Chapter Twenty - Chastity

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WARNING: Some readers may find this episode disturbing due to the perverse sexual nature of the narrative. My apologies in advance.


When the image of Selene on the screen dried her eyes and stood up, Arthur clicked off the television and a panel slid across it. But even after it had disappeared he still stood facing the blank wall, his back rigid.

"You aren't happy." He spoke without turning to look at her.

"No," she agreed. "Wasn't that what you wanted?"

"I don't know." His shoulders visibly sagged. "Your happiness is not something I have considered." He took a hand from his pocket and ran it through his hair. "Honestly, all I wanted was to..." His words faded.

Selene walked towards him, her heavy leather boots clumping with each step.

"Was to what?" she asked, reaching out to touch him. He looked troubled, isolated, standing there that way, and it made her want to touch him. When her hand made contact with his arm, he let it rest there, not drawing it away. After a few seconds he glanced down at where her small hand clutched at him and turned to face her, forcing her to let go.

"Was to make your desire for me unbearable."

Selene felt a thick tension, an awkwardness, descend between them, but regardless, her heart began to beat wildly at his proximity.

"I didn't want to upset you," he said.

"What did you want to do?"

"Prime you. Prepare you. Expunge all thoughts of Hector from your mind, until you are exclusively mine. Until it is really me that you want, not just a man who looks like Hector." He stepped towards her. "Is that a possibility, or am I wasting my time, waiting for you to forget?"

"I'll never forget Hector."

"Zero, Zero, Zero." He closed his eyes and shook his head. Then he moved past her, his body grazing her as he did so, and where their bodies made contact a path of fire blazed down her skin. He opened a cupboard and pulled open a drawer, reaching inside and extracting something that clunked against the wood.

"Do you want to be free here? Free to wander about?"

"I don't want to be locked up in that room again," she said. "So yes, I wish to be free."

"I can allow that. But there is one condition."


"That you wear this at all times."

In his hand he held up what looked to be two types of belt, one fixed and hanging down from the other. It was mostly black, but it had small silver coloured ampersands all over it.

"What is that?" she asked.

"It's a chastity belt. I had it specially designed. We sell them downstairs, in the gift shop."

"You want me to wear that?"

"Only whilst you're away from me. It will ensure that you cannot experience pleasure until I am ready to give it to you."

Selene stepped away from him, her features contorted, disgust twisting her insides.

"This part is tightened about your hips," he explained, holding it for her to see. "And this part-"

"How can you even suggest this?" Her voice quivered with barely suppressed horror.

"It's harmless. Cecily wears one. I like to know that no one else is pleasuring my women."

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