapped out of his thoughts.

"The last thing is snacks" he announced.

We walked to the snack aisle where I grabbed granola bars, small bags of chips, pretzels, five cans of Pringles and a package of Rice Krispies.

"I want that!" Bradley yelled while pointing at a container of cookies.

"No Bradley" I told him and he gave me a look before crossing his arms.

"Where is he learning this behavior?" I asked to no one in-particular.

"Will acts like that around him" Conner told me and a light bulb went off. Of course Will would do that.

"Lena why don't you just let him get the cookies since you wouldn't let him get the juice?" Conner asked and I gave him a look.

"I'm not rewarding his bad behavior he needs to learn what's right and what's wrong and if I get him something like cookies after his tantrum I would be encouraging him to do it again" I explained and he nodded slowly.

Before we were done shopping I grabbed three packages of apple juice boxes.

"Okay I'm done" I told Conner and he nodded.

We quickly checked out and left the store.

"Mommy" Bradley called while I was helping Conner put the groceries in the back of the car.

I walked to the side of the car he was in and I opened the door.

"Yeah baby bear?" I asked him and he looked at me with his big blue eyes.

"I'm sorry" he said while opening his arms up for a hug.

I leaned forward and hugged him as tight as I could.

"It's okay baby bear" I said pulling back and running my hand through his hair.

"I love you mommy" he told me with his big toothy smile.

"I love you too my baby bear" I told him.

"I love all of you my babies" I said across the car and they all quickly said it back.
Not the best ending and it was a filler chapter but I really don't plan on having anything major happen in the chapters leading up to the birth of baby.....


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