Fixit asks "They're pretty big gashes alright, except the ones on your side and scars on your wrists. Drift looked to me shocked. I stared back and then looked down.

"You broke our promise!?"

"I didn't promise anything!!" I cry.

Bee asks "Woah, what's happening?" The samurai asks, "Are you aware of ShiverTooth's suicide attempts?"

Bumblebee says, "Yes but that was a long time ago?" He soon caught on "ShiverTooth! Why!?"

"I was done! I didn't want to be around anymore, so I did it! I just can't die, and I hate it!!!" Drift and Bee come over and hug me while I cry again.

I wrap my arms around Drift and Bee steps away, seeing he did something really hurtful, and Drift was the only one I trusted right now. It was fine now. I was back, I was going to be fixed. All was well. Bumblebee later explained everything and that I wasn't going to be replaced. Sideswipe tried apologizing truthfully but I didn't believe him. I probably never would.

3 days later, we were chasing after a new Decepticon. One by the name of Dragstrip. "Bumblebee to Fixit, we're in pursuit of Dragstrip." I zoom up to keep watch of Dragstrip as he activated his nitro boost and speeds ahead. I zoom down to him to find him stuck in a mud pool. Sideswipe gets there at the same time I did.

"You're quick." I say.

He says proudly "Yeah, I know." The others get to us soon enough.

Bumblebee says "ShiverTooth stay here. You're still recovering, and we don't want to infect your injuries. Sideswipe, early bot catches the con. This arrest is yours."

Sideswipe replies "ShiverTooth was first but seeing that he can't because of his scars, I'd be happy to fill in."

Bee cocks a ridge "That's... what I just said. ShiverTooth circle around to make sure Dragstrip doesn't get away." I nod and start walking around the puddle, only letting my lower legs in as they weren't scarred up. A large bubble of methane gas and mud starts up and Dragstrip ignited his engines, making a huge explosion of methane around us.

We weren't completely knocked out by it but everything sure as Frag went dark. I heard Dragstrip nervously say "Huh!? No.... Eh.... Uh... it can't be!" He didn't stick around, and he transformed and drove off. I tried to move but I couldn't open my eyes or move anything. I was in alt mode and I was stuck. Why couldn't I move? Everyone else wakes up.

"What happened?" Sideswipe asks.

Drift replies "I—- warned you about the methane."

Strongarm asks "Where am I?"

Grimlock worries "Hey! I can't see anything!"

I say "I'm stuck again! I can't see either! Who's holding me!?"

Bumblebee finally wakes up "By the primes!" He gasped.

Strongarm questions "Lieutenant, what is it? What do you see?"

Our team leader reasons "Alright team, I want you to listen to me, now don't panic, but it appears that we've somehow combined into one giant form." It was silent for a few seconds before everyone freaked out. I didn't move but whoever held me sure did. Bee tried to calm us "Autobots, settle down! Remain calm, we will figure it out! Let—- EVERYBODY QUIET!!!"

We all fall flat against the ground again. I still felt sideways, however. "I cannot transform to V-mode.... Or any other..." Drift says.

I say "I'm stuck in V-mode!"

Sideswipe exclaims "This totally rusts! Am I going to be stuck to Strongarm forever?"

"This isn't exactly a day at the car wash for me either, punk!" Strongarm argues.

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