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Levi's POV

One sleepless night down, one more to go. One food less night to go, one more to go. It wasn't a challenge for me as I don't sleep much or eat anyway, but Eren was whining the whole time begging for soemthing to eat, so I made Hanji get him food and I allowed him to take a nap from time to time.

He deserved it since he's doing well with figuring out our lyrics.

I tapped my chin with my pen making a small beat... I looked at my other notes of songs and stared at the sleeping beauty. I got an idea..


When Eren woke up I told him the idea we were going to do, he immediately agreed and we began to add more lyrics.

The idea was that we were going to combine two whole songs together times two again. So basically we're gonna do two songs to impress the judges.. This is going to be fun.


We went outside and practiced nonstop on our dances, we put the song together and was ready for tomorrow. We also practiced the band and songs. It was the same for my songs my bands know what to do, the same for Eren's song, his band knows what to do. They will have a mixture of difference styles and I like that about our new group..

I can't count that we will win, but I wanted to actually do this... I wanted to join this group... I wanted it.. And now I have it.


It was late now, we ate a good meal for once. Me and Eren were on my computer I had brought just incase, we started to put the mix together.

We sent it off to Hannes and April. We sat in my bed next to eachother talking about how we are gonna do good.

"We're gonna ace this shit!" He giggled. I nodded in agreement before we both turned our head back in front of eachother before slowly moving our faces closer to eachother. "Levi..."

"Eren.." I mumbled as our lips blushed softly together.

We then both pulled back before we did anything. He jumped out of my bed and into his. "Well this was a long night. Let's get some rest to be ready for tomorrow!" He said as he got into his bed and covered his self with the blanket.

"Oh. Okay... Ah.. Goodnight Eren."


The next day we were in our ubers silently. We were with our old bandmates waiting till we got to the big building. I noticed how anxious everyone was, including me and Eren.

We were all nervous and slightly scared. But I believed we can do it...

When we got there we met up with Eren and his band in the elevator. We were quiet as we got into the room. Eren unlocked it and we noticed the room was way bigger for us.

"This is perfect space for us to move for our dance moves." Hanji pointed out the obvious.

"Alright. So did we ever read Hannes and April's email?" Eren asked calmly as he glanced at me.

I shake my head and pull out my phone. "He said... 'Levi and Eren, we don't have any complaints as we absolutely love the idea of having the beats already in the background. I can't wait to see the surprise you wanted to show us." I said with a smirk.

"That's awesome!" Erwin and Armin both said making Armin blush. Eren and my eyes shot to eachother and we smirked already shipping them.


"We got..." Eren spoke as he scratched his cute hair. "Last for competition." Eren cheered and we all did.

"Saving the best for last." Jean smirked and laughed.

We laughed with him slightly before we got back to work.

30 minutes later April and Hannes were at our door. "Staying or c-"

"Staying." I said with a monotone voice like always.

"Alright. See you guys soon."

We shut the door. "Alright. Back to work guys." Erwin said as he clapped his hands.

"Let's do this!" Connie said and cheered.

We cheered again with me clapping slightly and smirking at Eren.


Time went on as I we waited for our turn. We ordered us some tacos and drinks. We ate and laughed talking about how we've been rivals since we were 16, now we're in our 19-22. I almost the oldest out of all of them which is good. They listen to me.

After sometime we were called to go down there. As we walked to the elevator from our farther rooms, I was walking while dancing, but not for fun. I was showing them what to do. We like modeling and dancing at the same time making us look pretty good.

We stood behind the two people infront of us as the other person walked out the stage high-fiving his band.

The next person went up. We continued to practice non stop even if people looked at us weirdly. But they didn't know anything. Not at all.


When it was our turn they did their normal speaking, "And lasty... We have..."

We ran up stage and we all togryher got into our position in order before doing our greeting.

"My name is Eren Yeager, I am the main vocalist. and sometimes guitarist"

"My name is Mikasa Ackerman, I am the background vocalist, and retro guitarist."

"My name is Sasha Braus; I am the guitarist."

"My name is Connie Springer; I am the retro guitarist."

"My name is Jean Kirstien; I am the drummer."

"My name is Levi Ackerman, I'm the main singer."

"My name is Petra Ral, I am the vocalist/background vocal and guitarist."

"My name is Hanji Zoe, and I'm the retro guitarist."

"My name is Erwin Smith, and I'm the drummer."

We stomped our feet normally like we've practiced.

"We are all dancers." We stood straight and tall and immediately everyone cheered. The first song then started...

Bring It On; In It To Win It (RIREN) (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now