Chapter Nineteen - Secrets

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"Don't make a sound," came the instruction of the man who clasped his hand about her mouth. "Do you know who I am?"

Selene nodded and felt the strong fingertips lift away from her face.

"Virgil?" she asked, still feeling the weight of his body on top of hers.

"Hi," he said, and Selene could tell he was smiling, even though she couldn't see his face.

"For blood's sake, did you have to lunge on me like that?"

"I didn't want to shock you. I had to make sure you weren't going to make a noise." He prised himself off the bed and switched the light on.

Selene blinked. Virgil looked as she remembered, but thinner; weaker somehow. His clothes were dirty and his skin was red with Vampire sewage.

"Have you stained me?" she asked, pulling at her jumper, inspecting it.

"No, I'm dry. Aren't you pleased to see me?"

"Gosh, yes. Sorry. Of course I am. What are you doing here?"

"I got lost in the sewage tunnels, and came up here. I couldn't find my way to the main house, and there was food and shelter here and the place seemed deserted."

"Why didn't you come to find us?" she asked.

"I didn't know how. It's only been a couple of days. I needed to work out a plan. But now you're here so I don't have to." He smiled and picked up his gun which lay on a wooden dressing table.

"I'm not alone," she said, her brow creasing.

"I figured as much. Is Xander here?"

"No. Arthur Stanley. And Jackie and Diana."

Virgil raised a hand to his forehead and let his head hang. "Great. Three Vampires. What can we do?"

"You have to hide."

"What? I have the gun. I could kill them. Take them by surprise. You could distract them for me." His face showed his excitement, but then his expression changed. "Hey, why are you with them?"

Selene bowed her head before looking back up at him. "I'm Arthur's consort."

"His what?"

"Basically his mistress. But without the sex."

Virgil frowned and a furrow appeared between his eyebrows. "I don't get it."

"It's complicated."

"You and these Stanley brothers Selene. It's not good, you know. Although I suppose I should be grateful that he hasn't killed you yet."

"Have you seen Hector?" she asked, eager to turn the conversation in a different direction.

"No. Should I have?"

"This is where he stays when he comes up here. I thought he might have come back."

"Oh. No, I haven't seen him."

"Xander's up at Epershand. I'll tell him how to get here. I'll send him for you," she whispered.

Just then a floorboard out in the hall creaked. Virgil's eyes popped wide open.

"Hide, in the cupboard," Selene hissed.

A second later Arthur stood in the doorway, a curious look upon his face.

"Zero, you really have chosen the most boring part of the house to explore. This is the old part. The servants' quarters." He reached out a hand to pull her off the bed, but as she went to clasp it he withdrew it, smiling at her.

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