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Levi's POV

"GO GO GO GO GO!" I heard someone yell and lots of movement.

I watched quietly from the side as I watched Eren and his band run laps around the whole hotel. I smirked at his abs. He was wearing no shirt, only shorts...

He had his little bracelet on it that matched with Mikasa's. I believe that Mikasa is Eren's sister when he did his speech I saw him glance at Mikasa everytime he mentioned sister.

Eren stopped running when he noticed me. I stood there and folded my arms at him.

He turned away and stepped backwards. "Keep running!" Eren said before he jogged backwards towards me, he then swiftly turned around. "What do you want Levi."

"Oh nothing. Just watching the way you run, can I not?"

"No you can't actually. Private property" He glared down at me.

I rolled my eyes. "Like that was going to stop me." I walked past him only for him to push me right backwards.

"As I said. Private property. Asshole." He flicked my head which made me glare at his finger.

I rolled my eyes before turning away. "Welp then. Cya Yeager." I walked off and turned some corners.

I honestly didn't know what to do since I was bored as fuck... All of my bandmates wanted to go eat breakfast then walk around but I didn't want to, instead I stayed back.

Now I was bored out of my mind. I still wonder what Eren was doing with his band friends.. Yeah they were running laps but why? Hm..

I chose to just forget about it before going back up into my room. I sat on my bed and stared at my phone. I then got a call...

I answered it before putting it up to my ear. "What."

"Hello Levi. It's very nice to hear your voice today. How's the trip so far?" My uncle. Tch.

"It's fine. So what do you really want."

"What do you mean? I'm here to talk to my nephew about his trip." He smiled.

"Yeah? Then why am I on this trip?"

"Uh.. For a dancing competition." He said confidently.

"Sure." I rolled my eyes before hanging up. Tch. Stupid uncle. All he wanted was some damn money so he can go get drunk.

Not happening.


It was the afternoon when I got a knock on my door, I swiftly sit up and stand up as I walk to the door. I open it up to see my friends.

They pull me out and I immediately say, "What the hell!"

I then turn my head to see Eren and his band. I groan as I face palm. "What's this all about." I growled.

"Eren here wants an apology." Hanji shrugged swiftly.

"An apology? For what?!" I glare daggers at him.

He smirked at me before walking up to me. I stepped back only to hit the wall. He put his hands on the sides of me and got down to my level. "You know what."

"I don't actually and I think if you explained I can maybe apologize."

"Give it back Levi." He growled at me.

"Give what back?!" I growled back at him.

"Give. It. BACK. AND APOLOGIZE." He grabbed my hands as he tried to capture me basically.

"GIVE WHAT?! I DONT HAVE ANHTHING FROM YOU!" I growled as I tried to get away from him. "UH A LITTLE HELP HERE?!" I glared at my bandmates who started to walk off. "WHAT THE HELL!"

Eren's bandmates soon walked off too which made me lowkey kinda confused.

"If you don't give it back right now.. I swear."

"Give what back? Your respect of personal fucking space?" I said as he got closer to me. He rolled his eyes as I continue to struggle.

"Give me my fucking trophy back."

I stopped moving and stood still. "I didn't take your stupid trophy."

"Yes you did. Your the only person I know who would take the fucking trophy. And I want it back." He stared me in the eyes.

"Listen Eren. I really don't have it. So sorry you lost it, maybe watch it next time." I pushed him away from me as I swung open my door. Eren barged right in pushing me to the floor.

I groaned slightly before slowly standing up to see Eren already rummaging through my shit.


He slammed his hands down on my desk which made me flinch. "So where'd it go then." He glared daggers at me.

"I don't fucking know! Keep looking in your damn room. Maybe your idiots of friends took that shit!"

"Why the hell would they take it dude." Eren turned around and stared at me.

"I don't know. Just leave me alone." I folded my arms.

He then slowly clenched his fists and started to cry. "J-just give it b-back Levi.."

"Oh your trying to cry and make me give it to you even though I don't fucking have it?"

"IM NOT." He covered his face and wiped his dropping tears.

"Oh shit your really crying." I sighed loudly. "Listen okay... I don't have it, but I'll try and help you find it."

He stared at me and kept wiping his tears. He shook his head and walked past me towards the door. "If you do have it... Please just give it back..." He opened the door and walked out, slamming it shut.

I then looked at the door besides me. Tsk Tsk. Petra you sneaky bitch.


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