Chapter Seventeen - Trapped

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"Arthur said I can have you for the night."

Selene was still watching the door, through which Cecily and Arthur had passed only moments before. His hand had been resting on her naked hip as he pulled her lean body closer to him.

"What?" she asked, turning to where Jonathan Masters now stood. Even when she turned to look at him, she found it difficult to focus on him; difficult to concentrate on anything other than the mass of confused thoughts that swirled round and round in her head.

"I can have you tonight, so long as you only watch again."

"Do I have any choice in this?"

Jonathan frowned: the idea that one of the prisoners would have a choice in anything, unless expressly given the option, clearly bemused him.

"Never mind," said Selene, observing his confusion.

"Oh, he did make one rule," said Jonathan, leaning in to whisper. "That, no matter how turned on you are, I am not to allow you to satisfy yourself."


"You can't touch yourself."

"I wouldn't want to anyway." Selene crossed her arms over her chest.

Jonathan merely smiled.


It was cruel, Selene realised, to expose her to all this sexuality and not allow her any satisfaction. It was clear, from what Jonathan had revealed, that Arthur was going to ensure that any desire Selene felt was left unsated.

Jonathan tied her to a chair and forced her to watch him again. For her benefit, she assumed, he made it as sensual as possible, and restrained his violent urges. If Jonathan Masters had a thing for drawing blood, for extinguishing life, she had not yet witnessed it.

When he was finished he dismissed the girls - there were two this time, neither of which was one of the Selenes - and untied her.

Selene rubbed her wrists, but not because they hurt (Jonathan had used fine silk ribbons which she could barely feel), more because she had been in one position for hours. She stretched her arms over her head and stood up, extending her legs and rolling her ankles.

Jonathan had put on a long silk dressing gown, not dissimilar to the one Hector used to wear at Cadogan Place.

"Do you think you are learning from what you see here?" he asked.

Selene shrugged; she was past caring. Her arousal had soared about three hours ago to a painful almost-climax, and now she was exhausted.

Jonathan grabbed a pair of handcuffs from the side table, and snapped one onto her wrist before she had time to appreciate what was happening.

"What are you doing?" she asked, pulling away from him but finding herself bound to him as he held the other cuff.

"I told Arthur I wouldn't give you the opportunity to satisfy yourself." He pulled her other arm behind her back and snapped the cuffs closed. Then he slid the key inside her bra and stepped away from her, a moronic grin sliding over his mouth.

"I need to go to sleep." She couldn't even be bothered to react to this provocation.

Jonathan looked at his watch. "You can go now. Arthur said he would be finished by 4 am."


"Yes, with Cecily. The dancer. You know."

Selene nodded. Yes, she knew.

Jonathan unlocked the door, and a guard was waiting on the other side to take Selene down to Arthur's chambers.


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