"Two, where you came from, before getting here. 'Cause obviously, this happened before you got here" That would be a tough one to explain... "And three-" What more could he want to know? He hadn't been that suspicious... had he? "-what was used to cause the damage on your arms".

Todoroki averted his gaze from the blonde, towards the ground infront of him, as he thought his lies through, wanting them to be as believable as possible, when the blonde suddenly leaned down towards him, stopping him from continuing.

"And don't even bother to lie-" How did he know? "-I know when people are lying. If you don't believe me, ask the nerd, he knows better than anyone" Bakugou pointed over his shoulder, at the greenette who seemed to be kinda intimidated by the blondes statement and his biting undertone. 

Todoroki looked past the blonde, as he wanted to make sure he wasn't just lying to get him to speak up. So when Midoriya actually nodded, he seemed more legit and believable than the blonde had made himself seem.

"Well?" Todoroki looked back at Bakugou, quickly realising that the blonde had began tapping his foot angrily at the ground, intimidating the younger even further, than he had already been. "I...uh.." He trailed off as his mind went into lock down.. What could he do now? If lying didn't work... would it even be considered as an option, to tell the truth?

Bakugou leaned in even further keeping eye contact with the two toned boy, as the blondes grip on the couch tightened, making it creak just besides the younger boys head. "Alright, just back off, will 'ya?" Todoroki closed his eyes, as he didn't think he would be able to keep eye contact with the blondes gaze any longer.

"Tch. Fine" Bakugou moved back a bit, giving Todoroki some space, as the hand left from besides his head. As he glanced through his scarred eye, he realised that the blonde had left him almost completely, which made him sigh in relief, though he still didn't maintain eye contact with the other.

"Alright, I did as you said, now tell me why you're covered in bandages" The blondes voice were rough, but not as harsh as it normally was. "I...It was..." He tried searching for the right words, though he still didn't know if they really were- "Something came up, and I just-" He began stuttering, taking everyone in the room by surprise, as Bakugou cut him off.

"You cut yourself again, didn't you?" The blonde didn't react to the others shocked expression, he simply kept his gaze fixated on him, as he waited for an answer. "I..." Todoroki could feel his lip trembling slightly, not much out of fear, but more out of confusion, as he now didn't know how to lie himself out of this.

He looked down at his own lap, as he didn't find any other way, than to tell the truth, his voice coming out in a low whisper, as he didn't want everyone to hear. "I didn't know what I... I didn't even realise" He couldn't look up, even as his eyes started watering, 'cause he didn't know what to do. His emotions were all over the place, and everyone knew that it wasn't like him to act like this.

"I see" Was the only thing Bakugou answered, surprising Todoroki as he couldn't help but look up, only to regret it as he saw the worried expression on the olders face. An expression he had never seen on Bakugou before.

The blonde looked to the side, seemingly searching for something or someone, until he finally seemed to lock onto something, his voice not far behind- "Oi, Deku get the first aid kit". Todoroki could hear someone rustling around in the kitchen behind him, but he didn't get what the blonde needed the first aid kit for at first... until he realised what his intentions probably was.

He wanted to clean his scars... didn't he?

And just as he had thought, the blonde reached for his right arm, grabbing it firmly as to not hurt him. Todoroki struggled at first, not knowing if he actually wanted the blondes help or not, until he decided to give in, the blonde having already taken off most of the bandage on his right arm, making the blood leak more than it already had.

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