Chapter Two - Who's The Woman For Whom We All Kill?

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His arms wrapped around her body, holding her close, pulling him against her. She moved into him, feeling his closeness, the warmth of his touch, his breath on her neck. He moved a hand across her stomach, toying with her belt, and she lay still, willing his hands to touch her, stroke her, never let go, desperately wanting more...more than he could ever give.



“Are you alright?”

She opened her eyes, and the last traces of her dream diffused like vapour. But this had been different; it had felt real; she had felt his heat, his weight against her back as she slept curled up in his arms. A spark of hope flamed in Selene's chest, and the hope was almost a certainty: Hector was near.

“You were” - Virgil squinted in the darkness and scratched the crown of his skull - “moaning. You were saying his name again.” He was whispering, and she knew he was trying not to wake Xander, who lay on the sand, deeper towards the back of the cave.

She propped herself up on one elbow and stared at him, seeing his concern in his eyes.

“I know it’s not your fault, but it’s getting worse. I don’t know how much more Xander can stomach.”

Selene felt a blush rise to her cheeks, thankful that it was still dark and Virgil couldn’t see her clearly enough to tell.

“What’s it like?” She whispered, emboldened in a moment of recklessness.


“To sleep with a Vampire.”

She heard Virgil’s gasped intake of breath, and a thrill seeped through her, knowing she had shocked him. He sat back on the sand next to her and tilted his head to look down at her, a perplexed look upon his face.

“I can’t answer that Selene. I only know what it was like with my owner, and it’s not something I would wish on anyone. Humans and Vampires are different; we aren’t meant to”  - he paused, allowing the space between them to fill with awkwardness – “be together. They’re too strong.”

Selene made a noise in the back of her throat that acknowledged this candid admission, but she wasn’t convinced. Surely there had to be some pleasure in it, some scrap of enjoyment that could be gleaned from something so intimate? But if there weren’t it would explain why human whoring went on; why men went out to find women who would sleep with them for money, why people were willing to risk so much just for the sake of having sex with another human being.

And then, as was inevitable, Selene’s thoughts drifted back to Hector, and she swallowed hard, thinking how he was the only being, human or Vampire, that she wanted. She felt incomplete without him, as though he were a piece of her that needed to be fitted before she could be whole; before she could be happy.

“But they could be gentle,” she whispered, “if they wanted to.”

“Perhaps,” Virgil admitted reluctantly. “But it would be unusual. They’re controlled by their impulses. What they do in a moment of passion is rarely regulated by the exercise of any mental control. They lose themselves to the physical sensation.”

“Could you both be quiet? I’m trying to sleep.”

Virgil and Selene jumped at the noise, having been sure Xander was sleeping.


“And Selene," said Xander, sitting up and staring at her, his eyes bleary with sleep, "Hector would never be gentle and you know it. As soon as he got near you he’d rip you apart; he would want you so much he couldn’t help but take every last part of you. He’d kill you, however much he didn’t want to. Stop kidding yourself. It’s childish.”

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