Chapter Eleven - White Knight

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Selene was stunned by what she saw. Not because it was completely unexpected - she had worked with other girls who had told stories of how the Vampires had treated them after they had turned eighteen - but because it was so real, so vivid, and happening right before her eyes.

The glimmering candlelight stopped it from being too bright in the room, concealing some of what they did in shadow, adding a romance that might otherwise have been absent.

She was stunned too because of the tenderness Jonathan demonstrated, taking care to make sure the girl was pleased, pleasured. Gently stroking and kissing her, drawing murmurs of delight from her lips.

Jonathan paused in what he was doing and looked over at her. "Finish the champagne if you want," he said, nodding towards it before focussing his attention back on thirty-seven.

Selene stood up and walked towards the side table and filled her glass with the cool liquid, and sipped at it, still watching the couple on the bed. Although she had seen many people killed, bled dry, Selene had never seen anything like this.

She almost choked as a thumping started up on the door.

"Masters!" called a voice.

Jonathan ignored it, continuing to move over thirty-seven, but Selene stood frozen to the spot, watching the door as though expecting it to implode.

"Masters, unlock this door!"

"Who is it?" he called, breathlessly.

"Arthur Stanley."

"Blood, Arthur, I'm busy. Can't you come back later?" Still he continued what he was doing.

"Open the bloody door Masters. Have you got the girl in there?"

"I have two. But I've paid for both."

"Which ones?"

"Thirty-seven and Zero."


Selene's heart hopped up her throat and lodged in the back of her mouth.

"Yeh, Zero. The new one." By this point Jonathan had stopped and was kneeling back on the bed, staring at the door. His face showed a new kind of frustrated rage.

"Open the door!" The banging started up again, louder than before. "If you don't, I'll break it down."

"For blood's sake Arthur, that won't be necessary. But I will be demanding a refund; I hope you know that."

"You can have your money. Just open the door."

Selene put her glass down on the table and moved as far from the door as possible. Jonathan got down off the bed and strode naked to the door, but before he opened it he looked back at her, and seeing her terror he asked:

"Is there something I should know?"

She shook her head and pressed her flattened palms against the wall behind her.

"What's wrong?"

"He scares me."



"I won't let him hurt you. But I have to open the door." He nodded at her, his lips forming an inverted smile. He reached for the key and unlocked the door.

Arthur Stanley burst into the room, a ball of energy, still dressed in full black tie. His head whipped about, turning first in one direction then the other, taking in the scene. Thirty-seven still lay on her back in the middle of the bed, propping herself up on her elbows, wearing nothing at all.

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